First injection, got PIP after 24 hours

Yeah likely this was just "soreness" around the injection bolus rather than "PIP" per se.

If you ever wonder what the difference is I can assure you that injecting different compounds that require much higher solvent levels or injecting things like PP's Test E (where the raws have an issue) results in acute PIP.

A virgin site injection for 1ml of oil will definitely give a sensation of "soreness" or stiffness" but isn't going to give the acute "burn" that other things I mentioned would.
Yeah likely this was just "soreness" around the injection bolus rather than "PIP" per se.

If you ever wonder what the difference is I can assure you that injecting different compounds that require much higher solvent levels or injecting things like PP's Test E (where the raws have an issue) results in acute PIP.

A virgin site injection for 1ml of oil will definitely give a sensation of "soreness" or stiffness" but isn't going to give the acute "burn" that other things I mentioned would.
Correct. This morning is much better. It’s actually soreness on the quad if I contract it
Reasons could be many and I am excluding quality of vial because my friend doesn’t have any issue but can also be my quad disliking sesame oil.

Today is much better I can walk so let’s see how it goes the day
also I think its best practice to use a filter needle to suck up what's in the glass ampoule to prevent any small shards of glass.. prob not cause of ur issue, just something to look into aswell. people live with bullets in them so won't die, just best practice if I am not mistaken.

as others said make sure muscle is complete jello, legs are so used to being engaged it can seem relaxed when its not actually. support your hand on your leg so not moving around while injecting. also give it a good rub down a couple times and move your muscle after your done. also if injected and went to bed a couple hours later will make it a little worse vs walking around for half a day.

seems like when u do bleed its when it hurts more as perhaps nerves are next to the tiny blood vessels, so when see even tiny spot of blood its when usually get a brusing sub q at least. prob not best idea for sterility but if feel it on the surface like a pinch ill move over to somewhere it doesn't and seems to help to never get a bruise. but I really scrub with the swab for 10 seconds to be sure skin is sanitary.

I know most guys dont do it but once a little more comfy it is best practise to aspirate. ie pull back on plunger to be sure u aren't in a vein. its an old school thing forsure and perhaps "debunked", but a slug of oil isn't great for the lungs fairly certain of this.
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Could be me stupid because
1- I used same needle to take testo and inject
2- Legs day after injection
using the same needle to draw and pin means your pinning yourself with a blunt needle. needles are like 10 cents each, why be cheap?

take your time injecting, dont just plunge it all the way down right away. leave the needle in for a bit after youre done injecting to prevent possible subq leaks as you pull out.
using the same needle to draw and pin means your pinning yourself with a blunt needle. needles are like 10 cents each, why be cheap?

take your time injecting, dont just plunge it all the way down right away. leave the needle in for a bit after youre done injecting to prevent possible subq leaks as you pull out.
You're absolutely right. More than cheap it was first shot of my life and I got agitated so I fucked up the steps

Lesson learned for sure
Quick update, this morning I woke up and all pain on my quads is gone. I didn’t train legs after Tuesday I should today but for security I’ll do something else

Pharmacy gave me 17G for extraction and I’ll try my glutes tomorrow morning. I spoke with the maker and he confirmed two things
- warm up oil at 38C
- use the glutes for injection
Quick update, this morning I woke up and all pain on my quads is gone. I didn’t train legs after Tuesday I should today but for security I’ll do something else

Pharmacy gave me 17G for extraction and I’ll try my glutes tomorrow morning. I spoke with the maker and he confirmed two things
- warm up oil at 38C
- use the glutes for injection
17 gauge way to big
A 17g will mess up the stopper. Load of weird shit being said in here.

Your first one or two times injecting a muscle anywhere will hurt, no such thing as “yo dude test C should be pip free”. Warm it a little, I let mine sit in a shallow bowl of very hot water for a while first. Draw with a 20g, pin with a 5/8 inch 25g. I’ve never massaged an injection site. But I do pin straight after a shower.

Swelling is a different matter, that could be a reaction to the carrier oil. I swell up from MCT and MIG for example. Went and checked it and was having an allergic reaction to it.
people read OPs posts.... he isnt using a 10ml vial with a stopper he has 1ml ampules so the gauge of the needle is of no importance but a filter inline is recommended as others said...
and yeah even if it is the first shot in a new muscle a non pip brew with proper technique and 29-32 needle will yield no Pip...
people read OPs posts.... he isnt using a 10ml vial with a stopper he has 1ml ampules so the gauge of the needle is of no importance but a filter inline is recommended as others said...
and yeah even if it is the first shot in a new muscle a non pip brew with proper technique and 29-32 needle will yield no Pip...
I got now a 29G but the length is 5/8. I asked the pharmacist and she told me 29G 1” doesn’t exist in my country. So, 29G 5/8 where does it work? Butt, shoulders?
I got now a 29G but the length is 5/8. I asked the pharmacist and she told me 29G 1” doesn’t exist in my country. So, 29G 5/8 where does it work? Butt, shoulders?
depends how lean you are, right? if you have more than 1/2inch layer of fat in the place you want to inject the shot will be subq not IM. ussually shoulders should be ok, maybe pecs, maybe lats depends man. but glutes mostly likely not.
for glutes a 1" needle would be good...
depends how lean you are, right? if you have more than 1/2inch layer of fat in the place you want to inject the shot will be subq not IM. ussually shoulders should be ok, maybe pecs, maybe lats depends man. but glutes mostly likely not.
for glutes a 1" needle would be good...
All right then tomorrow I’ll try glutes 25G/1” following all the steps and be back with an update. Hopefully I am allergic to the carrier.

I didn’t really had a PIP. My quads were in big pain for two days, but no swollen, redness or fever. Just a big fucking pain on my quads
Quick update
I have done second shot yesterday (Saturday) at 06:00 am. Now is Sunday 08:00 am and I have absolutely zero PIP.

What did I changed
- I have injected in my glutes
- I used two needles. 19G for extracting and 24G for injection
- I warmed the vial in my hands

Thank you so much for all your valuable advices. I am very happy that I solved the problem. Glutes look complicated but with a bit of attention and a good mirror, it is not rocket science.

Why my Quads hurt so much after injection I don’t know. I guess I did the injection in the wrong area. Anyway Glutes all life!


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