First cycle


New Member
Hello everyone! I plan on starting my first cycle pretty soon, (400mg/test-e) for 12 weeks. I’ve been working out for close to 10 years on and off and for the past 2 years I’ve been the same. Im never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore. back in the day I could see the change, now it feels like only other people notice a slight change or strangers complimenting me at the gym.

I am 32 years old

My question I have, do you recall your first cycle? what did you use? what did you wish you did differently? ect.

im learning so much from this amazing community!! you people are awesome!
Hello everyone! I plan on starting my first cycle pretty soon, (400mg/test-e) for 12 weeks. I’ve been working out for close to 10 years on and off and for the past 2 years I’ve been the same. Im never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore. back in the day I could see the change, now it feels like only other people notice a slight change or strangers complimenting me at the gym.

I am 32 years old

My question I have, do you recall your first cycle? what did you use? what did you wish you did differently? ect.

im learning so much from this amazing community!! you people are awesome!
The first thing I’d ask is what is your pct protocol ?
Do you already have it on hand do u have a ai on hand ? Id post your pct plan and allow guys to make sure it looks good

I’d make sure my diet is on point and just train hard I did my first cycle way premature
Hello everyone! I plan on starting my first cycle pretty soon, (400mg/test-e) for 12 weeks. I’ve been working out for close to 10 years on and off and for the past 2 years I’ve been the same. Im never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore. back in the day I could see the change, now it feels like only other people notice a slight change or strangers complimenting me at the gym.

I am 32 years old

My question I have, do you recall your first cycle? what did you use? what did you wish you did differently? ect.

im learning so much from this amazing community!! you people are awesome!
yes, the amount of testosterone could be well, but I would add primobolan and masteron or proviron for making the cycle more androgenic and to try to avoid gyno and other sydes like a hight levels of estradiol.

You have make a PCT when you are going to finish the cycle for recovering your engoenous tesosterone levels and the good funcionability of testicules
Hello everyone! I plan on starting my first cycle pretty soon, (400mg/test-e) for 12 weeks. I’ve been working out for close to 10 years on and off and for the past 2 years I’ve been the same. Im never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore. back in the day I could see the change, now it feels like only other people notice a slight change or strangers complimenting me at the gym.

I am 32 years old

My question I have, do you recall your first cycle? what did you use? what did you wish you did differently? ect.

im learning so much from this amazing community!! you people are awesome!
Hey bro! Sounds like a good first cycle. I’m currently running my first cycle at 500mg test e for 16 weeks. I think test alone is the best first cycle for anyone. The best thing to do is to get your diet and training on point and you’ll make the most out of your cycle. Use this forum if you have questions, their are vets active here everyday that I’m sure will be more then happy to help you on your journey.

Goodluck bro!
Hey bro! Sounds like a good first cycle. I’m currently running my first cycle at 500mg test e for 16 weeks. I think test alone is the best first cycle for anyone. The best thing to do is to get your diet and training on point and you’ll make the most out of your cycle. Use this forum if you have questions, their are vets active here everyday that I’m sure will be more then happy to help you on your journey.

Goodluck bro!
Helll yea Thank you! I would love to stay in touch and keep close on our progress together!
17 of these posts are made each week. Tons of good info out there. I suggest you just look through these threads and read, you’ll learn what you’re asking and more.
Hello everyone! I plan on starting my first cycle pretty soon, (400mg/test-e) for 12 weeks. I’ve been working out for close to 10 years on and off and for the past 2 years I’ve been the same. Im never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore. back in the day I could see the change, now it feels like only other people notice a slight change or strangers complimenting me at the gym.

I am 32 years old

My question I have, do you recall your first cycle? what did you use? what did you wish you did differently? ect.

im learning so much from this amazing community!! you people are awesome!
If you 32 I would just stay on test, after 12 weeks I would just drop the dose down for a bit then go back up and down as you please so you don't have to do a pct.
unpopular opinion on here it seems, but test will be all you ever need.

Your first cycle is most people's first "cycle" and you will get great results if your diet and training is in check
“I’m never satisfied with the way my body looks anymore”

What’s the issue? Too much bf? Can’t gain more lean mass? What are you trying to gain something with improving your body composition? Even if it’s vain reasons, that can still be justified. Just need to make sure your reasoning is rock solid such that it stacks up against all the potential risks…and the side effects you’ll have that you never knew about.

With me for example, I didn’t know that even though it was easy for me to avoid gyno, I aromatize a lot and had insomnia and night sweats, and should’ve controlled estrogen more aggressively earlier rather than being paranoid about AI meds
unpopular opinion on here it seems, but test will be all you ever need.

Your first cycle is most people's first "cycle" and you will get great results if your diet and training is in check
Kinda agree. Test, anavar, NPP. Everything else is not for lifestyle. And take the lowest effective dose THAT you are happy with. Alot of junkys on forum, dont trust everybody who says run a gram of test for a normie job...