My TRT/fat loss log

What’s up everyone, just wanted to give a quick progress update. Cut is going amazing, down to 246.6 which is a new all time low, finally back to my pre-COVID weight. My macros have been rough haha but with all the stress I’ve hardly been eating, when I do I just make sure to get in as much protein as possible. Finally seems like things are getting better so I’m looking forward to dialing in again. Shooting for 245 by September 1st, which would give me 3 months to lose 20 pounds.

TRT is going well, upped the dose to 200mg and I’m loving it, feel good 24/7 but it’s not over the top, no side effects from what I can tell. I’ll get bloodwork towards the end of September, should give me plenty of time for my numbers to stabilize. I’ll add progress pics tonight!
Your plan seems very reasonable and you're getting nice steady progress. Good job man. Nice to see a log where someone's not doing a crazy calorie deficit or way too many drugs. Keep up the good work!
You’re doing great, really happy for you, thanks for sharing your true story and being realistic about where you were, are and are going, it’s great to see the before, middle and after photos and story. Keep up the good work and once you hit your goals, learn to be happy with them and just keep it up, you don’t have to keep moving the goal line.
Hey man went through your thread and figured I'd comment. I was about 330 from 2017-2020 after taking alot of gear at 184.. 2020-2022 was rough but managed to get down to 225. 2022-2023 I ballooned to 260 from overtraining by the middle of fall after a long summer.

Gym opened up nearby Winter 2023, and went from 260 to now 196.
260 to 250 was simply lifting and dieting just below maintenance.

250 to 230 was dieting at about maintenance (2700 or so) with some Winstrol (December 12th to January 20th) as I warmed up which lead to my extremities getting super dry. I had to fight through it and continue while I came off the drugs as my goal was just somply weight loss.

230 to 220 I started cutting calories to about 2200-2500 and continued grinding (endless hours of cardio mixed with 15-25 sometimes 30 minutes of weights before or after.)

Cardio was 60-120 minutes at 2.7-3.4 mph 15% incline 4-5 days a week, followed by a day or two of 20-30 miles on the recumbent bike to give
my calves rest. Alternating. When my legs gave out I rowed 18000 meters/ 1000 calories on the days I didn't want to train lower body. It was a good "lift per say" It gave me a good pump.

220 to 205 was a continous effort but plateau'd at about 205-213 for 3 months (April to July)

205 to 195 after my plateau (which was great as I recovered by upping my calories to 3000+ weekly) I have recovered enough to run about 7 miles every other day, with the same motto of alternating to recumbent bike (much lower output than when I was heavier) and rowing the same (18000/1000 cals), with light sessions of simple lifts like benching, pullups, lat work, dumbbells (15-25 minutes).

I'm 6'0 and I'm getting back down to 180 lbs by the end of the year. I don't know what your end goal is but I understand that you want to cut some weight and I have helped a handful of friends at the gym lose a heap of weight. Hopefully I made some valid points based off my journey that'll help.

For reference, I took Stanozolol for about a month during the end of the winter to help kickstart my journey. And my test levels are quite low naturally, but may dwindle on taking some form of TRT as I get older if I need a boost. I'm 30 years old. Been in and out of the gym for about 10-12 years (on/off).

I included some photos of my journey and wish you well on yours, good luck.


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Hey man went through your thread and figured I'd comment. I was about 330 from 2017-2020 after taking alot of gear at 184.. 2020-2022 was rough but managed to get down to 225. 2022-2023 I ballooned to 260 from overtraining by the middle of fall after a long summer.

Gym opened up nearby Winter 2023, and went from 260 to now 196.
260 to 250 was simply lifting and dieting just below maintenance.

250 to 230 was dieting at about maintenance (2700 or so) with some Winstrol (December 12th to January 20th) as I warmed up which lead to my extremities getting super dry. I had to fight through it and continue while I came off the drugs as my goal was just somply weight loss.

230 to 220 I started cutting calories to about 2200-2500 and continued grinding (endless hours of cardio mixed with 15-25 sometimes 30 minutes of weights before or after.)

