first pct- please give advice


New Member
hello, just ran my first cycle of dbol , 25 mg/day stacked with test-e 250mg/week. dbol used for 4 weeks, test for 10. I have nolvadex for pct, pretty sure I am to wait 2 weeks from my last shot to start pct. I have a bottle of liquid nolvadex and it says 20mg , 60 ml on the bottle , not sure how to use this , how often or how much. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
You ran an entire cycle without first educating yourself on how to property execute a recovery plan? Not very bright.

Run your liquid nolva using 2ml each day for the first week, then 1ml each day for the next three weeks. Next time, smarten up.
Just hope your liquid nolva not's bunk! Always get pharma grade on PCT- You don't want to F around during PCT and not able to get your dick up!
You should replace that liquid bs with pharma Nolva add in some Clomid and Aromasin or Adex. PCT and AI isn't a place to gamble on ugl shit imo. I use a private domestic source that only sells pharma grade gear. Good luck man.