First Cycle - Test E & Anavar


New Member
Looking to run a 500mg/week Test E and Anavar cycle combined with 250iu hCG EOD.

19 year old
185cm, 72-73kgs
I've attached a picture of my physique as of 2022 June when my body was in the most optimal condition. Since I got deployed to the Military as of July, I've lost some muscle, strength and weight(2-3kgs) but nothing dramatic.

Been working out on and off for about 2 years, have been counting calories for about 5-6 months now actively.
Since I have been participating in various sports since age 6, I've had a pretty active lifestyle and been lean as long as I can remember.

Had my bloods drawn yesterday(18.10), results came back and all markers are fine as of now.

Weeks 1-15: Testo E 250mg every 3 days, so that'll make it 500mg per week.
Weeks 1-6: Anavar 40mg ED to kickstart the cycle (I'll regulate, up/lower, the dosage if needed)
250iu hcG EOD throughout the cycle
Weeks 16-17 I'll allow my system to clear up and from week 18 I'll start my PCT with 30mg Nolvadex per day + hCG that I have already ran throughout the entire cycle by then.

I also have Arimidex at hand if I need it and I'll start dosing it only when I notice any kind of sides (acne, bloating, high bp etc..)

The goal of this cycle is to add mass, stay as lean as possible(bulk up to 80kgs or a tad bit more) and experiment to see how AAS affect my body.
I'm going on a lean bulk for this, so my calorie goal is 3700 calories ED. I have done this kind of lean bulk in the past and bulked from 68kg to where I'm now, about 72-73kgs.

Macro goals:
Carbs - 55% / 509g
Protein - 25% / 231g
Fat - 20% / 82g

Getting the calories in was definetly more difficult then it would have been on a dirty bulk, but in my opinion it was worth it. I gained mass & strength while remaining pretty lean, although it took more time.
Most of my calories came from beef, fish, rice, cottage cheese, oatmeal and greek yogurt + 1-2 protein smoothies daily.

I'm currently running a pretty default PPL split with some slight modifications. I also tried the Arnold split for a month and a half but it just wasn't sustainable. My body couldn't take it and it lead up to the point where my muscles were fatigued and weren't able to recover for the next session.
Lifting about 5-6 times a week. I do slight cardio pretty much first thing in the morning every day - a slight run or low-intensity cycling 8km-10km with a steady heart rate.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
Regarding the diet, should I maybe reduce carbs and up the fat? Or should I lower protein?
I know that the protein intake is huge and yes, I have and will be shitting literal bricks but it has worked for me in the past.


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Looking to run a 500mg/week Test E and Anavar cycle combined with 250iu hCG EOD.

19 year old
185cm, 72-73kgs
I've attached a picture of my physique as of 2022 June when my body was in the most optimal condition. Since I got deployed to the Military as of July, I've lost some muscle, strength and weight(2-3kgs) but nothing dramatic.

Been working out on and off for about 2 years, have been counting calories for about 5-6 months now actively.
Since I have been participating in various sports since age 6, I've had a pretty active lifestyle and been lean as long as I can remember.

Had my bloods drawn yesterday(18.10), results came back and all markers are fine as of now.

Weeks 1-15: Testo E 250mg every 3 days, so that'll make it 500mg per week.
Weeks 1-6: Anavar 40mg ED to kickstart the cycle (I'll regulate, up/lower, the dosage if needed)
250iu hcG EOD throughout the cycle
Weeks 16-17 I'll allow my system to clear up and from week 18 I'll start my PCT with 30mg Nolvadex per day + hCG that I have already ran throughout the entire cycle by then.

I also have Arimidex at hand if I need it and I'll start dosing it only when I notice any kind of sides (acne, bloating, high bp etc..)

The goal of this cycle is to add mass, stay as lean as possible(bulk up to 80kgs or a tad bit more) and experiment to see how AAS affect my body.
I'm going on a lean bulk for this, so my calorie goal is 3700 calories ED. I have done this kind of lean bulk in the past and bulked from 68kg to where I'm now, about 72-73kgs.

Macro goals:
Carbs - 55% / 509g
Protein - 25% / 231g
Fat - 20% / 82g

Getting the calories in was definetly more difficult then it would have been on a dirty bulk, but in my opinion it was worth it. I gained mass & strength while remaining pretty lean, although it took more time.
Most of my calories came from beef, fish, rice, cottage cheese, oatmeal and greek yogurt + 1-2 protein smoothies daily.

