Female Testosterone Usage

you are probably right. at least. I don't think Virilization is even noticed on 10mg a week.
You won't see virilization on 10mg a week injectable in the short term(a few months).
But for most women 10mg a week, long term will cause some sought of virilization, unless they are a very poor responder.
actually here we go.

significant mental wellness being on 12.5 and even more on 25

this is a 24 week study.

I personally know 2 women
1 on a troche 10mg of Test
1 on biweekly injections.

both have been on over 1+ years. they do not have sign of virlization that are present.

There are many of reports in the female section on what peoples wives are currently on. A lot of them are atleast 10mg of Test Injection a week that were prescribed by physicians.
Double check that dosage. I'm pretty sure 10mg per day is WAY beyond prescription dosage for menopause. That's more of a male trt dose. My wife use to have the cream also. I think it was more like 10mg for the whole tube.


Obviously there are outliers for all the dosing, hypo/hyper responders, poor application of cream, drawing up the medication, etc.
Wife just started on HRT. Dr. Prescribed 20mg test cyp subcutaneous 2x week. Anastrozole 1mg 2x week.

This came after taking testosterone lozenges for 6 months, and test levels actually decreasing over time. Total Testosterone level was at 8ng while taking lozenges. Will update here with bloods in the next week or so.
This seems like an obscenely high dose to me.
Wife just started on HRT. Dr. Prescribed 20mg test cyp subcutaneous 2x week. Anastrozole 1mg 2x week.

This came after taking testosterone lozenges for 6 months, and test levels actually decreasing over time. Total Testosterone level was at 8ng while taking lozenges. Will update here with bloods in the next week or so.
This seems like an obscenely high dose to me.
It is an insanely high dose for a woman. My wife was started on 15mg cyp weekly and now she’s at 10mg weekly and has seen drastic improvements simce
Dropping to 10mg. I’ve seen some women take as high as 20mg weekly but never 40 you’re gonna be married to a man before long.
yes insane dosages for a lady... is this one of those wink wink steroid clinics?

u sure its not 20mg per week ie 10mg 2x a week? even 20mg a week from my understanding is up there never mind 40mg some dudes are at 60-70mg... ~0.5-1mg a day IIRC for ladies ie ladies make 1/10 to 1/20 of mans test levels...so 100mg test cyp man dose is 5-10mg a week for ladies...
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yes insane dosages for a lady... is this one of those wink wink steroid clinics?

u sure its not 20mg per week ie 10mg 2x a week? even 20mg a week from my understanding is up there never mind 40mg some dudes are at 60-70mg... ~0.5-1mg a day IIRC for ladies ie ladies make 1/10 to 1/20 of mans test levels...so 100mg test cyp man dose is 5-10mg a week for ladies...
We live in an affluent area and this is one of the top drs in The area for aesthetics and wellness. It’s basically a dr for housewives to get Botox, hrt, different types of skin treatments. This is not some hole in the wall joint, it’s like a big fancy practice.

I totally agree though. 40mg/week is like getting close to a “transitioning” dose. I wish there was more accessible data available for female testosterone therapy, but as much as I research, there is very little.

I think we’re going to lower the dose by 50% to 20mg/week, get bloods, and reevaluate. I also agree that 5-10mg/week is a much more “common” dose. It does pose difficulty in actual dosing though, as the cyp she was prescribed is 200mg/ml. So actually dosing .025ml 2x/week(to be at 10mg/week) is going to be super hard without diluting it further. Maybe a question for a different thread, but I suppose I can just get grape-seed oil and cut the mixture? And then in the future just have it compounded at say 50mg/ml for more accurate dosing?
We live in an affluent area and this is one of the top drs in The area for aesthetics and wellness. It’s basically a dr for housewives to get Botox, hrt, different types of skin treatments. This is not some hole in the wall joint, it’s like a big fancy practice.

I totally agree though. 40mg/week is like getting close to a “transitioning” dose. I wish there was more accessible data available for female testosterone therapy, but as much as I research, there is very little.

