Sagnastymuscles off-season log.

Wow, you look great for that weight. I would have guessed quite a bit heavier if there was a photo, statement of 5'11" and no weight. Like 220-230 . . .

And you have quads and hamstrings . . .

Maybe helium in your bone marrow or something is throwing off the scale. LOL
Yeah if only the scale was 20lbs light lmfao I’m looking forward to getting to that weight, that’s the short term weight goal I set so hopefully in a couple months I can make that happen.
Yeah my reaction button is also broke but no problem Man thanks for following along!
Weight doesn't matter unless you need to fit into a class. How you appear on stage matters, and you have that. Great shape, proportions, and looking full and developed. It is a good thing to look heavier than what the scale says.

Jealous, here.

You'll do well.