First cycle


New Member
Hey guys so I’m here to gather as much info as I can this will be my first cycle my goal is to get as huge as possible I do want to some day compete in a bodybuilding show I’m 18 turning 19 sure some will say to young to use but idc this is my goal so for the people who are willing to help thanks im not sure how to use this website so i hope im doing it right again thanks

Start of cycle

Total goal per week 350 test cyp 250

Pin twice a week Monday & Thursday

0.7 mo per injection for 14 weeks

Get blood work before cycle 5 week into cycle mid cycle check 9 week and end of cycle week 14

If blood work is good mid cycle I can consider going to 350 to 400 a week inject twice a week at 0.8 ml per injection Monday & Friday

After 14 week cruise at 200 wait 4-6 weeks do blood work again cruise at 200 for 14 weeks then blast 2nd cycle 450 for 16 weeks have AI on hand if needed this time inject 0.9 ml per injection Monday Wednesday and Friday

Cycle length determined by blood work

Bloodwork Timing for Cycle

Pre-Cycle: Full hormone, organ, and health panel.

Mid-Cycle (4-6 Weeks In): Check testosterone, estrogen, hematocrit, cholesterol, liver/kidney function.

End of Blast: Same as mid-cycle, before transitioning to cruise.

Cruise (4-6 Weeks In & Every 8-12 Weeks): Monitor testosterone stability, estrogen, hematocrit, lipids, and organ function.
For estrogen have Ai on hand arimidex (anastrozole dose 0.25to 0.5 mg every other day as needed

Vitaminas to get
Vitamin D3 + K2
Not much point in increasing test from 350 to 400 after your bloodwork. The additional fluctuations will lead to additional side effects. Just stick with one dose.

You’re also arbitrarily choosing 200 mg as a cruise.

Take a year to read more. Read not only the starter steroid guides but also read logs in here and other forums.

You already know you are too young and this is a mistake.
Not much point in increasing test from 350 to 400 after your bloodwork. The additional fluctuations will lead to additional side effects. Just stick with one dose.

You’re also arbitrarily choosing 200 mg as a cruise.

Take a year to read more. Read not only the starter steroid guides but also read logs in here and other forums.

You already know you are too young and this is a mistake.
By increasing test from 350 to 400 could he slight better maybe ur right in order to reduce fluctuations as u can see it would be a 3 weekly pin, also I wouldn’t say everyone is perfect when they all start but ofc im not saying this plan is fool proof so im still going to do my research as stated in the post also cruising at 200 around there are trt lvl to get to give the body a break then another last at 450 another reason I choose to increase to 450 from 350 is to my body to aclámate to higher lvl of test for better result non the less thanks
I’m definitely not gonna contribute to your cycling. Sounds like you already know you shouldn’t be. Good luck.
I mean no one is really meant for steroids I’m doing my research I’m trying to be careful and I’m here to gather information should say a lot about other young dudes who pin without doing 0 to non research my sleep is on check my workout are always hard I track my macros I have everything locked in even the diet so sure some will say to young to me but to me that sounds like excuses to reach your goal sure u might call me young and dumb but ill do this as careful as thought out as i can at the end of the day no person can know how or when they die
Since you're really into this, try to not resort to AI as soon as possible. For me I had like high e2 symptoms at the beginning of my cycle but just died out 6-8weeks and it seems like its just an adjustment period(This is considering i was like ~20% bf(+-2)).

You'll be amaze how much you're body can adapt to the initial symptoms and seems like everyone just resort to AI without letting the body adapt to it first.
Hi bro, show us some photo. And tell me what is the point of going only TST? What are your goals? Get muscle? So add some more anabolic things?
Hi bro, show us some photo. And tell me what is the point of going only TST? What are your goals? Get muscle? So add some more anabolic things?
I’m not sure what you mean by show you photos of me?. Also I’m planning to be a competitor bodybuilder so yes I’m planning to add more anabolics I’ve been doing more research about these compounds how it works the sides so I have a pretty good idea of how things work also the post I posted about the cycle I changed some stuff instead of taking a 350 im sticking with 500 for 16 weeks. Also why only test is to gauge how the compound woud react to me and know how to properly use it at the dosage that’s right for me I want to say I’m not yet on test I’m either hoping on this year on Oct. or next year
I mean no one is really meant for steroids
No, but people who hop on large doses of AAS before their brain is finished developing risk permanently messing with that development. That's one of the biggest risks of doing it as young as you are. There's of course all sorts of risks for doing them at any point in life, and they very based on the compound, etc., too. But most of those can be mitigated to a certain extent. What we don't have any known mitigation for is it wrecking brain development.