I'm currently running a pretty default PPL split with some slight modifications. I also tried the Arnold split for a month and a half but it just wasn't sustainable. My body couldn't take it and it lead up to the point where my muscles were fatigued and weren't able to recover for the next session.
Lifting about 5-6 times a week. I do slight cardio pretty much first thing in the morning every day - a slight run or low-intensity cycling 8km-10km with a steady heart rate.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
Regarding the diet, should I maybe reduce carbs and up the fat? Or should I lower protein?
I know that the protein intake is huge and yes, I have and will be shitting literal bricks but it has worked for me in the past.
Sounds good, you did your homework. I'd roll with it unless anyone else has anything to add.
Man you already look great. Personally I'd stay off since your 19. Wait until your 35 or 45. Haha. Not trying to be a dick. You're gonna grow alot natural even more in your 20' 30's and possibly 40's natural.
Man you already look great. Personally I'd stay off since your 19. Wait until your 35 or 45. Haha. Not trying to be a dick. You're gonna grow alot natural even more in your 20' 30's and possibly 40's natural.

I know but my impatience is slowly but surely getting ahold of me and I think I can build a lot with this cycle since I have a pretty OK frame to build on.

I just really want to see how would this cycle even affect my body, how would my body react and how far would it take me.
I am aware of all the risks associated and that there will be always something that could go wrong despite the attempts trying to minimize the risk of something going wrong.

I hope I don't sound too arrogant/ignorant...
I know but my impatience is slowly but surely getting ahold of me and I think I can build a lot with this cycle since I have a pretty OK frame to build on.

I just really want to see how would this cycle even affect my body, how would my body react and how far would it take me.
I am aware of all the risks associated and that there will be always something that could go wrong despite the attempts trying to minimize the risk of something going wrong.

I hope I don't sound too arrogant/ignorant...
Well your cycle looks pretty good but you're going to lose it all since you're not on trt. Maybe if you get your post cycle Bloods and your lipids and liver enzymes look okay you can sneak in another oral cycle of anavar that'll help you hold on to it a little bit longer. Not sure how you would do it though cuz I'm always on trt cuz I'm an old man at 48 LOL. So I can sneak in anavar later down the road on my cruise.
Dude, hold up. You already look great. If you want to try AAS, I'm going to give you a tip but it won't be popular here, so bear with me:

Do an anavar ONLY cycle. That's right. Do an Anavar only cycle for 8 weeks.

Week 1-2: 50mg
Week 3-6: 70mg
Week 6-8: 80-100mg etc.
Something like that.

You won't be shut down when you come off. Your natural testosterone will come back quickly and you will retain most of your gains. Then you can see what you want to do. You can take some Nolvadex (20mg) and some clomid (25mg) for a couple weeks or a month after this.

Increase protein to 300g per day. Eat eggs everyday for cholesterol. Use whey in milk to get you to your 300g per day without stressing your system. Take a good multivitamin. Everyone needs supplements. Take magnesium so you stay regular. There are a lot of supplements that are valuable. You need them.
Dude, hold up. You already look great. If you want to try AAS, I'm going to give you a tip but it won't be popular here, so bear with me:

Do an anavar ONLY cycle. That's right. Do an Anavar only cycle for 8 weeks.

Week 1-2: 50mg
Week 3-6: 70mg
Week 6-8: 80-100mg etc.
Something like that.

You won't be shut down when you come off. Your natural testosterone will come back quickly and you will retain most of your gains. Then you can see what you want to do. You can take some Nolvadex (20mg) and some clomid (25mg) for a couple weeks or a month after this.

Increase protein to 300g per day. Eat eggs everyday for cholesterol. Use whey in milk to get you to your 300g per day without stressing your system. Take a good multivitamin. Everyone needs supplements. Take magnesium so you stay regular. There are a lot of supplements that are valuable. You need them.

Thank you for the advicr, greatly appreciated.
Honestly, I’m a bit skeptical. It’s not guaranteed that testosterone production won’t shut down.
It could still bring you down in other aspects(besides T levels) without a test base.
Thank you for the advicr, greatly appreciated.
Honestly, I’m a bit skeptical. It’s not guaranteed that testosterone production won’t shut down.
It could still bring you down in other aspects(besides T levels) without a test base.
Your goals are to experiment and add some mass. There is no friendlier substance than Anavar. It's the perfect way to start. You'll love it.

