First cycle, on week 5, comments , thoughts, all very welcome


New Member
Hey all,

That’s my first cycle, I’m 29yo, bf % no idea, not fat , not lean perhaps about 15% before starting the cycle, 188cm and currently 91kilos and I have been lifting for the last maybe 10 years, on and off, but quite consistent.

In September 2015 I broke some capsules in my hand while climbing and pretty much till mid-January I was out of sport, so l lost not only motivation but quite a lot of muscle. Eating clean and having a good gym routine while working full time, having a relationship –who is not a physically active in terms of fitness- is quite difficult sometimes, so due to my loss of gains I decided heck it! Let´s speed up things a little bit to take you close to where you were.

My first cycle is quite common:

Test-e twice a week 1ml each time (Thursday and Sunday) -10 weeks-

HCG from week 5-6 till week 10 –not sure of the amount yet –

Tamoxifen 40/40/20/20 daily from week 12 during 4 weeks

I also stock myself up with Letrozole (in case things got bit a bad) and Arimidex

At the moment (I’m in week 5) – today was my first day- I started having some Arimidex, 0.5mg, due to itchy nipples and water retention, not much bloating though. The itchy nipples is what worries me the most so I´ll take 0,5mg EOD and see how my body reacts.

Perhaps as I will be running very soon HCG my next dose should be 1mg EDO, not sure, any thoughts or comments always welcome.

I have read a lot about people who goes for and against running HCG , and quite a lot of divergence as well between those who recommended taking HCG about when and how much to take .

I am inclined to take 1000UI, three times a week, and keep this dose if my body reacts well, but again comments on that and recommendations are very welcome.

Last thing, my PCT, quite standard, was thought in case I didn’t have to take any AI during cycle, now well, how taking AI during cycle, up to week 10, would affect my PCT?

Thanks in advance!