I think we’re going to lower the dose by 50% to 20mg/week, get bloods, and reevaluate. I also agree that 5-10mg/week is a much more “common” dose. It does pose difficulty in actual dosing though, as the cyp she was prescribed is 200mg/ml. So actually dosing .025ml 2x/week(to be at 10mg/week) is going to be super hard without diluting it further. Maybe a question for a different thread, but I suppose I can just get grape-seed oil and cut the mixture? And then in the future just have it compounded at say 50mg/ml for more accurate dosing?
You can just dose 10mg (.05ml) once a week and see how she does. With such small doses the peaks and troughs are much less pronounced than with men. My wife just takes one shot a week of 10mg and she doesn’t get any crash from that like men do but again our doses are so much higher the peaks/troughs are far more pronounced with us than it is with women.
We live in an affluent area and this is one of the top drs in The area for aesthetics and wellness. It’s basically a dr for housewives to get Botox, hrt, different types of skin treatments. This is not some hole in the wall joint, it’s like a big fancy practice.

I totally agree though. 40mg/week is like getting close to a “transitioning” dose. I wish there was more accessible data available for female testosterone therapy, but as much as I research, there is very little.

I think we’re going to lower the dose by 50% to 20mg/week, get bloods, and reevaluate. I also agree that 5-10mg/week is a much more “common” dose. It does pose difficulty in actual dosing though, as the cyp she was prescribed is 200mg/ml. So actually dosing .025ml 2x/week(to be at 10mg/week) is going to be super hard without diluting it further. Maybe a question for a different thread, but I suppose I can just get grape-seed oil and cut the mixture? And then in the future just have it compounded at say 50mg/ml for more accurate dosing?
grab some .3ml insulin syringes.
Wife just started on HRT. Dr. Prescribed 20mg test cyp subcutaneous 2x week. Anastrozole 1mg 2x week.

I totally agree though. 40mg/week is like getting close to a “transitioning” dose. I wish there was more accessible data available for female testosterone therapy, but as much as I research, there is very little.
I'm reading this with disbelief. It is medically irresponsible/reckless to call this female HRT - regardless of the prestige of the clinic. Especially considering the use of 2mg Arimidex for a women to block aromatization.

You may be joking about calling it a "transitioning dose" but 40mg per week of test cyp is much closer to transitioning dose than it is to a female HRT dose.

We've recently discussed a study where the actual real-world transitioning dose for FtM was 46mg per week of test cyp to maintain a normal testosterone range of 521 pg/dl in trans men.

91.4% were at normal range, around 521.4 ng/dL on only 46 mg a week of testosterone.
I'm reading this with disbelief. It is medically irresponsible/reckless to call this female HRT - regardless of the prestige of the clinic. Especially considering the use of 2mg Arimidex for a women to block aromatization.

You may be joking about calling it a "transitioning dose" but 40mg per week of test cyp is much closer to transitioning dose than it is to a female HRT dose.

We've recently discussed a study where the actual real-world transitioning dose for FtM was 46mg per week of test cyp to maintain a normal testosterone range of 521 pg/dl in trans men.
Yea, not really joking at all. The only information I could find regarding doses in females that high were minimum transitioning doses at 50mg/week.
I'm reading this with disbelief. It is medically irresponsible/reckless to call this female HRT - regardless of the prestige of the clinic. Especially considering the use of 2mg Arimidex for a women to block aromatization.

You may be joking about calling it a "transitioning dose" but 40mg per week of test cyp is much closer to transitioning dose than it is to a female HRT dose.

We've recently discussed a study where the actual real-world transitioning dose for FtM was 46mg per week of test cyp to maintain a normal testosterone range of 521 pg/dl in trans men.

Excellent concise summary:

50 mg/week test ester is order of magnitude higher than responsible starting dose at 3 to 5 mg/week. Follow up with blood workabd symptoms at 6 and 12 weeks. Go from there.

A more aggressive approach but still no where near 50 mg/week test ester equivalent...

