My Tren Ace Experience With Blood Work Changes.

Why does none of this data exist today? It’s as if all the pharma activity leading up to the drug’s approval and all the subsequent info from approaching 2 decades of filled Parabolan perceptions was simply erased from existence.
Unfortunately science has been politicized like everything else on this planet.
Sounds like clickbait BS to gather views and increase his income $$$.

I have run trenbolone several times, and at doses that were irresponsible, and yet, never really wanted to get arrested just for the experience of being gang raped by dudes, nor have any pegging, nor seeking out transexual hookers (gross).

The negative affect upon sleep is the main reason I find it not to be a good body building drug.

Not anything to do with my butthole or tranny hooker buttholes or my butthole and tranny hookers.
I think some people like to play things up all super hyperbolic for dramatic or rhetorical effect. And to your point, yes, 100% in some cases in a desire to attract clicks and views.

This is not to say I don't think the mental effects are significant because they sure as fuck are. However, my general thoughts are that if you are a pretty together person and your dosage is not insane the mental sides can be managed by being self-aware and mindful. In all probability people are going to have a lower threshold for annoyances, and are going to be more aggressive in their day to day life. As long as they go into it eyes wide open I don't see the sides as a deal breaker.
I think some people like to play things up all super hyperbolic for dramatic or rhetorical effect. And to your point, yes, 100% in some cases in a desire to attract clicks and views.

This is not to say I don't think the mental effects are significant because they sure as fuck are. However, my general thoughts are that if you are a pretty together person and your dosage is not insane the mental sides can be managed by being self-aware and mindful. In all probability people are going to have a lower threshold for annoyances, and are going to be more aggressive in their day to day life. As long as they go into it eyes wide open I don't see the sides as a deal breaker.
I did not say there were not mental effects. I agree with you, there. But tranny hooker seeking or pegging? No.

Guaranteed to make folks click on the video and watch, though. The more outrageous the better for views.
The only side I get from Tren is feeling winded and lacking cardio. Some nights are sweaty too. Never been over 400 mg per week ace though.

All of the weird psycho sex stuff and aggressive behavior seems so bizarre to me. It almost seems like some guys need an outlet for deviant behavior so they blame the tren. Kind of like how some assholes blame the alcohol.

Sorry for the hot take and hard to swallow pills.
Have you tried this thing?
What do you think about what the guys are saying here?

Sorry to drag you into this, but I really wanted to.
Stop questioning my decisions, please.

Take the stage :)
All of the weird psycho sex stuff and aggressive behavior seems so bizarre to me. It almost seems like some guys need an outlet for deviant behavior so they blame the tren.
19-nors are notorious for their effect on the brain. The interference of nandrolone and dopamine is well documented. But as always, individual response is the main culprit. Some get those effects, others don't.

And let's set the record straight on the sexual deviation thing: everyone has the right to do whatever they want, consensually, with another person. Tren may act as an amplifier of ones kinks, that's all.
19-nors are notorious for their effect on the brain. The interference of nandrolone and dopamine is well documented. But as always, individual response is the main culprit. Some get those effects, others don't.

And let's set the record straight on the sexual deviation thing: everyone has the right to do whatever they want, consensually, with another person. Tren may act as an amplifier of ones kinks, that's all.
Not judging. Alcohol does the same thing. So do things like coke. Pervs become pervier. Violent folks become more violent. Etc.