First Cycle Bloods - 1g test, 400 deca


New Member
Good morning Meso, would anyone care to review bloods from the middle of my first cycle?

I started this cycle with test and anavar for 6 weeks. I had been listening to John Jewett and he said to find your max test dose just taper up until you start have estrogen sides. So I kept tapering and just kept feeling great lol so I stayed at 750 test for 8 weeks.

At ten weeks I added in the deca and made it an even gram of test. These bloods are from week 13, planning 20 weeks total.

At the time these were drawn I was also using 2 units gh and 100mcg lr3. Also taking 1g metformin, 80mg telmisartan and just added 25mg asin eod.

I believe ALT was a bit elevated because I was pretty sick at the time and had been taking acetaminophen for a couple days.


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Good morning Meso, would anyone care to review bloods from the middle of my first cycle?

I started this cycle with test and anavar for 6 weeks. I had been listening to John Jewett and he said to find your max test dose just taper up until you start have estrogen sides. So I kept tapering and just kept feeling great lol so I stayed at 750 test for 8 weeks.

At ten weeks I added in the deca and made it an even gram of test. These bloods are from week 13, planning 20 weeks total.

At the time these were drawn I was also using 2 units gh and 100mcg lr3. Also taking 1g metformin, 80mg telmisartan and just added 25mg asin eod.

I believe ALT was a bit elevated because I was pretty sick at the time and had been taking acetaminophen for a couple days.
I'm jealous.
That test number is quite low for all that gear. I get that number on 600 test alone. What’s with all the gear for a first cycle?
I'm jealous.


1g test and 1400mg total for your first cycle. I can assure you this wasn’t the spirit/intent of Jewett’s teachings.

Lmao you're definitely right.

That test number is quite low for all that gear. I get that number on 600 test alone. What’s with all the gear for a first cycle?

Yeah, I thought it seemed pretty low but I'm new here so wasn't really sure what to expect. Certainly not even close to the 5x multiplier I've heard mentioned. Not really sure what would cause this though aside from under dosed gear? The test and deca is qsc which has, afaik, generally tested well. But I haven't sent anything out myself so who knows.

As far as why so much... I really don't know lol. I don't really buy into these small like 300mg cycles, seems a waste to me. I was feeling pretty good at 750 and making consistent progress so maybe I should have left it there.
I listen to a lot of podcasts at work and more recently heard somewhere, maybe it was blood sweat and gear? Idk one of the think big podcasts they said someone looking to be competitive in two or three years will need to push doses higher, like 1-2 grams. So 1.4 seemed in line to me lol but, of course, they weren't speaking to a first cycle.
Bloods don't look to bad though, yeah? I generally feel pretty good, I was having hot flashes every night before bed lol but seems to have gotten better since adding the aromasin... Maybe that's coincidence but I had been just dripping sweat every night at bedtime.

The only real issue I'm having rn is blood pressure. I was high 120's, low 130's, before hopping on. Now I'm generally in the 140s... The doc checked me last week and it came in at 146 but he didn't really seem concerned.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol I guess I got lucky in that regard.

Funny thing is about a year ago I thought I'd get my feet wet with gh. Ran six units for awhile, got gyno lol, confirmed with sonogram and everything. It's since shrunk away, can't even tell it was there.
Good morning Meso, would anyone care to review bloods from the middle of my first cycle?

I started this cycle with test and anavar for 6 weeks. I had been listening to John Jewett and he said to find your max test dose just taper up until you start have estrogen sides. So I kept tapering and just kept feeling great lol so I stayed at 750 test for 8 weeks.

At ten weeks I added in the deca and made it an even gram of test. These bloods are from week 13, planning 20 weeks total.

At the time these were drawn I was also using 2 units gh and 100mcg lr3. Also taking 1g metformin, 80mg telmisartan and just added 25mg asin eod.

I believe ALT was a bit elevated because I was pretty sick at the time and had been taking acetaminophen for a couple days.
Post those bloods in QSC thread and ask few questions.
Drugs lowers shgb
Yes, test and masteron has crashed mine to single digits [8]. No issues yet but was asking more about SHBG role in anabolism/libido. I also ran 1800mg per week QSC gear. I also expected higher free testosterone levels at that dose [yes the lab capped my total T value despite requested uncapped].
Your cholesterol. It's not a ton of gear but a guy like me can't even look at a vial of test without having lipid problems. I need to be very diligent with my diet and cardio even on a cruise otherwise I'm a dead man. It sucks.
Good morning Meso, would anyone care to review bloods from the middle of my first cycle?

