Female Testosterone Usage

just fyi its not lol.. transdermal are not just normal creams and they even say don't use cream as affects absorption.. ive made them, he hasn't... go to a dr and leave it to the pros esp for ladies...
True, I have not. My post was my 1st thought on it. And it would be stupid to not read the packaging before doing anything like that. If it said to not use other lotions while using it, I'd listen, I'd also research why... I guess I need to be careful sharing my "first thoughts" because not everyone does their own due diligence, and they just read a comment a follow blindly.
Wife just started on HRT. Dr. Prescribed 20mg test cyp subcutaneous 2x week. Anastrozole 1mg 2x week.

This came after taking testosterone lozenges for 6 months, and test levels actually decreasing over time. Total Testosterone level was at 8ng while taking lozenges. Will update here with bloods in the next week or so.
This seems like an obscenely high dose to me.
Yes it most likely is a high dose. 6 - 8 mg a week seems to be the sweet spot.