Cardio was 60-120 minutes at 2.7-3.4 mph 15% incline 4-5 days a week, followed by a day or two of 20-30 miles on the recumbent bike to give
my calves rest. Alternating. When my legs gave out I rowed 18000 meters/ 1000 calories on the days I didn't want to train lower body. It was a good "lift per say" It gave me a good pump.

220 to 205 was a continous effort but plateau'd at about 205-213 for 3 months (April to July)

205 to 195 after my plateau (which was great as I recovered by upping my calories to 3000+ weekly) I have recovered enough to run about 7 miles every other day, with the same motto of alternating to recumbent bike (much lower output than when I was heavier) and rowing the same (18000/1000 cals), with light sessions of simple lifts like benching, pullups, lat work, dumbbells (15-25 minutes).

I'm 6'0 and I'm getting back down to 180 lbs by the end of the year. I don't know what your end goal is but I understand that you want to cut some weight and I have helped a handful of friends at the gym lose a heap of weight. Hopefully I made some valid points based off my journey that'll help.

For reference, I took Stanozolol for about a month during the end of the winter to help kickstart my journey. And my test levels are quite low naturally, but may dwindle on taking some form of TRT as I get older if I need a boost. I'm 30 years old. Been in and out of the gym for about 10-12 years (on/off).

I included some photos of my journey and wish you well on yours, good luck.
Solid journey dawg!! good job!
Hey man went through your thread and figured I'd comment. I was about 330 from 2017-2020 after taking alot of gear at 184.. 2020-2022 was rough but managed to get down to 225. 2022-2023 I ballooned to 260 from overtraining by the middle of fall after a long summer.

Gym opened up nearby Winter 2023, and went from 260 to now 196.
260 to 250 was simply lifting and dieting just below maintenance.

250 to 230 was dieting at about maintenance (2700 or so) with some Winstrol (December 12th to January 20th) as I warmed up which lead to my extremities getting super dry. I had to fight through it and continue while I came off the drugs as my goal was just somply weight loss.

230 to 220 I started cutting calories to about 2200-2500 and continued grinding (endless hours of cardio mixed with 15-25 sometimes 30 minutes of weights before or after.)

Cardio was 60-120 minutes at 2.7-3.4 mph 15% incline 4-5 days a week, followed by a day or two of 20-30 miles on the recumbent bike to give
my calves rest. Alternating. When my legs gave out I rowed 18000 meters/ 1000 calories on the days I didn't want to train lower body. It was a good "lift per say" It gave me a good pump.

220 to 205 was a continous effort but plateau'd at about 205-213 for 3 months (April to July)

205 to 195 after my plateau (which was great as I recovered by upping my calories to 3000+ weekly) I have recovered enough to run about 7 miles every other day, with the same motto of alternating to recumbent bike (much lower output than when I was heavier) and rowing the same (18000/1000 cals), with light sessions of simple lifts like benching, pullups, lat work, dumbbells (15-25 minutes).

I'm 6'0 and I'm getting back down to 180 lbs by the end of the year. I don't know what your end goal is but I understand that you want to cut some weight and I have helped a handful of friends at the gym lose a heap of weight. Hopefully I made some valid points based off my journey that'll help.

For reference, I took Stanozolol for about a month during the end of the winter to help kickstart my journey. And my test levels are quite low naturally, but may dwindle on taking some form of TRT as I get older if I need a boost. I'm 30 years old. Been in and out of the gym for about 10-12 years (on/off).

I included some photos of my journey and wish you well on yours, good luck.
Thanks for the comment man! That’s some solid inspiration!! I definitely am going to have to up the cardio in no where near 60-120 minutes, more like 20-30 a day with an active job. Very impressive progress, I hope 180lbs comes nice and easy for you!

