Test E log, cycle #6, year 11, 24 years of age

Hello, first post, long time lurker.
Started my first cycle at 18, then again at 19, 20, 21, and 22. All cycles 10 weeks of test E and one of test C. 150-200 mg per dose, no PCT ever. One dirty bulk and the rest very strict dieting animal based. have not started cycle #6 yet planned for 12 weeks test E,
Few to no negative side effects on all cycles, mostly just a beautiful jaw now. overall have felt great even at the end of cycle with no PCT. All opinions, questions and advice is appreciated. Testosterone helped rehabilitate my knee health, and I can walk properly because of past cycles due to having severe weakness in my knees from standing on hard surfaces wearing body armor and other heavy equipment.
Never taken bloods, don’t laugh I was broke and meatheaded
1st picture is at 18 before starting (138 LB) got up to 163 that cycle

2nd pic is 19 yrs 2nd cycle about 4-5 weeks in (150lb)

3rd pic is 4th cycle at 21 yrs, 7 weeks in (150 lbs)
4th pic is this year of 2024 in june, no workouts since last October
( 150 lbs) , over 2 years off any type of PED, only Tongkat Ali and fadogia agrestris, raw organs, and minerals, along with the same strict animal based diet (mainly raw ground beef, bananas, whole milk, apple juice, rice, boiled eggs).
Dick and balls have always worked great, no noticeable ball shrinkage

Also did meldonium ( 3 cycles) non-anabolic
I can hold my breathe for 3 minutes I think it’s because of the meldonium cus I could not before.

Diet: 800-900 grams of bananas, 1-1/2 cups rice ( 900 cals), 1 pint whole milk, 1 liter apple juice, 600-700 grams raw ground beef 73/27 (lean/fat), 3-6 boiled eggs
( job conditions have had significant affect on water weight retention and calorie usage)
I don’t like Test E. It makes me feel tired and like crap. It also causes a lot of muscle pain at injection sites. I rather do Test C and P. But good luck