First Cycle Log- Cut phase and bulk phase?


New Member
Hey guys I’m pretty new here and this is my first cycle ever so I wanted to make this log to track my progress post some pictures and also to hear out any pointers for what I’m doing specifically. I guess this can be sort of my introduction as well.

I’m 27, 185lbs 5’ 10” and been lifting natural for roughly 8ish years on and off, but quite religiously the past 2. I’m decently strong. 265 bench, 315 squat, 405 deadlift. These are probably wimpy numbers to a lot of you guerillas out there but I have pretty good endurance, I’m able to run half and even full marathons depending on where I’ve been training in that span of time. For now I’m going to bury the cardio hatchet and focus on muscle, strength and physique though.

The past 8 months I had fallen off the train hard with my diet, I was up to 198lbs at the highest only a month ago, now down to 185. This is mainly a cutting cycle but I’m going to up my food intake the last 4 weeks to get some modest strength gains in while I can. Is this normal or even worth trying? 4 weeks of cutting and 4 weeks of gains? I feel like a cookie dough ball. Skinny arms, square squishy torso haha.

Im already 2 weeks in to my cycle at 100mg EOD of test P and 30mg Stano ED. I wanted to see what effects test would have on me so I used prop just to start out with. I just started pinning 2 x a week 250mg Test C and a longer ester 200mg Mast with a shorter mast ester 100mg. I understand better now that bloods are important but I didn’t get my bloods done before cycle to understand my baseline but I will get bloods done after PCT.

I have really zoned in my diet the past 3 weeks. I don’t really track macros, fats, carbs etc too much honestly but I am staying at around only 1800 calories a day. Mostly grilled chicken, vegetables and protein smoothies. Occasionally if I need to eat out for work I’ll get the healthiest thing possible on the menu from some place like chipotle or subway. I.e. bowl with light rice, lettuce meat no cheese or steak egg and cheese flatbread with white egg. No drinking, this used to be a huge problem for me.

Since I still go to the gym at least 5x a week the weight loss has been pretty steady of course but I am wondering if maybe I’m over doing it with the calorie deficit. Some guys on here are cutting at 2500 calories a day. That’s nuts to me, I feel like my metabolism has already slowed way the hell down for that to even work. Let me know what you guys think.


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First things first. Your "numbers" are not "wimpy" at all. Those are good numbers. I would bet my next paycheck that there are some folks on here who have used steroids that could not match your number on one or more of those lifts.
I am going to just be blunt here. This is your first cycle. You do not need to be trying to do one thing for 4 weeks, then another for some weeks.

Forget all of that.

Don't cut out all cardio. Get your heart rate elevated for more than 20 minutes at least 3x a week.

TRACK what you eat. Start doing that now. Forget about "protein smoothies," whatever that is. Get your protein from eggs and meat. Weigh your food cooked, measure it, enter it into myfitnesspal.

Shoot for 250 grams of protein a day, exclusive of any protein shakes. I know, it is a lot. Don't whine about it. Just do it. Shut up and get to work. Plan your meals ahead of the day. Pack them to take with you for work.

Get fats below 80 grams a day.

Use carbs for the rest of your calorie target. I would suggest 250 or so to start.

Yes, I realize I am telling you to get more calories, but you will just have to trust me for three months on this.

Do this NOW, not later. Start your diet today. Get your diet sorted out, tracked, and on track.

Then start 500 mg of testosterone a week. Run it 10-12 weeks.

Oh, wait, WTF???
"Im already 2 weeks in to my cycle at 100mg EOD of test P and 30mg Stano ED. I wanted to see what effects test would have on me so I used prop just to start out with. I just started pinning 2 x a week 250mg Test C and a longer ester 200mg Mast with a shorter mast ester 100mg."

I am slapping my forehead - Oh, geeeez. Just stop all that "fancy" nonsense. What a load of crap.

(1) 500 mg of test C or E, 10-12 weeks.