I’ve considered stanozolol but I’ve heard about the dry joints and decided to just stick with test for now. Considering adding in some HCG actually, as I’m kind of curious to see what my hormones would be at at a healthier weight (end goal is 205ish lbs) and I’d like to keep my nuts up and running for fertility, as well as neurosteroid synthesis.
Quick update everyone! Weighed in this morning at 242lbs after a nice hearty steak dinner the night before haha. Hoping to be 239 by next week, which will put me down 100lbs total in the last 2 years. Not insanely great fat loss progress however I have managed to build a good amount of muscle and strength in that same period of time, and I’m super happy with the progress I’ve made.

I mentioned this in my last comment but I’m considering lowering my dose and adding HCG to my TRT routine, from what I’ve read I was thinking I’d start at 500iu 3x a week and titrating up if I do decide I want to come off TRT, but as I’ve only been on 4 months and haven’t seen hardly any testicular atrophy I don’t know that I want to go on a full fertility protocol right away. I’ve read a few of the threads on this, don’t want to sound like I’m asking for spoon fed answers but if anyone recommends a different protocol I’m all ears!
100 lbs is a huge accomplishment! Don’t down play it. ….. just don’t regain it lmao.

You’ve lost a whole small woman from your belly.

Im no expert but I read 250 iu three times a week for hcg. At 500 I read the excess estrogen can be heavy. So why not start lower and check your levels?
Personally i don't get any benefits from HCG, only side effects.. mostly high estrogen levels. For those who stay in trt and don't cycle - PCT i think it's a waste of effort and money. You can upregulate neurosteroids by taking DHEA and if necessary pregnenolone as well. Cheaper and easier since it's pills.
Quick update everybody, weighed in at 237.1 this morning which marks over 100lbs lost now! Super excited to be so close to my end goal (I’d like to be hovering at just over 200).

I finally got the HCG, I’m starting at 250iu 3x a week and go from there. Probably will up it to 500iu 3x a week eventually. I was suffering from some atrophy and wasn’t a huge fan of having to run my dose so high to be in the 800’s. I’m hoping with the addition of HCG I can run 100mg/wk and keep my levels where they’re at, and potentially even come off TRT for fertility reasons. @Eddie. and @JG91 I appreciate the words of encouragement and the advice, thank you!
Hey everyone, just wanted to check back in and give a quick progress update…

So, a lot has changed in my life in the last 2 months. Ended up coming off TRT for fertility reasons, and I’m officially down to 220lbs! That makes 115lbs lost total, I went into maintenance and I’ve been sticking there since. Plan on staying there until at least after January, then cutting down to 200. I believe most of the weight loss was water retention from the TRT, thankfully I haven’t hardly lost any strength (and what I have lost has been from my poor workout schedule lately lol).

I know this was very stupid, but I decided to do essentially no PCT. I tapered off of TRT for 2 weeks, did HCG for 2 weeks, then stopped everything. Felt like garbage for about a week, then my libido/morning wood/motivation came back. I plan on getting bloodwork done to confirm but I have no doubt I’m fired back up by now.

I had a lot of stuff change in my personal life, I’ve found the Lord, got an amazing girlfriend, works been crazy, so sorry for not updating you all sooner. Attached some progress pics, and some of my pre-weightloss pics for reference. I’ll try and remember to check back in soon!


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I know this was very stupid, but I decided to do essentially no PCT. I tapered off of TRT for 2 weeks, did HCG for 2 weeks, then stopped everything. Felt like garbage for about a week, then my libido/morning wood/motivation came back.
Not stupid at all.

Congratulations on the weight loss, and I wish you well on the pregnancy. Don't do anything weird or timing or any of that. Just have sex a lot and don't stress about it.
Not stupid at all.

Congratulations on the weight loss, and I wish you well on the pregnancy. Don't do anything weird or timing or any of that. Just have sex a lot and don't stress about it.
Haha thank you for the best wishes! Thankfully not anything immediate, but I wanted to make sure I have the best possible shot at being fertile when that time comes and figured this was the best way to ensure that.
Haha thank you for the best wishes! Thankfully not anything immediate, but I wanted to make sure I have the best possible shot at being fertile when that time comes and figured this was the best way to ensure that.
Well, you are correct. Being completely off raises the odds of conception. Injecting testosterone suppresses fertility, and that is true no matter how many men doing steroids conceive children.
