First Cycle


New Member
Hey everyone want to start my first circle with 50 mg dianabol a day and 500mg testo is this a good combination and cam may someone say a good brand for dianabol and testo?
Drop the dianabol. Have ai and serm on hand and you are good to go. Dianabol makes it hard to control e2. Add anavar at the end if you really want something else
I’m getting on my first cycle on the 10 October I’m just sticking with 500 test. Was thinking about adding var but I’m just going to keep it simple.. there is always next cycle lol
There are so many first cycle posts on this forum it’s unreal.

You’re about to inject illegal drugs to alter your body that have side effects.

Give it the respect it deserves and do some fucking reading dude. Spend a few hours on this website just reading and learning.
Get baseline bloods before you begin. I may get my balls busted when I say this, but my first cycle was 300mg of pharma test.
It was very effective. Just test and Arimdex.
I worked out, ate, and my sleep hygiene was damn near perfect, so that played a huge role in the effectiveness. I’d say going over 400mgs of test for a first cycle is often unecessary.

If your discipline, consistency, and dedication aren't strong AF, I would hold off until it is.
Get baseline bloods before you begin. I may get my balls busted when I say this, but my first cycle was 300mg of pharma test.
It was very effective. Just test and Arimdex.
I worked out, ate, and my sleep hygiene was damn near perfect, so that played a huge role in the effectiveness. I’d say going over 400mgs of test for a first cycle is often unecessary.

If your discipline, consistency, and dedication aren't strong AF, I would hold off until it is.
At least you're smart enough to keep things simple on your first cycle. I still think 500mg is a great cookie cutter first cycle. As someone who's been on TRT for a while, the first time I did 500mg was the first time I actually "felt like I was on something"...I guess aside from when I first got on TRT haha.
Drop Dbol dose or even cut out completely. 50mg is way too much for a first cycle and no experience how you will react.

Stick to 500mg Test a week if your adamant on adding the oral maybe 20mg and see how you react.

If Dbol takes your appetite your not gunna be eating for the first week of your cycle so already puts you behind.

I trust you will of had your bloods checked prior to starting this journey......
At least you're smart enough to keep things simple on your first cycle. I still think 500mg is a great cookie cutter first cycle. As someone who's been on TRT for a while, the first time I did 500mg was the first time I actually "felt like I was on something"...I guess aside from when I first got on TRT haha.
Totally, 500mgs has been the magic number for many throughout the decades.

My second cycle was 400mgs test and 20mg Dbol. When I began my journey, one of my main priorities was to just see what kind of responder I was. I respond well, and my sides are often mild. Kinda won the lottery there.

When it comes to pharmacological intervention, I stick to “lowest effective dose” and ramp up from there. Throughout the years, it’s worked out well. From one to the next our physiologies can be so varied.

It’s crazy how some people respond to “reasonable” doses. For others, the same dose could be wildly inadequate etc etc. If we pay attention (always a good idea) we eventually find out which of these we are.

I’m a sucker for things that are quantifiable. If one can measure it, one can manage it.

I’m digressing like a mofo, my bad.
I’m getting on my first cycle on the 10 October I’m just sticking with 500 test. Was thinking about adding var but I’m just going to keep it simple.. there is always next cycle lol
Good for you! Simple is best, and you won't regret it. You can always try orals down the road. Some will say 500 test is too much, my first cycle had me using 450 Test. I lived too!!
Totally, 500mgs has been the magic number for many throughout the decades.

My second cycle was 400mgs test and 20mg Dbol. When I began my journey, one of my main priorities was to just see what kind of responder I was. I respond well, and my sides are often mild. Kinda won the lottery there.

When it comes to pharmacological intervention, I stick to “lowest effective dose” and ramp up from there. Throughout the years, it’s worked out well. From one to the next our physiologies can be so varied.

It’s crazy how some people respond to “reasonable” doses. For others, the same dose could be wildly inadequate etc etc. If we pay attention (always a good idea) we eventually find out which of these we are.

I’m a sucker for things that are quantifiable. If one can measure it, one can manage it.

I’m digressing like a mofo, my bad.
Blanket statement, but it's usually fairly easy to tell where you fall on the genetic scale with response to AAS. If you take 500mg and gain a little size, strength, etc, you're probably just a "normal dude". Usually the guys who take 200-300mg their first cycle and blow up are the obvious outliers. The aforementioned can easily get huge on 1g of gear, give or take, sometimes even less. The rest of us would end up having to take MUCH more than that to even touch their physique and would be ravished by side-effects. Less is more, in my opinion, but 400-500mg of Test isn't a whole lot for a cycle and should work well for most.