(2) Some cardio (see above).

(3) Planned diet (see above).

Do as I say, and you will look drastically different at the end of your three months or so.

Or just "piddle" like you are and report back in three months.

I suggest following the approach of one who has been there done that and stop fucking around with all of that nonsense you wrote about.
I am going to just be blunt here. This is your first cycle. You do not need to be trying to do one thing for 4 weeks, then another for some weeks.

Forget all of that.

Don't cut out all cardio. Get your heart rate elevated for more than 20 minutes at least 3x a week.

TRACK what you eat. Start doing that now. Forget about "protein smoothies," whatever that is. Get your protein from eggs and meat. Weigh your food cooked, measure it, enter it into myfitnesspal.

Shoot for 250 grams of protein a day, exclusive of any protein shakes. I know, it is a lot. Don't whine about it. Just do it. Shut up and get to work. Plan your meals ahead of the day. Pack them to take with you for work.

Get fats below 80 grams a day.

Use carbs for the rest of your calorie target. I would suggest 250 or so to start.

Yes, I realize I am telling you to get more calories, but you will just have to trust me for three months on this.

Do this NOW, not later. Start your diet today. Get your diet sorted out, tracked, and on track.

Then start 500 mg of testosterone a week. Run it 10-12 weeks.

Oh, wait, WTF???
"Im already 2 weeks in to my cycle at 100mg EOD of test P and 30mg Stano ED. I wanted to see what effects test would have on me so I used prop just to start out with. I just started pinning 2 x a week 250mg Test C and a longer ester 200mg Mast with a shorter mast ester 100mg."

I am slapping my forehead - Oh, geeeez. Just stop all that "fancy" nonsense. What a load of crap.

(1) 500 mg of test C or E, 10-12 weeks.

(2) Some cardio (see above).

(3) Planned diet (see above).

Do as I say, and you will look drastically different at the end of your three months or so.

Or just "piddle" like you are and report back in three months.

I suggest following the approach of one who has been there done that and stop fucking around with all of that nonsense you wrote about.
I appreciate the honesty. Yeah I know my diet is something that needs dialed in further, I just downloaded the app and will start using it today. I will have to find more recipes that will help me reach that amount of protein a day.

I will try not to “piddle”about during this cycle as you say, I am serious about this. The reason why I was thinking of switching to gaining half way through is because I know at this rate I’ll be pretty shredded in about 2 weeks and wanted to see some strength improvements on top of it all. So far I’ve been able to maintain my strength which is great and really one of the main reasons I started using gear to begin with. When I used to cut I would lose all strength, focus, muscle mass, and drive.... Maybe I’m just being too greedy though hah

I’ll also incorporate some of the light cardio you mentioned as well. Are you thinking I should just keep running the mast till it’s gone and forgo it for the rest of the cycle?
I know it’s only been a few days but things are still going well. I decided to extend the cycle out to at least 10 weeks, maybe 12. I’ve been tracking my macros better and weighing my foods with this new scale I got. I’ve lost another pound and I’m uping my caloric intake to 1900-2100 a day because I was just starving myself before. Here’s some more pics, I decided to post one where I’m not just letting my gut hangout like it normally does.
It has been incredibly difficult to get to 250 grams of protein a day while cutting but I’m consistently hitting at least 200 grams. I’m going to just try and find some new recipes, maybe start eating fish too. What are some of y’all’s go to high protein low fat/carb meals?


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I was gonna comment, but @malfeasance pretty much covered it.

As far as getting Shredded in a couple weeks..... Wahahahahaha.....

I've spent the last year on and off finally cutting the fat off my physique. All nutrition. Food, food, food.

I think you said this was a first cycle? Well, get the idea out of your head that somehow steroids are gonna make you lean. They won't. They NEVER will.

Just stick to one very specific and planned out goal and stick to it.