Many people have done Anavar only cycles. You don't need a test base for an anavar only cycle. Your testosterone may be suppressed slightly, but you won't really feel it. I never did. Maybe you'll have a reduced sex drive for a few weeks. Your natural production will return to baseline quickly and you'll keep your gains. Anavar gains are good quality, dry, hard muscle. You won't get huge but these gains can be transformative, and you will then be ready to see if you want to take it to the next level.

At 19 years old, with how you look in that picture, I'd say this is your best bet, and it's ultra low risk.

You're young, and your testosterone is already high, and will rebound fast.
Also, if you want to grow, you have to drop the cardio. Besides walking. You can walk. Moderate to fast pace, for an hour or two every day. But no running, no cycling. 8-10km a day is too much. Are you training for size or do you want to be an endurance athlete? If you want to do all of that cardio, you need to increase your calories by quite a bit. 3700 is not enough. You're burning probably a minimum of 2000 calories a day from cardio and lifting, leaving you with not enough to grow with.

Nevermind. You are in the military. I'd start the morning off with half a liter to a full liter of regular milk (350-650 calories and 16-32g protein) and 2 scoops of whey protein (300 calories and 50g). I'd have a banana or some other fruit or some honey. Some carb but it's not required. This will go down so smooth and easy and you won't get sick. Yes, it sounds counterintuitive but milk is the best absorbed liquid. This will be around 650-950 calories and 66-82g protein minimum, depending on how much milk you use.

Fasted cardio is amazing but it will eat your muscle. You have to keep protein high in the morning.
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Also, if you want to grow, you have to drop the cardio. Besides walking. You can walk. Moderate to fast pace, for an hour or two every day. But no running, no cycling. 8-10km a day is too much. Are you training for size or do you want to be an endurance athlete? If you want to do all of that cardio, you need to increase your calories by quite a bit. 3700 is not enough. You're burning probably a minimum of 2000 calories a day from cardio and lifting, leaving you with not enough to grow with.

Nevermind. You are in the military. I'd start the morning off with half a liter to a full liter of regular milk (350-650 calories and 16-32g protein) and 2 scoops of whey protein (300 calories and 50g). I'd have a banana or some other fruit or some honey. Some carb but it's not required. This will go down so smooth and easy and you won't get sick. Yes, it sounds counterintuitive but milk is the best absorbed liquid. This will be around 650-950 calories and 66-82g protein minimum, depending on how much milk you use.

Fasted cardio is amazing but it will eat your muscle. You have to keep protein high in the morning.

Thank you for the advice as always. Milk has always been a primary part of my bulks and I'll definetly add it in this one too.
I want to train for size right now but I want to stay as lean as possible (I know I will gain some fat anyways, it can't be avoided).

I can lower my cardio and try walking.
How much would you recommend for calories? 4k+?
Your goals are to experiment and add some mass. There is no friendlier substance than Anavar. It's the perfect way to start. You'll love it.

Many people have done Anavar only cycles. You don't need a test base for an anavar only cycle. Your testosterone may be suppressed slightly, but you won't really feel it. I never did. Maybe you'll have a reduced sex drive for a few weeks. Your natural production will return to baseline quickly and you'll keep your gains. Anavar gains are good quality, dry, hard muscle. You won't get huge but these gains can be transformative, and you will then be ready to see if you want to take it to the next level.

At 19 years old, with how you look in that picture, I'd say this is your best bet, and it's ultra low risk.

You're young, and your testosterone is already high, and will rebound fast.


Well, I'm contemplating on it, but an oral-only cycle seems extremely counterintuitive. As much as I have researched AAS, it is never recommended to do an oral-only cycle since it can screw your T levels up or it'll screw up something else without a test base.
Please don't listen to the anavar only cycle advice, you are going to experience suppression regardless and oral only cycles cause lethargy and could negatively affect sexual function without the presence of testosterone.

Take it from somebody who has ran 3 anavar only cycles and who also began at 18. If you are gonna do it do it correctly. Run test alongside it and at your age it should still be a fairly easy recovery.

Test is not very hard to come back from as opposed to nandrolones and 19nors.

