Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Not really. For a forum supposedly focused on harm reduction, assisting people trying to do just that is harder than it should be. It's okay, bro got to poke his chest out and feel like a big man today.
There are several threads on filtering and a lot of discussions. But you have to search for them. Why should we search for the threads and point you towards them? Harm reduction doesn’t mean spoon feeding you for being lazy.
Not really. For a forum supposedly focused on harm reduction, assisting people trying to do just that is harder than it should be. It's okay, bro got to poke his chest out and feel like a big man today.
I love being an asshole sometimes... Its cool when someone can go tit for tat and not get their panties in a wad when someone throws a little something their way. Chill just a little , it's a steroid forum ... If someone is a smartass a little just tell them that you still luv them and that the good news for them is they are now able to do penis extentions pretty cheap nowadays!!
There are several threads on filtering and a lot of discussions. But you have to search for them. Why should we search for the threads and point you towards them? Harm reduction doesn’t mean spoon feeding you for being lazy.
One might even argue that spoon feeding is the opposite of harm reduction.. what are you REALLY learning? Is it going to stick?

Or will you be like those kids we all know were spoon fed as kids… you really want to be like them?
There are several threads on filtering and a lot of discussions. But you have to search for them. Why should we search for the threads and point you towards them? Harm reduction doesn’t mean spoon feeding you for being lazy.
I have, thanks. The truth is nearly every question asked in here can be given the same answer. But sometimes people offer new info, a better idea/insight (i.e. filtering specifically peptides vs oils) or just personal experience that's valuable to someone learning something new.
I keep seeing this @Ghoul character preaching, preaching, preaching but when asked to show what he’s personally tested he goes quiet, what he eats, workout info, physique pics, anything that proves he’s involved with this lifestyle he quickly goes into hiding? Is he just an AI, Chat, Google re-searcher or is he actually living the lifestyle he trys to preach to everyone daily ?

It’s like taking financial advice from a broke person who filed bankruptcy…

I see a braindead keyboard warrior, slinging shit to gain cred with other morons.

You have an issue with any point I make, bring it. But you can't, can you tough guy?

Anyone who makes the mistake of thinking you provide anything of value here should just have a look at your low effort posts.

Nothing but a mouth breathing loser using MESO for the same thing toilet paper is on taco night at a cheap Mexican restaurant.
Not really. For a forum supposedly focused on harm reduction, assisting people trying to do just that is harder than it should be. It's okay, bro got to poke his chest out and feel like a big man today.
i don't need to poke shit out , your the one asking questions A) in the wrong thread
B) asking about a subject that has so many threads that have exhaustively been discussed, Guess what , some of these threads have ALL the information you need , so take your 21 post history and do some fucking Research,,