First cycle: Tren A and Test E real or bunk?


New Member
Hey, im 2 days in on my first cycle:
-50mg Tren A ED
-200mg Test E EOD
although i haven't really noticed any good effects
kind of feels like my performance in the gym has actually suffered

so basically im just wondering how long it should take to feel effects?
or maybe you know if my source is good or not (

im norwegian so i dont have very many sources to choose from

any advice/answers appreciated!
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Have you ran these before? Your strength should be noticeably increased with tren. Libido should be increased straight away with test too. Let me know if you experience either of these in the next few days...
Tren on a first cycle? Damn bro. Going hard right out the gate.

2 days ain't enough time for anything. That test will take 4 weeks. I've never done tren ace so I can't comment, but give it a week at least.

If there's any talking you out of tren on your first run, drop it and save it for a later run.
700mg test 350mg tren for your first cycle? Why? You must be trolling us.

You could have started with test only and increased it until you feel like you can handle it and need to increase it and then finish off with tren to really get the most out of it.
Hey, im 2 days in on my first cycle:
-50mg Tren A ED
-200mg Test E EOD
although i haven't really noticed any good effects
kind of feels like my performance in the gym has actually suffered

so basically im just wondering how long it should take to feel effects?
or maybe you know if my source is good or not (

im norwegian so i dont have very many sources to choose from

any advice/answers appreciated!
If your girlfriend doesn’t have a penis by day 7 your tren ace is bulk 100%
(BASELINE BLOODWORK) Update: thank you guys for all the advice!

Hope this thread is not dead (not too sure how this forum works (great community btw))

figured i would update this with some info so its not already dead when i get my bloodwork and so on

anyway in the last week ive noticed ive started to pretty rapidly put on size
(ca 1kg/day) im hoping this is a sign that my stuff is real

ill be getting bloodwork around friday next week, i can post it here when i get my results (got some family stuff happening too so dont kill me if its late)

i have already gotten baseline bloodwork which i didnt think to post
here it is:
(its in norwegian so i did my best translating, sry about that)

is there anything more you guys would check for other than the stuff thats already there?

under is a page with everything they check if u want to see:
(its in norwegian, if ur on chrome there is a small "G" symbol on the right of the search bar to the left of the star, it activates google translate)

also does anyone have a smart trick to know if my needles are reaching the IM "zone" when injecting? (does it even matter if it only reaches SUBQ?)

Thanks again for all the advice!!! no bad answers here i know so much less about this stuff than i thought (lol)
(also sorry for so many stupid questions and long post, really do appreciate u guys taking the time to answer)


  • Baseline Bloodwork.png
    Baseline Bloodwork.png
    106.9 KB · Views: 9
Hey, im 2 days in on my first cycle:
-50mg Tren A ED
-200mg Test E EOD
although i haven't really noticed any good effects
kind of feels like my performance in the gym has actually suffered

so basically im just wondering how long it should take to feel effects?
or maybe you know if my source is good or not (

im norwegian so i dont have very many sources to choose from

any advice/answers appreciated!
Bro you really want to run testosterone by itself for a first cycle. 500mg a week. You need to know how your body responds to high test before you begin adding other compounds. And my GOD tren ACE on a first cycle? And you're pinning that frequently with Virgin muscle? I waited several YEARS before I tried tren.Its just not necessary for a first cycle. the risks do not outweigh the rewards. On that note TWO DAYS? Wait a week or two. if the tren is real you will know it. Good luck.
Hey, im 2 days in on my first cycle:
-50mg Tren A ED
-200mg Test E EOD
although i haven't really noticed any good effects
kind of feels like my performance in the gym has actually suffered

so basically im just wondering how long it should take to feel effects?
or maybe you know if my source is good or not (

im norwegian so i dont have very many sources to choose from

any advice/answers appreciated!
Good tren A even at 50mg.... with virgin receptors is fire baby..... you will know when you know its good

Please read member's experience on tren you ant in a emotional and physical good place donot proceed baby.

Don't beat your girl bro not cool

Leave your handgun in the safe
What are you currently lifting in Bench, Squat and Deadlift before beginning this first cycle and how many years have you trained for natty?
(BASELINE BLOODWORK) Update: thank you guys for all the advice!

Hope this thread is not dead (not too sure how this forum works (great community btw))

figured i would update this with some info so its not already dead when i get my bloodwork and so on

anyway in the last week ive noticed ive started to pretty rapidly put on size
(ca 1kg/day) im hoping this is a sign that my stuff is real

ill be getting bloodwork around friday next week, i can post it here when i get my results (got some family stuff happening too so dont kill me if its late)

i have already gotten baseline bloodwork which i didnt think to post
here it is:
(its in norwegian so i did my best translating, sry about that)

is there anything more you guys would check for other than the stuff thats already there?

under is a page with everything they check if u want to see:
(its in norwegian, if ur on chrome there is a small "G" symbol on the right of the search bar to the left of the star, it activates google translate)

also does anyone have a smart trick to know if my needles are reaching the IM "zone" when injecting? (does it even matter if it only reaches SUBQ?)

Thanks again for all the advice!!! no bad answers here i know so much less about this stuff than i thought (lol)
(also sorry for so many stupid questions and long post, really do appreciate u guys taking the time to answer)
Good afternoon.
Did you do this blood test before your cycle or?
You have an average level of testosterone, estradiol and not reduced levels of LH and FSH. It should be the opposite.
Jesus Christ. How are you doing a.. nevermind fuck it enjoy your tren bro. Hope you hit your IM zone right to get them feelz
Good afternoon.
Did you do this blood test before your cycle or?
You have an average level of testosterone, estradiol and not reduced levels of LH and FSH. It should be the opposite.
this is before, i was told you should get bloodwork before cycle also so that you can compare and know what it should be at after pct and so on

i will be going to get bloodwork again next thursday, these guys took like 2 days to get back to me with results so i expect to get them somewhere around saturday
What are you currently lifting in Bench, Squat and Deadlift before beginning this first cycle and how many years have you trained for natty?
comon bro we both know if i answer this the thread will turn into ppl telling me how i should wait until im senile
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Tren is a really fucking strong drug. You should feel something already but it‘s unwise to use tren on your first cycle.

Pairing ace with enanthate seems to indicate that your cycle has no point or purpose. You really want there to be a purpose (ie competition, professional aspiration) to use tren. The drug is extremely harsh on the body.

IMO drop it and run 500mg test + some aromasin if you just want to fuck around with gear and get jacked. Spare your body and mind the abuse of such a potent compound.