First cycle advice for BB & cycling


Hi guys, long time lurker here.
Im gonna ask for milionth time for advice for first cycle.

Little backround info:
M 27yo, 89kg, 180cm, around 17-18% BF.
Been lifting in highschool for 3 years but not ideally, than stopped cause work (truck driving, starting company) and i got fat. I was 108kg fat slop at my peak, that was 3 years ago. Stopped driving and focused on my health more, started eating healthy again, strted lifting, droped bw to 81kg at my lowest point, from that point i enjoyed lifting, have training plan that i strictly follow (PPL 5 times per week, legs only once), with deload weeks when i need them. Diet is whole foods / clean with occasional cheat meal. 0 drinking (almost 4 years sober), no drugs, non smoker, 8-9 sleep every night, 45-60min fast paced walks almost daily for cardio.

My goals are not BB only as i enjoy cycling from spring to summer. Ussually i do around 200-250km weekly / 50km daily under 2 hours on mtb. Paired with weight training, i have hard time with recovery, even when i dont train legs in gym often during my cycling season.

This year i would like to push more time / km on bike and im thinking about trying AAS for first time. Never done anything PED related but i was always interested.

Ive read ton of stuff about first cycle advice, but its mainly for BB/strenght/aesthetics purposes. im looking to stick to testosterone only, not interested in other compounds. But, im not sure if 500mg / week of test is ideal as i dont wanna be too heavy and hold that much additional water weight (affraid of hit on cardio), also i would like to run it for longer than ussual 16 weeks, ideally 20-24 weeks for cycling season. Im mainly interested in recovery boost and also curious about mental effects of test on me.

So, question is, should i go for 500mg / week for 16 weeks or lower dose for longer? Im trying to be as heatlhy as possible. Some weight/mussle gain would be great but its not main priority.

Also, my health markers are good, im on Humira for Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis, had EKG done, lung, liver tests, etc, everything is good and im healthy (despite years of terrible lifestyle and obesity).

If i will go down this route, plan is to start around march/april, until then cut under 15% BF.

Any advice will be great, i dont have people around that could/should give advice around AAS, people here dont know what they are doing mostly...
Also, sorry for gramar mistakes, im not natove english speaker.
500 mg/week Test Cypionate for 16 weeks is pretty good. It's a little long in some opinions, but it's not going to destroy your health, even at 20 - 24 weeks. Keep an eye on blood pressure, and hopefully you've got ancillaries. e.g. Exemestane to keep aromatase and estrogen in check.

Keep your diet nice and clean. For most people, you won't "feel" anything from Test, it does kind of vary from person to person. You might notice a feeling of well being, but you shouldn't worry a ton about some kind of roid rage or anything, that's more of a myth. Let us know how it goes if you proceed.
16 weeks is not ideal for a fist cycle .. you need to get the diet and training down first .. before taking anything you need to see where your levels are at since your 27 .. if it’s high , no reason to mess it up now .. wait a few more years ..
500 mg/week Test Cypionate for 16 weeks is pretty good. It's a little long in some opinions, but it's not going to destroy your health, even at 20 - 24 weeks. Keep an eye on blood pressure, and hopefully you've got ancillaries. e.g. Exemestane to keep aromatase and estrogen in check.

Keep your diet nice and clean. For most people, you won't "feel" anything from Test, it does kind of vary from person to person. You might notice a feeling of well being, but you shouldn't worry a ton about some kind of roid rage or anything, that's more of a myth. Let us know how it goes if you proceed.
I check my BP regularly and never seen it higher than 120/70. My dad has genetic dissiese with hearth, thickening of hearth valve (not sure how its properly called), ive had genetic / dna test and i dont have that gene but i like to be carefull.
About roid rage and that side of things, im calm and reasonable person in general, im not worried that i became asshole or that type of response. Just guys i know that are on test are always talking about how it "feels good". But thats just my curiosity about it.
16 weeks is not ideal for a fist cycle .. you need to get the diet and training down first .. before taking anything you need to see where your levels are at since your 27 .. if it’s high , no reason to mess it up now .. wait a few more years ..
Ive had my hormonal panel checked:
LH: 6.11 IU/l, ref. 1.21-11.48
FSH: 4.14 IU/l, ref. 1.9-18.9
Prolactin: 11 ng/ml, ref. 2.10-17.70
Estradiol: 45.23 pmol/l, ref. 0.0-181
Progesterone: 1.04 nmol/l, ref. 0.71-4.62
Testosterone: 12.17nmol/l, ref. 7,0-26,0

