First cycle?

I wish that was 13% bodyfat...

If and when you start a cycle, make sure you get bloodwork first. That way you'll know what kind of natural test level you may or may not be throwing away.
Hey glad you posted pics. Your not going to get torn up for what you look like.
You got the beginnings of good back for sure. Your bf is much higher than 13% but it's not the number that counts. If i were you i would practice manipulating your body composition (losing fat, or gaining muscle) losing fat at this point would a good goal unless you want to be a power lifter.
Get down to where you can at least see some muscular definition and the outline of your abs and then practice bulking with out losing sight of your abs. See what I'm driving at?
Master this and you are light years ahead of the pack.
Practice eating and constructing diets that work for you, find out what gets you different results.

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You have a good frame to work with, but i still stand by what was earlier posted. You definetly should NOT run any aas yet. Give yourself 4-5 years. I would be willing to bet that you would be very happy if you had a semi decent cut to you and a 6 pack. Good news is, that CAN be yours with a great diet and dedicated training.

Hope we talked some doubt into your mind brotha. You can get there without them.
U still have potential to pack on serious muscle naturally and get closer to you "genetic potential"------ trust me I'm still running natural after I dosed real young not knowing what the F I was doing..... Honestly it was my worst mistake should have took advantage of youthful T...... I didn't count macros then, didn't know I'd loose my appetite coming down and in return lost ALL MY GAINS...... Do what you want, but I wouldn't looking back!
Like I said the BF was based on a caliper reading. I started lifting at 12 for football and wrestling, though I wasn't serious about lifting for lifting' sake until about two years ago. I know how to cut and know I'm pretty fat right now, the leanest I've been was 6% according to a water tank test during wrestling season. I have had blood work done a few years back, when I was 17 I think, and my test was lower than normal -- though I don't remember what exactly. But ever since hearing that I've been interested in AAS/TRT the mindset of if I can do this with lower than average T what will happen at an elevated level. I know I've got a lot of work to do before I pin and even more work to do thereafter. Again, thanks for all the advice. I should have made it more clear that I wasn't planning on starting any cycle in the very near future.
Like I said the BF was based on a caliper reading. I started lifting at 12 for football and wrestling, though I wasn't serious about lifting for lifting' sake until about two years ago. I know how to cut and know I'm pretty fat right now, the leanest I've been was 6% according to a water tank test during wrestling season. I have had blood work done a few years back, when I was 17 I think, and my test was lower than normal -- though I don't remember what exactly. But ever since hearing that I've been interested in AAS/TRT the mindset of if I can do this with lower than average T what will happen at an elevated level. I know I've got a lot of work to do before I pin and even more work to do thereafter. Again, thanks for all the advice. I should have made it more clear that I wasn't planning on starting any cycle in the very near future.
I believe you.
I started lifting weights at 13, in fact it was mandatory for football and basketball workouts. Prior to that I did bodyweight PT, closing your growth plates or whatever bro science people tell you is horseshit. I'm 6'2", all of my brothers are 6'1-6'2" and they started younger than me. The problem is middle school strength training coaches are mediocre at best usually, we were lucky to recruit help from the local colleges.

You're built for wrestling, strong back, and look at dem wrists. You've got the potential to be a brick shithouse man, but your cycle layout is way overly complicated. I think you have done your research and you are intelligent but you have shitty guidance and you've managed to overcomplicate this in your attempt to prepare and not get flamed. Listen to NoTits he gave you the best and most constructive advice you've rec'd this far. Hang out for awhile, post in the diet and training sub forums, take aint gotta juice to kick it ;)

Btw...what was your record like? You make State?
I don't remember my exact record, but I made VA states freshman year, suffered a broken arm sophomore year prior to states, and I rolled through AK junior and senior year. Not a ton of competition up here. I was never going to be tall no matter how you slice it with my father being 5'8 and my mother 5'0. I'm just trying to gather as much info about the drugs and their interactions, as well as dosing and timing, to avoid fucking myself up if/when I go for it. I'm no endocrinologist, but I know enough about human physiology to know that it's definitely not something you want to fly into blind which is why I'm very concerned with PCT and don't wanna fudge it. Just trying to map it out before I set off on this road trip, so to speak.
I don't remember my exact record, but I made VA states freshman year, suffered a broken arm sophomore year prior to states, and I rolled through AK junior and senior year. Not a ton of competition up here. I was never going to be tall no matter how you slice it with my father being 5'8 and my mother 5'0. I'm just trying to gather as much info about the drugs and their interactions, as well as dosing and timing, to avoid fucking myself up if/when I go for it. I'm no endocrinologist, but I know enough about human physiology to know that it's definitely not something you want to fly into blind which is why I'm very concerned with PCT and don't wanna fudge it. Just trying to map it out before I set off on this road trip, so to speak.
When you do decide it's time - if you know how to eat and train all your gonna need the first few cycles is test and food - you will see. The drugs are the easy part all the thinking and figuring out has already been done.
The only thing you need to learn is your body first.
And listen to TEK, the man knows the game and has an athletic background as well.
Come hang out in OGH's food thread.

