First cycle & PCT

IMO: I believe keeping the boys somewhat working down there will improve recovery in the long run. Take it for what you will.
There are an many studies and articles showing HCG as a commonly used male fertility drug. Shown to increase natural test levels, and sperm count.

In the male, HCG injections are used to stimulate the Leydig cells to synthesize testosterone. The intratesticular testosterone is necessary for spermatogenesis from the sertoli cells. Typical uses for HCG in men include hypogonadism and fertility treatment.

Several vaccines against human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for the prevention of pregnancy are currently in clinical trials.[31]
I was only saying that it will not stimulate anything other than size while on cycle. As long as you keep injecting test into your system, your Natty test levels will remain shut down. When you are finished with the cycle, yes I agree that hcg returns testicular function quicker than without it. But during the cycle, it is only a size issue, or vanity. I can understand people wanting to use it for those reasons, but sticking to the old saying if using less compounds on your first cycle, then either don't use it at all, or use it at the end.
I have known people to have adverse reaction to hcg, site swelling, rash, ect. So if it is not needed, then don't run it until you are nearly finished with your cycle.
We are not in disagreement, can't say that I am arguing a point or not, but for a first cycle and for the length of time of the cycle, I don't think permanent damage will be done.
Again, it is extremely possible and very probable to have swimming sperm while on cycle without the use of hcg.
Hey guys

was thinking about doing my first cycle, been lifting for about 4 years. past year taking it very serious with my regimen as well as diet ETC ETC. I have been researching for a while now. I know i will be doing a TEST E cycle. 500 MG, 250 on Mon/thurs.

Now i have been researching PCT for a while now ( i'm very thorough when it comes to this type of shit, and want to be 100% comfortable and knowledgeable) On every thread regarding PCT every 3 replies there is a juice god who believes the guy above him is wrong and his PCT is the ONLY way or the RIGHT way. How can i get a definitive answer on what would be my BEST option when it comes to PCT. I'm not rich but money would not be an issue when it comes to this as i can just wait it out till i have all the necessary shit.

Not only you DO need pct
but you need something to prevent (low dose Aromatase Inhibitor) or at least block (Nolva) estrogen.