I started this cycle with test and anavar for 6 weeks. I had been listening to John Jewett and he said to find your max test dose just taper up until you start have estrogen sides. So I kept tapering and just kept feeling great lol so I stayed at 750 test for 8 weeks.

At ten weeks I added in the deca and made it an even gram of test. These bloods are from week 13, planning 20 weeks total.

At the time these were drawn I was also using 2 units gh and 100mcg lr3. Also taking 1g metformin, 80mg telmisartan and just added 25mg asin eod.

I believe ALT was a bit elevated because I was pretty sick at the time and had been taking acetaminophen for a couple days.
Those monocytes! Must have had some kind of infection brewing?
Post those bloods in QSC thread and ask few questions.

It might be worth mentioning that the test is all subq... Idk if that could affect the total? From what I've read, it seems that absorption should be about the same but it is a lot to do subq. I had been doing subq for trt so when I started tapering up I figured I'd switch to IM once it got uncomfortable... But doing .6 mL per day doesn't bother me at all.

A buddy of mine tried subq and kept getting itchy red lumps lol so idk. Works for me though. Maybe I'll do it IM next time and see how levels change.

Deca is 1mL in a delt every 3.5 days.

Your cholesterol. It's not a ton of gear but a guy like me can't even look at a vial of test without having lipid problems. I need to be very diligent with my diet and cardio even on a cruise otherwise I'm a dead man. It sucks.

Damn that sucks man. I was really happy lipids were pretty decent. Going in for bloods I was most concerned with cholesterol and hematocrit. Hematocrit and RBC are both up considerably from pre cycle. My HDL is lower than before, but so is LDL. Previously LDL was 94 and HDL 44.

My diet has been pretty good but no cardio. I've really been wanting to add some in every day but it's hard to balance work, sleep, two kids and everything else.

Those monocytes! Must have had some kind of infection brewing?

Yessir lmao bro, I have a three year old who just started preschool and brings home some new illness every week. Idk what we got this time but I've felt horrible for like two weeks now.
It might be worth mentioning that the test is all subq... Idk if that could affect the total?
It definitely can. Doing my weekly trt of 150 mg done sub q will put me in the low 600's ng/dl. Doing it IM will have me sitting at almost 1070 or so. That's a pretty significant difference. I could tell within an hour of doing my first IM shot that it was way more potent. 350/wk done IM gets me to almost 2400 ng/dl. You're probably wasting a ton of that gear doing it like this. Personally i would consider cutting the dose of everything in half and going to IM instead of subq and see how it goes. If you had started like this you may well have had enough for 2 cycles with similar results.

I can't even imagine the size of the lumps you get doing this. Even doing small .25 ml shots i would get a small lump about half the time doing subq.
Damn that's a huge difference. At this point, with only like five weeks left, I'll probably just see it through. QSC is so cheap I'm not really sweating a little extra oil. Next cycle I'll definitely go IM and see what sort of difference there is.

I appreciate your feedback, a lot of threads regarding IM vs subq turn into arguments about the lumps or oils are meant for muscle, etc... it's nice to see some solid numbers.

I put all the subq oil in my ass fat, I get lumps but they don't bother me and they go away. They can be a bit tender but not bad.

Initially I found IM delts way less comfortable but now I can hardly tell I pinned them afterwards. I just gotta start trying out some other sites.
You definitely need to have a handful of spots to rotate through with that much weekly oil. I've found glutes, quads and side delts to be reasonably easy to do. With quads being the easiest as you can use one hand to hold the needle steady and the other to press the plunger. It takes a few weeks for a new spot to not have any PIP after i start on a new location.

I'm only going off of what my dr and others online have said here. I'm told that subq takes significantly longer to get into the system. I think my blood tests back this up. But i would also expect that it will take you a fair bit longer to get back to baseline once you stop the cycle compared to doing IM. This could effect you if you have to get blood tests for your trt dr or something.

If i were you i'd at least try doing 1 shot, or maybe a couple, via IM just to see if you notice a difference. Like i said before, i could tell within about an hour how much more potent it was. It put me right back in that honeymoon phase like when you first start using test. Endless energy, motivation, less sleep required and a libido that's off the scale. At the very least it would tell you if next time around you should do that right from the start.
Yeah sure, I'll give it a go. No harm in seeing if there's any difference in the feels.
I actually never got any of that since starting. My baseline test was 340 so I was expecting something... I feel exactly the same as before as far as I can tell.