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You got the VIP @Notits treatment silverback. This isn't a forum that should bash guys who are genuinely trying to educate themselves and set goals, no matter what they look like but it does happen unfortunately. For me, I kept hitting a brick wall at 195-200 pounds and I'm 5'9 and a half. I've been at this a long time and have only ever done 1 cycle back in October and I quickly lost those gains because I got pneumonia and couldn't hit the gym for the next 2 months after I came off. What many don't realize is that while you may feel and look great on cycle, you're going to feel equally as shitty coming off. This isn't just as simple as taking steroids and getting bigger. Not by a long shot brother. Keep in mind, you're screwing with your hormones. I'm half afraid to cycle again because I didn't feel like I could control myself and not do or say something that would get me fired or worse. Choosing the aas lifestyle is choosing to take your body on an emotional rollercoaster and one must be aware of the risks involved. Stick around, educate yourself and wait. Don't be so quick to say you've got low test. Building a solid foundation takes time, proper diet and laser focus. This is a way of life for us here, not a quick fix. Best of luck
I appreciate it, and I do understand the bashing, hormone manipulation is nothing to be taken lightly and many people think that aas are miracle drugs that make you huge and fit so when someone shows up and sounds like they don't know what they're talking about the best thing for them is to be put in their place, so to speak. I'll take the advice given and work on my natural potential until the gains become more minuscule and my body's matured a bit more. And I'll work on being less fat.
I say go natural for awhile you've got a good frame and I think you could pack on some good muscle. Get everything in order and you'll be a monster.

"13% BF" LMFAO and some have said or suggested (many are directly involved in PED sales) "we shouldn't question or discourage" the youthful desires of noobs who 'come to Meso for AAS advice.

Few of these youths even know what a dermal caliper is, let alone how to use one, AND their "DIET", give me a damn break.

You fellas want an excellent approximation about whether someone is ready to cycle, it's simple have them POST A PIC (to include a dated "Meso" identifier) as @Notits just

This is the most reliable means of knowing (on a forum at least) if ones natural potential has been reached. The alter being achieved thru the use of optimal training techniques, dietary modifications, and an unwavering commitment to ALL else that is required

The "evidence" is in front of us all IMO
Just an fyi. I have a list of "necessities" one must reach before they should cycle. Me being the kid that used to do so many drugs I would've made Charlie sheen look like a saint, getting kicked out of school when I was 14 for not backing down when I was dared to t-bag a kid in the middle of class, going to adult prison when I was 16 for a couple armed robberies, etc. I know how it is, if you want to do something, some idiots on a forum calling you an idiot aren't going to stop you from doing whatever you want. If you really want to do steroids though, keep these things in mind.

1. Have a good understanding on pct and how to maximize you chances of returning to baseline and doing so asap

2. Make sure you understand the possible negative sides and how to limit them. This can be anything from gyno, lethargy, anger, etc. Last thing you need is to be an asshole zombie showing up to work shooting milk from his nipples.

3. Know how to manipulate your body to be able to bulk and cut efficiently without the assistance of any supplements. If you can't gain your 1lb a week. Or go through a cut without losing strength and muscle naturally, you should learn to do that before you start roids.

4. Make sure you have your training in check. I know a lot of people that have been cycling for a while and honestly look like shit. I also have a lot of people in my family who are completely natural and look just fucking jacked. My one cousin is 6'2 and tipping the scales at 260lbs @ 15%bf. My old man used to have a 1,600lbs 3 lift total RAW completely natural. 6'0 215lbs @ 10%

What I'm saying is your diet and training are more important than some drugs. I remember when I first started lifting I went from 142lbs to 185lbs @ 9% in my first year of lifting. That was because I had my training and diet in check before I ever even started training. All I did in pris on was read and read and read on dieting and exercise for YEARS all day long. Lol.