Is permanently fucking with your brain in a way that you will not ever be able to recover from worth hopping on gear half a decade sooner? Be honest with yourself, no wishful thinking - do the results you have so far as a natural really show the seed of what it takes to be a pro? People with pro cards almost universally would still look huge compared to most gym goers even if they had stayed natural - you need good genetics when it comes to building muscle (and aesthetics around insertion points, etc.) and good genetics when it comes to responding to AAS that's the route you want to go. Missing any of that and you're at a big disadvantage.

What if the IFBB pro life doesn't pan out for you and all the AAS prevent your brain from developing like it should and make it more difficult for you to hold down a job in another career?

Maybe things will work out and we'll be seeing you on the Olympia stage. Maybe they won't, but the impact to your brain development will be minimal and it won't fuck with the rest of your life. Or maybe you derail shit completely and your brain basically halts development and you've given yourself a massive disadvantage for the rest of your life.

I'm not going to tell you what to do - you're an adult, or at least reached the age of majority. But if you can't be fully honest with yourself about your chances here, and really weigh the pros and cons, and think this is a good idea even if you're not sure about your chances of making it... I'd suggest that that's a good indicator that you could use that additional brain development time.
No, but people who hop on large doses of AAS before their brain is finished developing risk permanently messing with that development. That's one of the biggest risks of doing it as young as you are. There's of course all sorts of risks for doing them at any point in life, and they very based on the compound, etc., too. But most of those can be mitigated to a certain extent. What we don't have any known mitigation for is it wrecking brain development.

Is permanently fucking with your brain in a way that you will not ever be able to recover from worth hopping on gear half a decade sooner? Be honest with yourself, no wishful thinking - do the results you have so far as a natural really show the seed of what it takes to be a pro? People with pro cards almost universally would still look huge compared to most gym goers even if they had stayed natural - you need good genetics when it comes to building muscle (and aesthetics around insertion points, etc.) and good genetics when it comes to responding to AAS that's the route you want to go. Missing any of that and you're at a big disadvantage.

What if the IFBB pro life doesn't pan out for you and all the AAS prevent your brain from developing like it should and make it more difficult for you to hold down a job in another career?

Maybe things will work out and we'll be seeing you on the Olympia stage. Maybe they won't, but the impact to your brain development will be minimal and it won't fuck with the rest of your life. Or maybe you derail shit completely and your brain basically halts development and you've given yourself a massive disadvantage for the rest of your life.

I'm not going to tell you what to do - you're an adult, or at least reached the age of majority. But if you can't be fully honest with yourself about your chances here, and really weigh the pros and cons, and think this is a good idea even if you're not sure about your chances of making it... I'd suggest that that's a good indicator that you could use that additional brain development time.

This OP

I assume you’re a Cbum fan. Go look at the photo of Cbum when he was 16 and natty. Guy already looked large, lean, and aesthetic. Same with Phil Heath when he was a college basketball player not even training to be big. He had cannonball delts already.

If you truly have potential you’d already realistically know.

Also, go to a local bodybuilding show. See what the vast majority of people who want to be pros end up looking like. And beyond that just see what a day at the sport is really like.

At least you are still researching and you abandoned your original plan. Keep researching. And like i said before go through people’s cycle logs on here. That will be one of the best real world studies on normal dudes taking steroids. It’s usually underwhelming. Anyone who’s lifted for a decade knows nattys that are bigger and leaner than many of the people posting their cycle experiences (these tend not to be the guys on the first page of Meso who have long multi year logs, go back a few pages).