First cycle log;enter to watch me grow(hopefully) and to give me tips!!!


New Member
Hello everyone, its finally time to begin the cycle i had in mind since my introduction on this site.
Of course i am a newbie and i'll need some help but i have done the homeworks and this is the cycle i came up with:

-Test e 600 ml week,pinning on Mondays and Fridays for 12 wks
-from week 3 to the end of the cycle 500 iu of HCG injected on Sundays?(not sure when it is the best time)
-Arimidex in hand for eventual sides 0.5 mg EOD right?

PCT start after 3 weeks the cycle ended
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Than stop for 17 weeks before another cycle

Now this is the basic cycle but i ask if it is possible to add some Deca because i tend to be injuried a lot and cuz i need a little help with an injury(acromioclavicular joint) that stopped me from training for 4 months(june'15 to september'15);now its pain free but sometimes it annoys me a little.So can i add a little bit of Deca only as joint support?And if yes, how and how many?

-i know that the best thing is doing bloods before,during and after to know exactly when to start PCT or the new cycle but here where i live, i don't have the chance ;is it really dangerous to ignore them in this case since it is a basic cycle?
-The cycle will hopefully start on June and i'll update the log accordingly.
-Diet and training schedule are on point(i've been training for years)
-i'll start the cycle with everything in hand(Test,PCT etc etc.)

I hope i didn't forget anything and thanks in advance :)
Any suggestion about the HCG or PCT guys?
Some says its better to do hcg in the period betwenn cycle and pct.
Some people like to run hcg while on cycle but me personally i like to include my hcg when i start my pct protocol. I always run 50 mgs clomid ED for 30 days 20 mgs nolva ED for 45 days and hcg for 45 days ED at 1000 ius weekly usually 500 ius twice weekly. Always get my system jumped good with this! But everyone has there own method. A good mix of clomid nolva and hcg is great for pct . you just have to decide which route your gonna execute! Good luck
Oh and adex. I saw you said you have it on hand in case. My opinion on that is i always start adex dosing a week before i jump on any gear only to remain preventative as far as gyno goes . Better to nip it before you give it a chance to show its ugly face. Im super prone to gyno but if your unsure about yourself better to be safe than sorry. Its harder to get rid of it once you have it! My .02 cents bud
So a little update:im gonna take test c instead of test e,because of situations involving the source.
This doesn't change anything right?Still pinning 2 times a week on mondays and fridays?
This test c is also 250/ml so from 600 of test e x week to 500 of test c.
So a little update:im gonna take test c instead of test e,because of situations involving the source.
This doesn't change anything right?Still pinning 2 times a week on mondays and fridays?
This test c is also 250/ml so from 600 of test e x week to 500 of test c.
Yeah pal 2 times a week is fine :-)
Hello guys some tips on how dilute this HCG?
I ll pin once a week with 500 ui since a friend of mine will take it in his fridge and it would be a pain in the ass 2 times per week with 250 ui



as it says in the box i alreday have 1 little syringe with 1 ml of solvent
Bacteriostatic water is what I use. I get a sterile vial, bacteriostatic water, and the hcg. Usually its a amp so I put bw in the amp and put it into the vial but yours came in a vial so just put bac water directly into it. This is what I do, others may give you their advice.

I make sure not to let the water hit the hcg directly. I aim it to the side and let it drip down the side to mix to avoid any physical damage to the molecules.
ok, but i was most curious about the numbers;
i'll explain better,if i dilute that HCG in 5 ml of bac water in an empty vial of course, how many HCG units are in 1ml of that mix?1000ui,500ui?
ok thanks.

So at the end of this week im going to post some info(pics of me now,bw,bf height ecc ecc) and then start the cycle,updating weekly unless there is something interesting
There is a problem im trying to get an empty vial to dilute the HCG but seems like nobody sells it where i live and i cant find anything in europe that sells them(contacted the pharmacist to see if he can hook me up)
if i go and dilute whit just 1 ml or 2 ml how much ml i need to extract to have 500 iu

Ps: i did my first pin yesterday because i thought it wasnt that hard to find an empty vial......
So if i cant find anything and i need to order from the US its ok to stop the cycle for now and wait?
So update after just 3 injection.

Im running 500 week on Test C from Darius.(pinning monday and friday)
Everything good after the injections,no pain or whatever.
Im 78 kg x1.73 cm at 12% BF right now(ill post pics soon)

My diet is 2800 cal daily with one cheat day every week(sunday but i still follow macros)
Training is 4 times x week(chest/trice,legs,deltoids / chest,backs / biceps)

Until now no big difference in weight but i feel a little stronger.

Anyway since the day after the first pin i feel, sometimes, a little pain in my left nut;is that okay or i should do something aboutit ,like take some clomid?

Im running also 500 ui Pharma grade HCG per week.(pinning sunday)
So i just finished my first cycle(8 weeks) with 500 mg of test c x week.

The gear i used is Pharmacom Test C 250 from Darius and im must say it did its work

In 2 months i gained 5 kg of muscles and lost 3 kg of fat,i dont have bloods tho show but i got 3 Bioelectrical impedance analysis that show my progress.

Made the first before the beginning of the cycle,the second in the middle and the last today after yesterday last pin;this are the results:

After years never been at this weight and %of Bf ,shit s crazy.

Already planning my next cycle maybe with some Deca in it.
A week from now i ll start pct with pharma grade stuff(my friend work in a pharma)

What you guys think,are this good results for a 8 week first cycle?


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Stop pct, continue the cycle another 4-5 weeks, and increase caloric intake.

You took gear just long enough to get to peak testosterone levels in your body. You shelled out money for gear, went through the trouble of injections every few days, and shut down your body's natural test production for what, 1 week of lifting at peak test levels?
"1 week of lifting at peak test levels?" the fact is that i've injuried myself,broke my right middle finger and also injuried my left wrist;i lifted anyway for 3 weeks but now i need to stop.(also my gym close for 2 weeks for summer vacation,would be a waste continuewithout training)
Basically im going to stop lifting until september;the cycle was prepared to be 12 weeks long.
So i just finished my first cycle(8 weeks) with 500 mg of test c x week.

The gear i used is Pharmacom Test C 250 from Darius and im must say it did its work

In 2 months i gained 5 kg of muscles and lost 3 kg of fat,i dont have bloods tho show but i got 3 Bioelectrical impedance analysis that show my progress.

Made the first before the beginning of the cycle,the second in the middle and the last today after yesterday last pin;this are the results:

After years never been at this weight and %of Bf ,shit s crazy.

Already planning my next cycle maybe with some Deca in it.
A week from now i ll start pct with pharma grade stuff(my friend work in a pharma)

What you guys think,are this good results for a 8 week first cycle?

Thanks for the update Sir!