First Post Here - Super High E2, Low T, hypogonad - only 26 (M)!

Thanks Plymouth. I did not know that about smoking! Thats interesting because I used to smoke a lot

I have been on Liquidex (.5 X 3 a week, with Indoplex w/ DIM) and its working. Im getting decent hard ons and my sex drive is increasing. After a week, I thought the difference would be a bit more noticeable. But Im remaining patient because my erections are much stronger. I can actually feel stimulation in my penis sometimes, boy is that nice. From all things Ive read, I am taking on high E2 and high SHBG which can take some time (especially with saturated SHBG).

To Jan right now I can afford to guess on my E2. I know its high. I have tests showing it to a degree, but you just know your body ya know? I have a slim frame and its all this gross fat. I have breasts when I sit down hell I can jiggle them around being all loose. No muscle whatsoever. Its about getting the E2 and SHBG down right now I will look into the product you list above for bringing down SHBG.

If I bring it too low, I will know. Right now, I dont see it happening for a long while. I am virtually in full blast attack on E2/SHBG, the only short being that I am not working out. This will come soon considering Letrozole in my next round of attack. My only concern is that it may be hard to manage but like I said, this attack feels like it could take months if not more at this rate. Does that sound like a good idea? Maybe a bottle of Letrozole and Liquidex thereafter?

One thing Im curious about what can cause high E2/SHBG? Generally speaking I mean what are some of the things? Specifically, can this be something that is hereditary?

I mean I know my diet has been poor for years. I like the fatty things always have. So that is probably the big one right there. And I know estrogen is in our diets in a big way these days. When I say I drink, I dont drink that much never really have. I know I dont work out very much but I also think I was handed this my dad is very similar and so was his sister who died of breast cancer go figure.
One thing Im curious about what can cause high E2/SHBG? Generally speaking I mean what are some of the things? Specifically, can this be something that is hereditary?

I mean I know my diet has been poor for years. I like the fatty things always have. So that is probably the big one right there. And I know estrogen is in our diets in a big way these days. When I say I drink, I dont drink that much never really have. I know I dont work out very much but I also think I was handed this my dad is very similar and so was his sister who died of breast cancer go figure.

Our entire environment is completely estrogen friendly.

One thing I cannot stress enough is how the human body is NOT equipped or adapted to carrying around any significant amount of fat. Cut and dried, plain and simple. Human males are designed to be lean, muscular animals. We should naturally carry about 6% BF, this is all. We should all be able to see our ab muscles, chiseled, without flexing them. This is how nature has designed us to be.

Fat accumulates toxins and produces estrogen. So if your fat, your estrogen will be higher. The more fat, the more estrogen is produced.

I do not buy into genes/heredity much. Human have hardly changed at all since we were knuckle dragging cavemen. I would say that the natural selection process has all but vanished, and the strongest and fittest males are not producing all the offspring like they once were. So that is one change.

I have read some interesting stuff on breast feeding versus bottle fed male babies and testosterone levels later in life. I bet you can guess what they had to say comparing the two. Yep, there was quite a significant difference in hormone profiles.

City folk seem to have better testosterone to estrogen ratios. New York City in fact, was tops in the nation. I do not see it as a coincidence either that it is also our financial capital of the world.
Alcohol can and does lead to primary hypogonadism. In fact, its probably one of if not the leading cause of undiagnosed primary hypogonadism.


You are hilariously overblowing the effects of alcohol. Its not great but the dosages required to cause these type of effects would leave you with MUCH bigger problems anyways...
Whats actually even more hilarious is that nicotine(cigarettes) has almost the exact opposite action of alcohol. Its a potent anti estrogen. It decreases aromatase in a similar action that arimidex works(it is not a SERM) and actually boosts testosterone. This is why it is common to see alot of smokers who are thinner than your average person, due to favorable T and E resonse.
This is false. It is because nicotine is a stimulant and appetite suppressant. It does not boost T to the point that you would see thermogenic effects.

I suggest you get on a nicotine replacement protocol, like the patch. Not only will it exert AI and T boosting properties, but it will weane you off sucking on a cancer stick all day.

This is a foolish and dangerous suggestion. Perhaps the only benefit I can see form nicotine supplementation is possible cognitive benefits in a low dose supplementation protocol. You still run the risk of addiction, though.