First Powerlifting Meet Log


In December I will participate in a powerlifting meet, and wanted to write a new log for it. I’ll probably update daily and note lifts for each training session when I begin.

Some powerlifters asked if I wanted to join them in a comp & since it will be the first that happens in this city, I figured I might as well give it a shot. it’s in line with my other goals, (Getting adequately strong/heavy for my height, so 112kg+ with advanced liftIng numbers) so I’ll throw hypertrophy on the back burner for a little while and see how strong I can get for a couple months & compete. Since I have never trained with the purpose of moving maximal weights on these 3 compound lifts I don’t have any set expectations.

I plan on participating in the 100-110kg/220lbs-242lbs weight class.

I’ve been doing bodybuilding seriously for about 9 months now, and when I checked my 1RMs last month they were

Squat: 200kg/440lbs
Bench: 140kg/310 lbs
Deadlift: 233kg/ 515 lbs

My diet now consists of 4,500 calories ED, 400g protein, the rest being carbs and trying to minimise fat. I plan to increase calories when I blast next before the meet, this amount is enough to slowly gain mass on cruise.

training will 4 days a week, working with a coach who will take care of programming in 1 week micro-cycle intervals. Nutrition as well as cardio and accessories for hypertrophy will be my own decision, with some input from coach regarding PEDS.

Currently cruising on: test/primo
Will blast during prep (undecided date, need to see bloodwork): test/deca/tren, really enjoyed these compounds together so far w/ tolerable sides.
Will also look into halo or cheque drops because they sound fun & like a nice addition before a meet based on what I’ve read.
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In December I will participate in a powerlifting meet, and wanted to write a new log for it. I’ll probably update daily and note lifts for each training session when I begin.

Some powerlifters asked if I wanted to join them in a comp & since it will be the first that happens in this city, I figured I might as well give it a shot. it’s in line with my other goals, (Getting adequately strong/heavy for my height, so 112kg+ with advanced liftIng numbers) so I’ll throw hypertrophy on the back burner for a little while and see how strong I can get for a couple months & compete. Since I have never trained with the purpose of moving maximal weights on these 3 compound lifts I don’t have any set expectations.

I plan on participating in the 100-110kg/220lbs-242lbs weight class.

I’ve been doing bodybuilding seriously for about 9 months now, and when I checked my 1RMs last month they were

Squat: 200kg/440lbs
Bench: 140kg/310 lbs
Deadlift: 233kg/ 515 lbs

My diet now consists of 4,500 calories ED, 400g protein, the rest being carbs and trying to minimise fat. I plan to increase calories when I blast next before the meet, this amount is enough to slowly gain mass on cruise.

training will 4 days a week, working with a coach who will take care of programming in 1 week micro-cycle intervals. