First Cycle Thoughts

I’m going to jump ship and do a cycle so far my cycle is as follows:

Test E @ 250mg per week (starting out / pinning twice a week)

Have an AI on hand (Aromasin / Arimidex?)

Undecided on HCG or not.

2 weeks after last pin going to run Enclo for PCT for 6 weeks @ 12.5 mg per day or up it based on how I feel.

Any thoughts would be great.
I believe 250mg may be enough for you for the first cycle. You can adjust after you get bloodwork. Everyone metabolizes testosterone differently. If you’re a hyper responder like me, you won’t need much.

To give you an idea my TRT dose is 80 mg. I inject on a Sunday and get my blood work at the end of the week on Friday. That has me in the high 800s five days later. Keep in mind most people will get their blood work 48 hours after the shot. 500mg for me would be a lot. So again, it’s good to ease in since you don’t know how you’re going to respond. When you get your blood work, you can always post it here and people can help you go through it.
If you actually have low test, then it would make it easier to lose fat if you’re in a deficit. For example, I have a friend whose test levels were 180. Getting on TRT was a huge difference for him losing weight. But that’s because he had the test of a 60 year old man.

You need to get bloodwork and make an honest decision with yourself to know if you actually need TRT or just want to start using gear sooner because you’re impatient. And I don’t mean that as a jab at you. I think a lot of people started a little too early so I know the feeling.
My test is in the low 400’s as of a week ago. I mean obviously above needing trt. I just wanted to throw it out there.
400 could be low for someone. It comes down to if you’re having low T symptoms

Yes it's true that everyone is going to vary, but it's kinda hard to say you're feeling low T symptoms when you don't have low T.
In the name of "harm reduction" that's not great advice. Otherwise anybody who doesn't sleep enough or has a terrible diet is going to feel low T "symptoms" because they're so vague.

Apply that logic to other situations and it's dangerous. "My thyroid is performing normally but I feel like I have hypo symptoms, so I'm going to take meds for it."
Here’s the result's.


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