Finally Introducing Myself


New Member
Hey party people, introducing myself to do more lurking and research.

I've (33 F) been on the weight loss train for a long time and am on my 3rd run to lose over 100lbs, this time incorporating professional strength training, mental wellness, and making sure I don't gain again.
I'm trying to focus on healing my body and being able to maintain my weight loss. Peptides, aminos, and other tools have been a game changer for me. In the past, I've only focused on diet, which ended with regain and muscle mass loss. Womp. Womp. Third time's a charm, right?

I'm currently focused on strength training and workouts 3x a week.
10mg Tirz 1x a week.
.25 Sema 1x a week.

I've just started BPC-157 on rest days when the soreness is intense and Amino Asylums The Shredder as needed.

I'm interested in learning more about home brewing, learning best practices, and building a community of support.

Any advice and pointers would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!! :)
my advice is ur strenght training should be 90% squats. find a position that works and train for a deep squat where your thighs touch your calves for best results. good luck
my advice is ur strenght training should be 90% squats. find a position that works and train for a deep squat where your thighs touch your calves for best results. good luck
Thanks so much!!
My Wednesday workouts have squats, glute bridges, crunches, and lunges involved with weights while Fridays are dedicated to bodyweight strength endurance.

My thighs and butt are howling after these workouts!! It gets easier, right? :p lol
yes you will eventually evolve to like the howling butt pain after u see the results and it becomes a necessity to feel it in your life. keep up tjhe hard work!! taurine is the best supplement to help with leg cramps if u get those