Good luck bub.
It has been incredibly difficult to get to 250 grams of protein a day while cutting but I’m consistently hitting at least 200 grams. I’m going to just try and find some new recipes, maybe start eating fish too. What are some of y’all’s go to high protein low fat/carb meals?
Simple: 6-8 eggs and 2 pounds of meat a day. If you eat 5 meals, then that is breakfast and 1/2 pound of meat at each of 4 meals after that.

That's roughly 250 grams of protein.

It does not matter what the meat is. Fish is great. Expensive. Beef is great. Also expensive. Chicken is cheap. Turkey sometimes is cheaper, especially in the fall. Dog meat I have not tried, but I see no reason why it would not work. Venison or elk if you are a hunter.

It really is that simple.


I would not concentrate on "cutting" for a first cycle. Just eat well (bodybuilding well, not fat American well), inject, and squat hard.

And forget being shredded in 2 weeks. You are 16 weeks out from shredded in those photos. Don't get offended or insulted. Use this cycle to put on a base of muscle.

250 grams of protein is only 1000 calories.

80 grams of fat is 720.

So that is 1720.

Add in another 250 grams of carbs (rice, oats, sweet potatoes, potatoes) for another 1000.

You are only at 2720 calories. It is a good starting point that you can adjust as you progress.

You are not eating enough to get the benefit of your cycle to build a lean base.

Follow the diet above, and you will be happier when this is over.

NO, it is not "fun" to eat this way. Just get it in your head that you are eating for a purpose, not for enjoyment, and do what needs to be done.

I am at 4000 calories, so I do not want to hear you whine, LOL!
If you follow the above advice you will be leaner when finished and will have a respectable base of muscle. This will make cutting easier when you go on a real cut, not some 2-4 week half assed bullshit.

But, hey, it's your life.

Me - I would follow what is written without deviation or complaint.

If I am wrong at the end of the cycle you can always come back and bitch at me then (but I am not wrong, you will write a thanks).
@Thatbish - Where'd ya go? :confused:
Still here, just been busy the last couple of days, both of the motorcycles are not working ATM and the weather just got hella nice so been busting my ass on that and of course training/ honing in on the diet as well.

So I’ve been using the fitness tracker very religiously. Eggs have been my morning staple actually. I’ve been doing 3 egg whites and 2 normal eggs and 100g of turkey bacon every morning. I want to eat just normal eggs but I didn’t realize how much fat was in them before this. Sigh..

I’m down to 183, will post some progress photos in a few days. And yeah yeah you guys might be right about not being totally “shredded” BUT I’m definitely more defined already! Also some of my lifts have actually gone up surprisingly. Sweeeeet arm and back pumps, but most importantly I don’t feel like shit while cutting.
I just wanted to say thank you guys for replying and for all the valuable info in this forum. There is an absolute fuck ton of good information that I’ve been tucking away to try and make the best decisions possible for my future health (and gainz). Most of this wouldn’t be possible without a lot of you veteran members that keep checking in everyday so thank you.
Alright guys and gals here is my update.

I’m feeling strong as a mothafucka and my numbers in the gym have climbed slightly but I’m still not losing weight as fast as I’d like to. I’ve been stuck at 183 for almost 5 days. I think I’m going to drop down from my current caloric intake of 1900-2100 to 1700-1900. I’m taking in at least 200grams of protein a day and my macros look about 25% fat, 25 carbs and 50 protein. I may also pick up more cardio, I’ve been doing roughly a mile day but may start doing 2.
Yes not shredded AF, but some improvement seen at least.


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Instead of going below 1900 calories - Bump up cardio. Lower fat percentage. Increase carb percentage. Later, you can cycle the carbs if you really want to get things moving.

(carbs 4 calories per gram, fats 9 calories per gram).

Get fats at least down below 20%

I would not restrict your calories any more than you are already (indeed, I would probably bump them up, as I wrote above, but it is your cycle and your body and your results). I'll be following along to see your progress over the next couple of months.
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