First injection, got PIP after 24 hours

It appears that your first pin is causing some discomfort, particularly since it's being administered in the quad. When injecting into the quads, lats, or shoulders, it's quite normal to feel a degree of uneasiness or a mild stinging sensation at the site of injection.
I'd better start with glute injections.
I’ve seen a few people mentioning various labs in recent batches giving PIP for test cyp.
It appears that your first pin is causing some discomfort, particularly since it's being administered in the quad. When injecting into the quads, lats, or shoulders, it's quite normal to feel a degree of uneasiness or a mild stinging sensation at the site of injection.
I'd better start with glute injections.
I’ve seen a few people mentioning various labs in recent batches giving PIP for test cyp.
Absolutely, The Quads gave me really pain while contracting the muscle for 2-3 days after injection. The Glutes gave me a little pain on the muscle, 24 hours after injection but just for a day, that's it.
The lab has recently changed from Sesame Oil to Grape Seed Oil, unfortunately I have over 40ml of TestoC with Sesame that I need to finish, then the new batch will have Grape Seed Oil which should give even less discomfort
Absolutely, The Quads gave me really pain while contracting the muscle for 2-3 days after injection. The Glutes gave me a little pain on the muscle, 24 hours after injection but just for a day, that's it.
The lab has recently changed from Sesame Oil to Grape Seed Oil, unfortunately I have over 40ml of TestoC with Sesame that I need to finish, then the new batch will have Grape Seed Oil which should give even less discomfort
Also, try to massage the site you pin after that, it will spread the oil, and the pip will be less painful.
Hi, last Monday evening I did my first injection. Testosterone Cypionate 250gr/1ml. I used a 1ml syringe with a 24g/1" needle. That's what I found at the local pharmacy.
I followed the video tutorial, disinfected my quad, injected (40 seconds). When I removed the needle, a tiny drop of blood was there but it immediately disappear.

The next day, Tuesday, I had legs day in the morning. Yesterday afternoon I had some pip but nothing really serious. Today the pain increased. Looks like the pain when you have a massive leg day. The pain is in the area of the front quad. The pain occurs if I bent or extend my leg. No swollen, no red areas, no hot skin and I feel absolutely fine.

Any feedback, comments? I plan to inject the other leg this Saturday.
Going through this exact thing right now
Quads tend to get sore anyways. Be sure to have a few sites to rotate through. Glutes tend to be least painful for me. PIP will stop being a concern after a few months of injecting. Even the odd shot that gets sore won't really be a big deal to you.

You will know if it's an issue that needs medical attention. Heat, extreme pain and swelling to the point you can't function normally. Much more than a sore feeling.
Thanks for the advice it has been 72 hours and I still have soreness. The kind of soreness you get from a leg day but more concentrated around the injection site. I don’t have a lumps, bruise, heat or burning feelings. I’m really hoping it’ll be gone by tomorrow. I cannot walk without a limp but can walk and put pressure on it. It only hurts when I bend the knee towards my buttocks or extend it completely straight to a flex. My next shot will be going into my Ventro Glute. This has been a really unpleasant first start of my cycle. If the Ventro injection hurts I’m considering to just stop and assume I’m having a bad reaction to the Test Enanthate. Also I used a 23/1” .5 mL syringe. I'm taking recommendation for what I should use on my glute.
Thanks for the advice it has been 72 hours and I still have soreness. The kind of soreness you get from a leg day but more concentrated around the injection site. I don’t have a lumps, bruise, heat or burning feelings. I’m really hoping it’ll be gone by tomorrow. I cannot walk without a limp but can walk and put pressure on it. It only hurts when I bend the knee towards my buttocks or extend it completely straight to a flex. My next shot will be going into my Ventro Glute. This has been a really unpleasant first start of my cycle. If the Ventro injection hurts I’m considering to just stop and assume I’m having a bad reaction to the Test Enanthate. Also I used a 23/1” .5 mL syringe. I'm taking recommendation for what I should use on my glute.
I would also recommend switching to test cyp if that's an option for you. Typically little to no PIP with cyp. I also had a very rough start when I first started. In my case the gear i started with was bad. A lot like your experience from the sound of it. When I switched to test from a different source it was like night and day. If the next couple shots are just as painful I would not keep using that gear.
If the Ventro injection hurts I’m considering to just stop and assume I’m having a bad reaction to the Test Enanthate.
Is this Purple Panda's Test E from a few batches back by any chance?

That one was renowned for the PIP it brought with it.
Thanks for the advice it has been 72 hours and I still have soreness. The kind of soreness you get from a leg day but more concentrated around the injection site. I don’t have a lumps, bruise, heat or burning feelings. I’m really hoping it’ll be gone by tomorrow. I cannot walk without a limp but can walk and put pressure on it. It only hurts when I bend the knee towards my buttocks or extend it completely straight to a flex. My next shot will be going into my Ventro Glute. This has been a really unpleasant first start of my cycle. If the Ventro injection hurts I’m considering to just stop and assume I’m having a bad reaction to the Test Enanthate. Also I used a 23/1” .5 mL syringe. I'm taking recommendation for what I should use on my glute.
Same. First injection on Quad I used 23G and I had soreness on the quad, not the injection site but center quad, for the rest of the week.
Again, iBrufene 600mg solved for me after 24 hours.
Since I use butt, no problems anymore. I am on Driada Testosterone C.
Quads give some people trouble. I use them because they're easy and I like to rotate injections constantly. Delts, ventro, and glute I don't notice at all. Quads I always feel a little bit one or two days after but it's not too bad and easy to ignore. I remember though the first handful of times I injected quads they got really sore for days. My advice is to keep them in rotation but if they don't get used to it after a while maybe just drop that site. Also if you don't have a lot of body fat you can easily use a 1/2 inch needle for quads. Depending on what carrier oil you have you can probably use a much smaller needle to. 27g is my go to for Grape seed oil. If I was using MCT I would do 29 or 30 though.
any updates. I am quite lean. Looking to start 1st cycle soon. Thought I could get away with daily injections 27g 1/2, even in the glutes. More I read seems like 1" in glutes. Also seems like oil would be a bitch to pull and inject with a 27g
any updates. I am quite lean. Looking to start 1st cycle soon. Thought I could get away with daily injections 27g 1/2, even in the glutes. More I read seems like 1" in glutes. Also seems like oil would be a bitch to pull and inject with a 27g
Butt is 1” or you don’t hit the muscle
27 is too thin. To pull I use 19 then 24 to inject and I don’t have problems