They doesnt do free test and shbg, i would have to go to capital city 100km away...
Ive had my hormonal panel checked:
LH: 6.11 IU/l, ref. 1.21-11.48
FSH: 4.14 IU/l, ref. 1.9-18.9
Prolactin: 11 ng/ml, ref. 2.10-17.70
Estradiol: 45.23 pmol/l, ref. 0.0-181
Progesterone: 1.04 nmol/l, ref. 0.71-4.62
Testosterone: 12.17nmol/l, ref. 7,0-26,0

They doesnt do free test and shbg, i would have to go to capital city 100km away...
What’s this the metric system
It’s in range but that’s very low for 27 male
I know, i have morning wood almost every morning but not that strong, sometimes trouble recovering from workouts but mainly during cycling season and its taxing on body. Also no desire to have sex, for years. But thats not that bad for me, it may hve some positive effects.

Unfortunately, in my country there is no option to go on Trt, only posibility is for men 40+ with levels under 250ng/dl i think and its nebido injection every 12 weeks? Im not sure about numbers...
This is also reason why i wanna try cycle for first time, despite my goal is not to "be big".

Ive had motocycle addcident on track when i was 19, i hit grass with head at 150km/h. Doctors did MRI and everything was okay, luckily but it may did some damage.

This hormonal panel check is from last summer when i was not fat anymore (around 15% BF?), i dont wanna imagine how low my levels were during my fat phase ...
Drink a 6 pack of beer the night before to get tested from the doctor.. it’ll lower the test score
I dont drink alcohol at all, for almost 4 years and dont plan to do that in future.

Anyway, in my country its not possible to have testosterone prescribed if you are under 40, your levels dont matter. Endocrynologist wont even see you for this issue. But this is topic for another discusion, healthcare system is in flames here....
Hi guys, long time lurker here.
Im gonna ask for milionth time for advice for first cycle.

Little backround info:
M 27yo, 89kg, 180cm, around 17-18% BF.
Been lifting in highschool for 3 years but not ideally, than stopped cause work (truck driving, starting company) and i got fat. I was 108kg fat slop at my peak, that was 3 years ago. Stopped driving and focused on my health more, started eating healthy again, strted lifting, droped bw to 81kg at my lowest point, from that point i enjoyed lifting, have training plan that i strictly follow (PPL 5 times per week, legs only once), with deload weeks when i need them. Diet is whole foods / clean with occasional cheat meal. 0 drinking (almost 4 years sober), no drugs, non smoker, 8-9 sleep every night, 45-60min fast paced walks almost daily for cardio.

My goals are not BB only as i enjoy cycling from spring to summer. Ussually i do around 200-250km weekly / 50km daily under 2 hours on mtb. Paired with weight training, i have hard time with recovery, even when i dont train legs in gym often during my cycling season.

This year i would like to push more time / km on bike and im thinking about trying AAS for first time. Never done anything PED related but i was always interested.

Ive read ton of stuff about first cycle advice, but its mainly for BB/strenght/aesthetics purposes. im looking to stick to testosterone only, not interested in other compounds. But, im not sure if 500mg / week of test is ideal as i dont wanna be too heavy and hold that much additional water weight (affraid of hit on cardio), also i would like to run it for longer than ussual 16 weeks, ideally 20-24 weeks for cycling season. Im mainly interested in recovery boost and also curious about mental effects of test on me.

So, question is, should i go for 500mg / week for 16 weeks or lower dose for longer? Im trying to be as heatlhy as possible. Some weight/mussle gain would be great but its not main priority.

