First blast PEDs?


New Member
Ideas for the first blast?

I've been training for almost ten years, at the end of last year I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels. I'm 34 year old.
I currently use 0.6ml/week of testosterone. Also 250IU HCG three times a week. At 0.9ml T/week, I developed hormonal acne on my face.
Tried Oxandrolone from goldenlabs, but it gave me stomach upset and headaches, even at 20mg.
Do you think drostalone would be appropriate for a blast? If so should I increase the dose to 0.9-1ml/week and use a 1:1 ratio of the two PEDs? Or low doses like 0.6ml test and 0.6ml drostalone should be fine?

greeting from hungary

What range was your natural testosteron levels? Total Test and free Test? What Test Ester you are injecting now in what concentration?

Anavar itself does NOT give you headache, if you say you got acne, you probably have high E2 levels, that's also what give you headache.

Please do bloodwork first before adding any compunds!

To answer your question:
Masteron/Drosta. is a short-acting injectable AAS that can either be used in lean-bulking cycles or cutting, contest prep cycles. It is quite safe for everyone except those who are prone to hair loss, so it can be used by beginners and advanced users alike. It should not aromatize (there are always exceptions).
Ideally, the Testosterone dose should be equal or slightly higher than the Masteron dose in order to not experience low nor high estrogen levels. The best Testosterone esters to run with Masteron would be Enanthate, Cypionate and Sustanon.

What range was your natural testosteron levels? Total Test and free Test? What Test Ester you are injecting now in what concentration?

Anavar itself does NOT give you headache, if you say you got acne, you probably have high E2 levels, that's also what give you headache.

Please do bloodwork first before adding any compunds!

To answer your question:
Masteron/Drosta. is a short-acting injectable AAS that can either be used in lean-bulking cycles or cutting, contest prep cycles. It is quite safe for everyone except those who are prone to hair loss, so it can be used by beginners and advanced users alike. It should not aromatize (there are always exceptions).
Ideally, the Testosterone dose should be equal or slightly higher than the Masteron dose in order to not experience low nor high estrogen levels. The best Testosterone esters to run with Masteron would be Enanthate, Cypionate and Sustanon.

I did. Thats my bloodwork hormon panel with 0.9ml/week testosterone enanthat from Hilmebiocare + Pharmacy HCG (Ovitrelle) 250IU 3 times/week
FSH: 0.3 IU/L
Prolactin: 165 mlU/L
E2: 288.8 pmol/L
total t: 33.20 nmol/L
free t: 1097 nmol/L
bio av. t.: 27.940 nmol/L
SHBG: 6.6 nmol/L

But at that level I had a very nasty hormonal acne that the surgeon had to cut out.
So I have now reduced it to 0.6ml/week.
But my mood has got worse, and I'm starting to do worse in the gym.
I have 20ml of drostanolone, so it can be used, although I'm a bit worried about hair loss.
Salicylic acid 2%, benzoil peroxide, AHA acids 20%.
I think benzol peroxide twice a day helps a lot. Before started to use T had almost zero acne on my face.
its gonna sound crazy, but try dawn dishsoap
first thing in the morning wash your face with dawn and take a break from all the harsh shit.

for me, when i went overboard with all the acne treatments it did so much damage to my skin it actually made the acne worse in some cases.

How often do you change your pillowcase?
hows your bloodwork? e2 levels?
Any tips how to deal with acne? my hygiene is perfect
Shower twice a day with benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid soap, or use dawn if you get better results
Go to bed in a clean t-shirt every night
Go to bed with a clean pillowcase every night
Remove dairy/acne exacerbating food from diet