Well, I'm contemplating on it, but an oral-only cycle seems extremely counterintuitive. As much as I have researched AAS, it is never recommended to do an oral-only cycle since it can screw your T levels up or it'll screw up something else without a test base.
It seems counterintuitive because people are brainwashed and under hypnosis when it comes to requiring a test base. Everyone repeats that like a mantra but it's bad information. Don't fall for the propaganda. You don't need a test base with Anavar. Anavar is simply not that suppressive. Why shut down your balls with 500mg testosterone? You don't really need to do it. A test base is important for most other substances but not Anavar.

They just want to sell you steroids and ancillaries because it's a big business. And look at you? You come here like a good little reader, and you're talking about HCG and arimidex and all the bells and whistles but you just have that information from reading online. Those things are all great and wonderful but you totally don't need to go that far yet.

You do an Anavar cycle, and put on like 10 pounds of muscle and keep it. And not be harmed at all. Then you can stabilize and plan your next cycle. And then Anavar won't be enough, and you'll want to go bigger. That's when you start getting into injectables with bigger doses.

I think Anavar and more food will give you exactly what you want with very little to no risk.

At 19, you are still growing. You can go the first route and take 500mg testosterone etc but it won't give you so much more than Anavar only.
I would advise not to cycle till your 25. I was once your age and wanted to cycle so bad but I ended up waiting. I’m glad I did because you don’t want to be in the game of blasting gear that long. Also nobody knows what supraphysiological amounts of androgens do to a developing mind.

I ran Anavar for 2 weeks, started first week at 50mg ED and upped to 60mg the next week. I can’t go on with oral only - the lethargy that I get from Anavar only is no go for me. The strenght gains are there and my diet is on point - consistently eating at least 250g of protein a day and at least 3900kcals. But the constant lack of energy just doesn’t suit me and my current lifestyle.
So I gave myself my first shot of Test E(0.5cc). I use Human-Labs’ Test E 500.
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I ran Anavar for 2 weeks, started first week at 50mg ED and upped to 60mg the next week. I can’t go on with oral only - the lethargy that I get from Anavar only is no go for me. The strenght gains are there and my diet is on point - consistently eating at least 250g of protein a day and at least 3900kcals. But the constant lack of energy just doesn’t suit me and my current lifestyle.
So I gave myself my first shot of Test E(0.5cc). I use Human-Labs’ Test E 500.
That's too bad. Maybe Anavar isn't for you. At least you tried. Let us know how it goes.
So I did a VG injection. I’m currently pretty ill after the test shot, could it be the test flu and the fluctuation of hormones?
I’m also experiencing PIP but I guess that’s normal given it’s my first ever injection.
So I did a VG injection. I’m currently pretty ill after the test shot, could it be the test flu and the fluctuation of hormones?
I’m also experiencing PIP but I guess that’s normal given it’s my first ever injection.
Could be a bit of shock from pinning yourself as well, I started my first cycle at 21 (1 year ago) and started with test e and anavar as well, 400mg a week and I believe 50mg anavar a day. What size needle did you use? I was lucky and didn't get hardly any pip as my carrier oil has always been mct oil and its pretty mild. Sometimes a warm shower and gentle massaging of the injection site can help. You won't feel hormone fluctuations especially that fast, I mens you'll feel them but it isn't some acute thing. I subconsciously thought I felt it on my first week, but tbh for me I just consistently feel at my "top" if that makes sense, but I don't feel like a whole new man
So I did a VG injection. I’m currently pretty ill after the test shot, could it be the test flu and the fluctuation of hormones?
I’m also experiencing PIP but I guess that’s normal given it’s my first ever injection.
Oh you used a 500 blend, yeah the pip is going to fucking suck. Higher mg per ml of oil means more pain, maybe get your hands on some sterile carrier oil of the same kind that you're using to dilute your shots especially since it's your first cycle. That or just suffer until your body gets used to it
So I did a VG injection. I’m currently pretty ill after the test shot, could it be the test flu and the fluctuation of hormones?
I’m also experiencing PIP but I guess that’s normal given it’s my first ever injection.

It's almost like you have fallen for all the memes. First you have "Lethargia" from two weeks of Anavar (the easiest steroid, causes no lethargy in reality). Then you use that lethargia as an excuse to pin 500mg Test. Then you pin the test and you get hit with "test flu" which could also be you feeling the "rush" of "surging testosterone". And last but not least, you have "PIP".

Be careful about falling for the memes. You sound neurotic, so you may want to just stop overthinking this. Chill out.