Also, my health markers are good, im on Humira for Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis, had EKG done, lung, liver tests, etc, everything is good and im healthy (despite years of terrible lifestyle and obesity).

If i will go down this route, plan is to start around march/april, until then cut under 15% BF.

Any advice will be great, i dont have people around that could/should give advice around AAS, people here dont know what they are doing mostly...
Also, sorry for gramar mistakes, im not natove english speaker.
idk what your current goal is. for a starter cycle at your size for cutting speficially i would either do 250-300mg test e/c a week. and add 20g of anavar. or if your goal is just to gain as much mass bump it up to 500-600mg test e a week with no anavar
so i just read your full post. defiently 250-300mg test e/c a week for 16-24 weeks it dosent matter since you most likely wont hurt yourself with those dosages and get bloodwork. sorry for recommending anavar you shouldnt do orals for that long lol
idk what your current goal is. for a starter cycle at your size for cutting speficially i would either do 250-300mg test e/c a week. and add 20g of anavar. or if your goal is just to gain as much mass bump it up to 500-600mg test e a week with no anavar
Goal is enhanced recovery first and small-ish bump in muscle mass and muscle endurance. Plan to cut to lower BF before march / april, with or without test cycle anyway.
Im just not sure if it will help with these goals and if 500mg/week is good starting dose or if i should go lower, 250-350mg/week.

I dont know anyone in my circle that has these goals, but people using gear here are bit dumb. Everybody is using ml's instead of mg's, nobody is doin any kind of blood work, most people blast just to get away with eating whatever they wanna and ideally, they combine test with tren for most part of the year. You could hear guys talking about "cutting testosterone" and "bulking testosterone", you can imagine... Im trying to be more smart about it.
Goal is enhanced recovery first and small-ish bump in muscle mass and muscle endurance. Plan to cut to lower BF before march / april, with or without test cycle anyway.
Im just not sure if it will help with these goals and if 500mg/week is good starting dose or if i should go lower, 250-350mg/week.

I dont know anyone in my circle that has these goals, but people using gear here are bit dumb. Everybody is using ml's instead of mg's, nobody is doin any kind of blood work, most people blast just to get away with eating whatever they wanna and ideally, they combine test with tren for most part of the year. You could hear guys talking about "cutting testosterone" and "bulking testosterone", you can imagine... Im trying to be more smart about it.
well you're gonna get amazing gains no matter what on first cycle. 250-300mg a week with bloodwork to see your estrogen levels and relevant health markers is good. 500mg will get u insane size at first cycle + more anabolics = u can cut harder without losing too much muscle mass but you're risking estrogen and other issues without knowing how you will respond to extregnous hormones
well you're gonna get amazing gains no matter what on first cycle. 250-300mg a week with bloodwork to see your estrogen levels and relevant health markers is good. 500mg will get u insane size at first cycle + more anabolics = u can cut harder without losing too much muscle mass but you're risking estrogen and other issues without knowing how you will respond to extregnous hormones
Thanks for reply mate. I am/was affraid of estrogen side effects cause ive been fat kid, got lean(ish) during highschool years, then got fat again and lean(ish) again. As aromatise enzymes are in fat tissue (correct me if im wrong, im no expert), i have chance to aromatise at higher rate than somebody that havent been fat, ever.

Im not looking for massive size gains, which could be a bit weird for many people here but i really dont wanna be heavy again. My knees are in bad shape from psoriasis and years on corticosteroids, beeing under 90kg is my end goal. I dont wanna be too heavy, muscle or fat.

Plan to cut without drugs, i dont think its needed for me at this stage. Done that already, i have discipline for it.

My plan was to go for 250mg/week of test c split between 2 shots. After 8-10 weeks maybe increase, to 300-350mg. Tbh i would rather go for lower dose, see my reaction and go for longer cycle. Maybe cruise after, thats also posibility.

With 20-24 week cycle, how often should i do blood work? Every 6-8 weeks or more/less often?