Finished 2 month cycle, considering TRT


New Member
Quick stats:
35 y/o male 190lb 12%bf
Couple oral cycles when younger, one cycle test+EQ last year

Just finished current cycle of low test, mid tren + anavar and really liked the results. 2 months on approximately 150 test prop/week + gradually increasing tren from 210 to 350 / week. First month was 20mg anavar daily. Went from static 179lb to 190 with same or lower bf%. Loved the results, but w/o making this a cycle log I'll just say the tren sides really did start to take a toll. Mainly just the acid reflux and trensomnia becoming too much.

I've been about a week off the last dose of tren but continued on with test and upped it to around 350/wk. Also taking 10mg var preworkout if I feel like it. I'm just wanting to stick with this for a bit but wondering when I might enter permanent shutdown/commitment to TRT territory
Quick stats:
35 y/o male 190lb 12%bf
Couple oral cycles when younger, one cycle test+EQ last year

Just finished current cycle of low test, mid tren + anavar and really liked the results. 2 months on approximately 150 test prop/week + gradually increasing tren from 210 to 350 / week. First month was 20mg anavar daily. Went from static 179lb to 190 with same or lower bf%. Loved the results, but w/o making this a cycle log I'll just say the tren sides really did start to take a toll. Mainly just the acid reflux and trensomnia becoming too much.

I've been about a week off the last dose of tren but continued on with test and upped it to around 350/wk. Also taking 10mg var preworkout if I feel like it. I'm just wanting to stick with this for a bit but wondering when I might enter permanent shutdown/commitment to TRT territory
There are some stories on here of guys being on for years, dropping test completely, and still recovering to have normal testosterone levels. Not a ton but i remember a few. Everyone's body reacts differently and there is no concrete answer for you. There's no time frame that once you cross, TRT is the only option. Many more guys may recover just fine, but have no reason to continue being here so never log on to update the members here.

Hopefully you got pre cycle bloods to see your natural test level number. And you can compare well after cycles to see how you yourself recover.

Regardless, a decision at your age to go on TRT for life is a big decision not to be taken lightly. I mean, would you go the clinic route, try to get a script from your doctor or risk buying online for the long term. Think long and hard before making that decision.
There are some stories on here of guys being on for years, dropping test completely, and still recovering to have normal testosterone levels. Not a ton but i remember a few. Everyone's body reacts differently and there is no concrete answer for you. There's no time frame that once you cross, TRT is the only option. Many more guys may recover just fine, but have no reason to continue being here so never log on to update the members here.

Hopefully you got pre cycle bloods to see your natural test level number. And you can compare well after cycles to see how you yourself recover.

Regardless, a decision at your age to go on TRT for life is a big decision not to be taken lightly. I mean, would you go the clinic route, try to get a script from your doctor or risk buying online for the long term. Think long and hard before making that decision.
Yeah, I did bloods before during and after. After last cycle I came back to my regular 600. I suppose ill full stop at 90 days but just sad to have to deal with the rebound. Def had some bloat and fat retention after last time