If you don't need it to make great gains, why take out the big gun? This guy is just getting back into it, You know what that means. How about adding tren and a drol? more is better right? NOT, IM CHANNELING JIM.

He doesn't need it and after a period of inactivity, he should train natty, but we can let that slide. He can use test.@SJB78
I don't really see why not to include dbol first cycle if you have it. Test e will take anywhere from 3-5 weeks and dbol is instant so you'll know what is causing what with sides. Just use it as a kickstart. Kinda wish i did becuse im on my 3rd week and have only slightly noticed things that are diffremt. If your on cycle you should wnt to take advantage of this 12 week window as much as possible. Obviously dont go over board though, on paper though, using dbol with a long acting ester just for a kick start really shouldn't be a problem and the cons of it doesnt seem to out weigh thee pros.

I'm no expert obviously but that's just my opinion from studying aas.
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