Finished pct


Well-known Member
I ran my first cycle and finished it end of September. Waited two weeks ran pct Clomid 100/50/50/50 it's been 2 weeks since then and my nipples are puffy again the last few days. I battled gyno for a bit on cycle. Any suggestions? Run some nolvadex? Take Adex? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
that's where I'd start. If your joints get creaky and you start feeling like shit lower the dose. I wouldn't go any higher than that but everyone's different. If the Adex doesn't solve the problem, add 10mg of nolva along with it.
that's where I'd start. If your joints get creaky and you start feeling like shit lower the dose. I wouldn't go any higher than that but everyone's different. If the Adex doesn't solve the problem, add 10mg of nolva along with it.

Thanks a lot man