First Deca cycle help please

200mg a wk is where I started. Takes a long time to kick in. I was taking more towards the end. I made a great gains on deca but it had serious sides. I lost a lot of it after I stopped even with running high test and working out 6 days a wk. Completely changed the way I think. Severe Depression and paranoia started believing things that weren't real. Then chest pain and serious motivation problems took forever to get out of my system. My blood levels are above average high red blood cells . I won't touch it anymore. Can't stress the importance of blood work. I would run 500mg test cyp slowly step it up and go from there. At least with test you can drop it down and the sides usually come down relatively fast. Deca took forever. I'm told npp stays in you system for a shorter period. If deca works for you it's an excellent compound if it doesn't it can fuck your life up.
I'm pretty interested about updates on your first cycle. I'm currently planning on going on 500mg Test for 16 weeks. Maybe even 20. Not trying to diminish your progress but I'm curious how you "only" gained 7 pounds in 16 weeks. That's not even half a pound per week, even when completly natty it seems like very little weight gain over 16 weeks. Were you cutting ?