Sagnastymuscles off-season log.

Wow, you look great for that weight. I would have guessed quite a bit heavier if there was a photo, statement of 5'11" and no weight. Like 220-230 . . .

And you have quads and hamstrings . . .

Maybe helium in your bone marrow or something is throwing off the scale. LOL
Yeah if only the scale was 20lbs light lmfao I’m looking forward to getting to that weight, that’s the short term weight goal I set so hopefully in a couple months I can make that happen.
Yeah my reaction button is also broke but no problem Man thanks for following along!
Weight doesn't matter unless you need to fit into a class. How you appear on stage matters, and you have that. Great shape, proportions, and looking full and developed. It is a good thing to look heavier than what the scale says.

Jealous, here.

You'll do well.
Check ins went well nothing new to update no alterations, my strength was going up last week, this week I should be able to increase the weight on some of my movements or push for more reps. I have my quad focused leg day today or tomorrow.
Meals have been going down easy, I’ve been taking advantage of the g.Hughes brand sugar free bbq sauce to keep the protein from being so dry. That’s been a lifesaver
Doses changed again,
Coach dropped the npp to 75 mg till I get my prolactin bloods back, and get my hands in some caber (last resort) and p5p
Swapped mast for primo 400mg a week .39ml ed

Pulling another igf1 panel because I’ve been on hgh for a little over 8 weeks now and I want to see how they look on 8iu a day.

Swapped all products from previous source to optis new line.

I will be pulling testosterone levels to compare his to my previous source aswell and post on his forum page.

Diet change:

Added 5g coconut oil to each protein meal except for meal 1 and post workout mass shake.

This is for some extra calories and fats, but as smaller volume so not to affect my appetite.
Some check ins from today weight is up strength is up
Running only optis right now I feel like I’m filling out , these are fasted no pump.

Coach doesn’t want to make any more changes for the next week or two since weight is making a steady incline and my weekly averages are up.
No pip/ inflammation whatsoever from optis primo
Npp is nice my elbows are thanking me

I got a few kits of the blue tops I will be switching over to once I finish the grey tops, I will be pulling blood work for total test, prolactin, estrogen, igf1 and free test I’m running nolvadex 15mg a day and aromasin 12.5 mg Monday and Friday, this hasn’t been haphazardly this was based off my needs and blood work.
Nolvadex can probably be dropped here since I’m no longer on orals but I’m also using it to keep the gyno down, before I get my hands on some Raloxiphine.
Long term will be getting the glands removed once I save up enough
Current look while on @Opti ’s new line
The npp and primo have me looking full all the time and I’m holding little to no water from the greys , absolutely no CTS and amazing appetite and sleep quality.

Got my doctor to order my lab work should be able to go get it later this week ,
Testosterone total
Free test
Prolactin( because I’m running Npp)
And igf1

Blue tops should be arriving soon and I got some anadrol and tren to play with,
Probably won’t be running the tren till later but I’m sure I could throw in an oral here or there pre workout.

No diet changes since the scale is still moving
I’m really happy to see improvements in my weaker areas my back/ low back is getting thicker and my lats look like there finally filling out.

My legs are definitely getting bigger, hamstrings are looking thick I will be getting check ins to post Monday and then some more post workout with pump pictures.

Any input is appreciated I want to make sure I’m not missing anything this is my first log and I’m kinda just winging it I’m gonna be looking at some other logs to kinda cover most my basis.

No change to gear or training so far but I think if prolactin comes back good I’ll talk to my coach about increasing the Npp back to 150

Check ins this Monday coach is talking about increasing food unsure about how much food but that should push the growth alittle faster right now we’re moving the scale by about 1.25lbs a week not really losing much definition so my body is doing a good job spreading the fat around and I would say the Hgh is helping me stay leaner then my last mass phase for sure

Here are some pump pics from my back day

I’d like to also not my hairline is holding up to the beating it’s been taking over the years of anabolic use so that’s a blessing, really thankful I haven’t had to use any ancillary’s for that.
This is what my igf1 came back at on 8 units a day

I took 4iu about 1 hour before labs
I’m not a fan of the non sensitive testosterone total so I’m going to get a sensitive done so I can see exactly where I’m at with 500mg a week

Prolactin elevated compared to when I wasn’t on Npp I am pretty sure 75mg is my sweet spot with no pharmaceutical intervention to keep prolactin in check no side effects at this dose waiting on estrogen and lipids
Glucose was high but that was my poor timing with my last meal the night before the test so that explains what’s going on there.

Kidney and liver function seem to be on par with my graph , liver being elevated due to ancillary use ( nolvadex, aromasin)




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Here’s a few changes rice has gone up to 300 grams per meal now, and we’re up to 10g coconut oil weight is still climbing

No changes to the protocol bloods came back good I’m waiting to retake my testosterone so I can have uncapped results

Then here’s some updated pictures with a pump I will be posting new check ins this Monday I have low expectations for anything to change diet wise or gear wise.

I am running the blue tops as of now and I will be running those for a while since I have quite a few kits

So after taking a short health phase break and having my coach and myself evaluate what we want to do this year as far as competition goes we decided to keep the bulk going here is some updated physique pictures and what I’m currently running.

Right now 500test/week
8iu Hgh split 4iu am/ 4iu pm

Training split is the same

Food has just slightly been bumped up
I have leaned out quite a bit but maintained my weight excellent and not seen much as far as fluctuations go.
I feel great and bloods have been phenomenal
We plan to keep pushing things to get the size and fullness I need to step on the nationals stage.

Plans are to also get the gyno removed some point this year so that’s another reason we’re unsure when the competition will be.