First Cycle Critique


New Member
First Cycle!

Hello forum! I’ve been creeping on and off for a few months now, and i’m trying to put together the structure of my first cycle. Based on what i read consistently, i should be do a Test E only cycle first. I'd like feedback, especially regarding the NAC, Aromasin, and should i be taking TUDCA? It seems its always a yes, but what dosage? 250mg/day good? TUDCA PCT only?

Doing my research before i even order anything, for the canadians, it seems Pareto is a good source based on the canadian domestic thread.

So here’s the cycle:
10 weeks
Test E 150mg Tuesday and Saturday
NAC 600mg EOD
Aromasin 12.5mg ED

PCT after 4 weeks last pin
Clomid Front load 200mg day 1, 40/40/20/20 after
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Thank you!
10 weeks is a good amount of time for your first cycle. Do 500mg of testosterone instead of 300mg each week. 300MG is close to TRT and you wouldn't get much results. Aromasin is an excellent AI. I have used that but am going to switch to Arimidex since it isn't as expensive.

Can't help with NAC. Never used it. Nolva and Clomid is the standard PCT from everything I've read. Enjoy!
So here’s the cycle:
10 weeks
Test E 150mg Tuesday and Saturday personally I would suggest 200+200 or 250+250
NAC 600mg EOD not really needed for this but I do 600 3x per day
Aromasin 12.5mg Ed way way too much Maybe try every 3-4 days and adjust from there

PCT after 4 weeks last pin
clomid Front load 200mg day 1, 40/40/20/20 after
nolva 20/20/20/20 make sure you run your hcg between the cycle and when you start pct and just do Scally power pct
See bold
Okay here's the modifications then
So here’s the cycle:
10 weeks
Test E 200mg Tuesday and Saturday 400mg/week
NAC 600mg ED
Aromasin 12.5mg E3D

PCT after 4 weeks last pin
Day 1 - 21: HCG 1000IU E3D
Day 15 Blood work, if good start SERMS
If good day 15-21 HCG 1000 IU E3D, Clomid (200mg 1st day) 40mg, Nolva 20mg
If not good continue HCG 1500IU E3D another week Bloods again
Following overlap week:
Clomid 40/20/20 following weeks
Nolva 20/20/20 following weeks

Thank you!
Up your test to 500mg/week -like others said 300mg isn't far from TRT levels...and being that you're 25 and have normal test levels to begin with- you won't see much for results that you couldn't do naturally.
Up your test to 500mg/week -like others said 300mg isn't far from TRT levels...and being that you're 25 and have normal test levels to begin with- you won't see much for results that you couldn't do naturally.
What are his test levels and for my own knowledge( because i honestly dont know) what are trt doses per week?
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Okay, so my cycle is good if I up it to 500mg/week? No other tweaks necessary? Once my cycle is confirmed and I place my order, i'm going for initial blood work to see my levels so i know what to base everything off of. Last year when i had them tested the doctor said my results were "on the lower end of normal" I'll definitely get the actual numbers this time though.
Use bloodwork and symptoms to determine what is best for you. I dont get why people give definite answers to others. Everyone reacts differently and the best way to figure out your body is symptoms and bloodwork.

I would like to state once again that there is nothing wrong with a beginner cycle or 400mg per week of test. Why conform to the norm because bro science has always used 500?
Since Scally's pct calls for 2000iu EOD, you could also run 250-500 iu hcg 3x a week during your cycle. Then do the nolva and clomid pct. This will save you on meds and keep your nuts from atrophy.
Hey @Skank ! i Just read that now, thank you for the link! It states there isn't conclusive evidence that higher doses do anything. Being it's a timeline based thing according to Scally, how long would 1000IU vs 2000IU be?

I no longer administer hCG as cited most often. I use hCG 1,000-2,000 IU E3D [or longer depending on cycle/timing]. Check the TT ~half way to see response. If good, start SERM(s) with one week overlap with hCG. Continue for ~30 days. Recheck.

Is there benefits to running HCG on cycle? One would think this would confuse the system, Test E turning off testies, HCG turning them on, back and forth throughout the week.
I agree that it is a back and forth. The benefit, as stated in that article is:

"where an anabolic steroid cycle is long enough for testicular atrophy and/or sensitivity to possibly occur – typically but not always, 8 weeks or more – HCG is introduced during the cycle itself to prevent that. Rather little HCG is needed for this purpose: 100 IU daily, 200 IU every other day, or 250 IU 3x/week are all entirely sufficient. Usage need not be through the cycle either: it can begin at for example 4-6 weeks into the cycle and end with the last steroid injection.

The testicular function problem really is that simple to avoid."

~Bill Roberts
@Skank The 250iu3x/week does sound pretty nice... With the surprising amount of good information out there and various ways to go about it, it makes the decision tough!
Yeah, and there seems to be no definitive rulling on the subject. Personally, I like the idea of prevention over the idea of correction, but there are plenty of posts and data here to support the hcg of 1000iu eod starting ~14 days after last pin. I guess if I were to go the route of using it during pct.

Should I save my HCG for the next cycle???