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Just use less cream?
The cream is dosed for a man (50mg per click) , but will be used by a lady whose doc doesn’t prescribe test for women because “it’s a male sex hormone” which we know to be incorrect. Yes looking for new doc, but in the meantime I want her to be on a safe starting HRT dose for a menopausal women, which would be around 3mg. There just isn’t a way to split one little click of cream into that many tiny parts with any accuracy. Hence the query
The cream is dosed for a man (50mg per click) , but will be used by a lady whose doc doesn’t prescribe test for women because “it’s a male sex hormone” which we know to be incorrect. Yes looking for new doc, but in the meantime I want her to be on a safe starting HRT dose for a menopausal women, which would be around 3mg. There just isn’t a way to split one little click of cream into that many tiny parts with any accuracy. Hence the query
Use a .001 or maybe a .01 digital scale. Weigh "1 click" of cream, than measure out 9 "clicks" of body lotion. Put it in a empty lotion bottle and shake to your hearts content. You can put an empty peptide vial or something in the bottle to improve the mixing. This will make 5mg/click by weight.
You can even mix a drop of food coloring into the test cream and mix 1st. It'll give you a visual cue to fully mixed. I'd do 5 or 10 clicks at least or whatever is best for the mixing bottle you use.

Best to see what the base is on the test cream and try to match it on your lotion (glycerine or water base, whatever).

This what I'd do if I just didn't wanna waste the cream. Otherwise, Just use a slin pin and do some math with your oil. Just be conservative
The cream is dosed for a man (50mg per click) , but will be used by a lady whose doc doesn’t prescribe test for women because “it’s a male sex hormone” which we know to be incorrect. Yes looking for new doc, but in the meantime I want her to be on a safe starting HRT dose for a menopausal women, which would be around 3mg. There just isn’t a way to split one little click of cream into that many tiny parts with any accuracy. Hence the query

ya not worth the risk.. likely won't absorb well if try and mix it with anything esp lotion. you will never get dose right.. keep in mind those lotions are super precise dosing to begin with ie concentration can be off 10% and metered pump can be slightly off as well due to pressure temp etc.

just wait the few weeks. set up a session with an HRT specialist compounding pharmacist. they will line ur lady up and far better explaining things to her DR. OR help point u in the right direction...
Use a .001 or maybe a .01 digital scale. Weigh "1 click" of cream, than measure out 9 "clicks" of body lotion. Put it in a empty lotion bottle and shake to your hearts content. You can put an empty peptide vial or something in the bottle to improve the mixing. This will make 5mg/click by weight.
You can even mix a drop of food coloring into the test cream and mix 1st. It'll give you a visual cue to fully mixed. I'd do 5 or 10 clicks at least or whatever is best for the mixing bottle you use.

Best to see what the base is on the test cream and try to match it on your lotion (glycerine or water base, whatever).

This what I'd do if I just didn't wanna waste the cream. Otherwise, Just use a slin pin and do some math with your oil. Just be conservative
This is fantastic advice, thank you!
just fyi its not lol.. transdermal are not just normal creams and they even say don't use cream as affects absorption.. ive made them, he hasn't... go to a dr and leave it to the pros esp for ladies...
You are right.
Someone I know, in her 50s, was given the sachets, that contain around 40mg test each. She is supposed to take 5mg a day and has found a way of dosing it with one of those tiny lab measuring spoons. At the beginning, she just used up a few doses to try it out and find the one that would give her the amount required, so in the end one sachet lasted her 8 days.
Obviously, it is not as accurate as injecting it, but for people who don't want to or don't have access to injectables for women (which is the case where we live), it is close enough to the ideal dosage she needs, all things considered.
As for rates of absorption, she tested her levels after starting taking it (not sure how long after) and it appeared to have worked fine.
I suppose if one needs to take an even smaller dose, say 2.5mg, then it would be kind of easy to adjust.
Like I say, not precise and ideal, but if that's all one can do, it's better than nothing.