First Cycle with HCG advice


New Member
Hey guys,

Preparing for first ever cycle, I want to do HCG with it as it seems smart for recovery, but I'm a bit at sea with it.

Want to pin Test E 250 twice a week with .5 adex as needed, and run HCG throughout, but I'm not sure what I'm doing with HCG.

1) When should I start and stop using HCG?
2) What dosage and how often? (Ideally do not win to pin every day)
3) What do I need to buy to mix and store it?
4) How do I mix and store it?
5) Any comprehensive guides or tutorials available online?

Would be a massive help if anyone can give answers, want to make sure I do this right. Thanks!
You can go on YouTube and get answers to most of your questions dude. You can type in HCG preparation.
When it comes to dosing your HCG I would pin it twice per week (you can do it on the same days as the Test). If your cycle is 12 weeks long than I would use it the last 10 weeks of your cycle at 250iu per shot.
Just my opinion I wouldn't take the adex as needed. I'd run it either .25mg everyday or .5mg eod then adjust from there as needed until you get mid cycle bloods. If you really wanted to take an AI as needed only then adex is not what you want. Aromasin would be much better option but for a first cycle you have no idea how you will react so taking it by feel is not so wise until you have at least a few cycles under your belt and know exactly how you will react. Some people can get away with less but others may need much more.
I think you're probably right about taking .5 adex every 2-3 days, probably isn't much chance of pushing E2 too low, and if I do I can just stop taking adex for a while right?

Thanks for the link about HCG, didn't realise I would be able to find kind of info on youtube either. It says in that article only to use it for 4 weeks to avoid atrophy, but others say take it continuously... what would be anyone's advice for how long to use HCG during a 12 week Test E only cycle.
Hey, I've got a couple followup questions if anyone can answer

1) A lot of advice differs between using HCG from week 2 til end cycle, or using it only the last 4 weeks - which is better?

2) Some places say to stop using HCG with your last pin, but some say keep going til 3 days before you start PCT - which is better?

"It’s a poor and unnecessary plan to allow the testes to atrophy by starting HCG after the steroid cycle ends. It’s better to avoid atrophy and non-responsiveness from occurring in the first place. Further, HCG use during post-cycle therapy can impair recovery of LH production. So it’s not at all the ideal time to use it.

Instead, HCG should be used in the middle or late part of the cycle, and no later than the last steroid injection of the cycle."

I copied this from the article @CdnGuy already posted that kinda answers both your questions.
makes since so I do it

As for a little more clarity on stopping HCG. The clearance should be about 7-10 days (based on half life) before starting Serms
So last shot is prolly fine if using long ester.

A lot of people choose 72hrs or 3 days before pct.

There's ALOT of variance cause people sometimes respond differently, or feel that other methods seem to work better.

Stick with a solid plan that makes since to you, and alter as needed

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It states,

"The total amount taken per week doesn’t need to be any exact figure. For example it also would be fine to take 500 IU three times per week or to take 200 IU daily" in the article posted earlier.

Would it be fine to take 500iu twice a week???
It states,

"The total amount taken per week doesn’t need to be any exact figure. For example it also would be fine to take 500 IU three times per week or to take 200 IU daily" in the article posted earlier.

Would it be fine to take 500iu twice a week???
From what i have read online, most sources say to pin HCG twice a week at either 250iu - 1000iu. (not sure which are correct or not so basing of how often i see these suggestions)
Some say the longer/stronger your cycle is the more hcg you will need in order to stimulate enough LH to bring your testes back to working order.

I've seen more warnings, however, to avoid using HCG in higher doses than 1000iu.

Past this, my question would be, why do some people say it is bad to take at the end of a cycle? because of it creating a crash in your body's natural production? Isn't that what you want before administering clomid and nolvadex so they hold more of an effect?

Another thing to touch upon is aromatization caused from hcg. Taking an AI while on HCG is important!
For me, i am taking arimidex on cycle, then switching to aromasin after my last pin because i will use that two weeks into my PCT (4 weeks total.)

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Hey, I've got a couple followup questions if anyone can answer

1) A lot of advice differs between using HCG from week 2 til end cycle, or using it only the last 4 weeks - which is better?

2) Some places say to stop using HCG with your last pin, but some say keep going til 3 days before you start PCT - which is better?


This is what I'm doing.

Hcg week 3 of a 12 week cycle

I pin my test e. 250mg on Monday
And 250 hcg Monday

Then again Thursday 250mg test and 250 hcg

The HCG last pin is same as last pin of your test. then you wait 3 weeks and start your PCT. I know most people wait 2 weeks but do your blood work. you want your test to drop back to normal or below normal before starting PCT. So I wait 3 week.
It states,

"The total amount taken per week doesn’t need to be any exact figure. For example it also would be fine to take 500 IU three times per week or to take 200 IU daily" in the article posted earlier.

Would it be fine to take 500iu twice a week???
I've read that the most typical pin schedule for hcg is twice a week and at either 250iu each pin, up to 500iu each pin (500-1000iu weekly)

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