First Cycle - Test E & Anavar

It's almost like you have fallen for all the memes. First you have "Lethargia" from two weeks of Anavar (the easiest steroid, causes no lethargy in reality). Then you use that lethargia as an excuse to pin 500mg Test. Then you pin the test and you get hit with "test flu" which could also be you feeling the "rush" of "surging testosterone". And last but not least, you have "PIP".

Be careful about falling for the memes. You sound neurotic, so you may want to just stop overthinking this. Chill out.

Thanks. I’m definetly having some PIP in my injection area, there is no denying that. But the rush and flu could just be stuck in my own head.
High mg/ml concentration testosterone is known to do this... should've researched more. Avoid testo e next time and get cypionate at 200-300mg/ml.

Solution for now is to dilute with sterile oil.
You should save the anavar for when your cutting.

If you are anyway close to the lean state like in the pic just run test on its own, ive ran up to 450mg with no need for ais no sides not even bloat and it was legit since I was out of range on 140mg pw the day before my next shot.

If I could start all over I would get lean natty then run 300mg test for 10-12 weeks to see how you respond to estro etc and see how you like pinning, then bump it up to 450-600mg and keep it going for another 10-12 weeks.

You'll definitely gain solid size while also getting to ease into the lifestyle, pinning etc.

I have a theory that your body learns to handle sides/gear better over time, I used to get acne/bloat when I missed shots or changed my dose but now I barely notice a change in either of those, only results in the gym/mirror.

Anavar is gold dust for cutting and you should save wrecking your health markers for when you are trying to get peeled and doing tons of cardio.
JFC way too many threads on here are just turning into Inspired fooling someone with his false confidence.
PIP has receded. The injection area is still a little bit sensitive, but I can walk normally again without any problems. I literally had to limp for two days after the injection.
I only have Testo E 300 at hand besides the 500 blend.
So I have to work with what I’ve got as of now, maybe I will have less PIP with the 300 blend.
I’m pinning tomorrow, I’ll keep this post updated.
I only have Testo E 300 at hand besides the 500 blend.
So I have to work with what I’ve got as of now, maybe I will have less PIP with the 300 blend.
I’m pinning tomorrow, I’ll keep this post updated.
It's not worth the pip, as it's not just some pip, but rather some reaction and inflammation in the body which is bad news over longer periods of time. Like I said in some other thread, I too had to trash a year worth of testo e due to unbearable pip and pip is not something I'm afraid if it's normal pip like say propionate or winstrol suspenion (water)...

Stay safe and next time avoid testo e, it's 50/50 what you get and use testo C.
It's not worth the pip, as it's not just some pip, but rather some reaction and inflammation in the body which is bad news over longer periods of time. Like I said in some other thread, I too had to trash a year worth of testo e due to unbearable pip and pip is not something I'm afraid if it's normal pip like say propionate or winstrol suspenion (water)...

Stay safe and next time avoid testo e, it's 50/50 what you get and use testo C.

Yes, I get it now that it’s best to use Testo C but I have to power through with Testo E as of now because I don’t have anything else at hand.
So a small update as of 13.11.
I had my third injection on 9th of November. Everything is well/normal as of now. I will be doing my fourth injection today(13.11). I should have injected yesterday but I wasn't able to. I switched to Testo E 300 blend and it's way better in terms of PIP.
The only thing I'm concerned about is that my nipples are a little pointy, there aren't any lumps beneath them or anything like that, they are just more pointy then they were pre-cycle.
So I think I will start dosing Arimidex 0.25mg EOD just in case and I'll see how my body reacts. Any thoughts?
Forgot to mention that I'm also experiencing a tad bit of anxiety for some reason, it's nothing big, just a little side note. I have no idea why though.
So a small update as of 13.11.
I had my third injection on 9th of November. Everything is well/normal as of now. I will be doing my fourth injection today(13.11). I should have injected yesterday but I wasn't able to. I switched to Testo E 300 blend and it's way better in terms of PIP.
The only thing I'm concerned about is that my nipples are a little pointy, there aren't any lumps beneath them or anything like that, they are just more pointy then they were pre-cycle.
So I think I will start dosing Arimidex 0.25mg EOD just in case and I'll see how my body reacts. Any thoughts?
You don't need the AI yet, point nipples aren't an indication of gyno. Do you have any other high E2 side effects?

You wont really notice anything until you're probably 4 weeks in. minimum.
You don't need the AI yet, point nipples aren't an indication of gyno. Do you have any other high E2 side effects?

You wont really notice anything until you're probably 4 weeks in. minimum.

I don't have any other E2 side effects, at least I'm not noticing anything.
Take your fingers and tickle your nipples! Are they super sensitive get hard easy. Then take some Arimidex. Remember you only need to microdose Arimidex as it has a 60hr half life

The cycle has been great and I’ve made some great gains/improvements. I haven’t posted in detail too much because I haven’t had the time to do so. I think I’ll do a more detailed update at the end of the next week.
Side effects are minimal and I’m feeling good. Not particularly great or extremly driven, just well and calm which is awesome.

I have been debating whether to add EQ to my cycle or not. It fits more with my lifestyle which is really active at the moment. I think it could help me a lot in the military, especially with the endurance part(constantly running around with 10-20kgs of equipment on me) and it would also help me with increasing my appetite which would be a huge contribution and a push to my bulk. Any thoughts?
I just finished your cycle diary and I'm sorry but for your age your height and your weight you would have the same result with peanut butter maybe better

I ran Anavar for 2 weeks, started first week at 50mg ED and upped to 60mg the next week. I can’t go on with oral only - the lethargy that I get from Anavar only is no go for me. The strenght gains are there and my diet is on point - consistently eating at least 250g of protein a day and at least 3900kcals. But the constant lack of energy just doesn’t suit me and my current lifestyle.
So I gave myself my first shot of Test E(0.5cc). I use Human-Labs’ Test E 500.
It’s the blend … why did you go with that instead of basic test e or c.

No it’s just the fucken stupid idea you put in his head !!
Anavar only cycles are gentle and they can work very well, especially as a first cycle. It's a good way to dip your toe into the pool. He claimed he was fatigued from anavar but he quit before he really began, and overall he seems to fall hard for all the memes and things he reads online. A bit neurotic, but it's not unusual.

Once again, an Anavar only cycle is not a stupid idea. It can be a great idea.
Anavar only cycles are gentle and they can work very well, especially as a first cycle. It's a good way to dip your toe into the pool. He claimed he was fatigued from anavar but he quit before he really began, and overall he seems to fall hard for all the memes and things he reads online. A bit neurotic, but it's not unusual.

Once again, an Anavar only cycle is not a stupid idea. It can be a great idea.
Anavar only is good if you are a she .
What ive learned is that this forum is filled with biased opinions so you have to just absorb everything factual instead..

As far as AI's go, im also on my first cycle of 500 mg test E weekly, almost 4 weeks in now. I take 50mg zinc daily to mitigate estrogen but have anastrozole on standby just incase of e2 spike.