Fertility and young age TRT


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I’ve been ordering from Meso sources for awhile but am just now posting so I can unlock privileges. Pretty much am here to poke around and see what sources have and also to learn how to best get my wife pregnant. I’m 26 and she’s 25 and I’m guessing I’m infertile cause we haven’t used protection ever and never pull out and we’ve been together for over 3 years. I started TRT at 19 after getting a test result of 340ng/dl when I was 17. Tried HCG mono therapy and clomid mono therapy for the two years in between cause no doc wanted to prescribe to a teen. Levels were raised from clomid but felt horrible. So jumped on the needle. Long story short just trying to knock up the wife, who knows what it’ll take to get the swimmers back
Have you been taking HCG while on TRT? I hope you have been as the HCG will have kept some activity in your testicles and it will be easier to "bring them back to life". You need to go get a sperm analysis as soon as possible then you will know what your sperm baseline is on TRT. Likely then you will need to do high dosage HCG, HMG, and take your trt dose as low as possible. HCG dose of about 2500 - 4000 weekly and HMG of 150 - 300 weekly is what I remember guys using off the top of my head but it varies widely. Some guys need half that, some guys need more. HMG is expensive and there are not a ton of suppliers who are legit.

It takes about 65 days for sperm to mature and be ready to go. If it was me I would start the fertility drugs and just continue to try and get her pregnant. If she doesn't get pregnant then at about 90 days get another sperm analysis. If sperm quality is still poor you can just carry on and get another sperm analysis 60 to 90 days later but there are no guarantees.

If your main priority is to get her pregnant though the best thing would be to come off of trt, use HCG and HMG to get your balls going, and go back to natural state. Some guys achieve fertility on TRT and others cannot. It's kind of up to you if you want to try the fertility drugs while on testosterone. It might work, but it might just make the journey much longer.

There are a number of threads where people track their process of becoming fertile again and there are guys here who have gone through the process and are much more knowledgeable on it than I am.
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That’s a lot more of a helpful response than I ever expected so thank you. I haven’t done AAS in years and have been on about 185mg T for awhile now. Have been taking HCG for close to a year and gradually keep bumping up the dose. Have been on about 2000iu for 6 months but am going up to 3500iu a week (taken EOD). I’m with you on the scheduling of things, sperm test is definitely first thing to do for us. Depending on the result, I’ll get some HMG and look into enclomiphene. I really dread having to come off testosterone and part of that is because clomid made me damn near suicidal when I tried it. I hated it. Although I’ve heard that enclomiphene really mitigates the estrogen related side effects. But I’ll do some combination of HCG, HMG, and enclomiphene. I appreciate you linking those threads those are just what I was looking for. Would ideally not want to have to come off but will if necessary. I guess we’ll know how we’re looking once I get sperm results back
If I could somehow get back to my younger years, and have the freedom of today, I'd use test very early to get a huge peepee :D ....
That’s a lot more of a helpful response than I ever expected so thank you. I haven’t done AAS in years and have been on about 185mg T for awhile now. Have been taking HCG for close to a year and gradually keep bumping up the dose. Have been on about 2000iu for 6 months but am going up to 3500iu a week (taken EOD). I’m with you on the scheduling of things, sperm test is definitely first thing to do for us. Depending on the result, I’ll get some HMG and look into enclomiphene. I really dread having to come off testosterone and part of that is because clomid made me damn near suicidal when I tried it. I hated it. Although I’ve heard that enclomiphene really mitigates the estrogen related side effects. But I’ll do some combination of HCG, HMG, and enclomiphene. I appreciate you linking those threads those are just what I was looking for. Would ideally not want to have to come off but will if necessary. I guess we’ll know how we’re looking once I get sperm results back
IMO just do the HCG + HMG. Enclo is a waste at that stage. Use enclo if you decide to come off trt and would be started towards the end of HCG + HMG. Enclo boosts lh + FSH but if you are on TRT, HCG, and HMG enclo will likely do nothing but cost money and add side effects. Use the enclo money for more HMG.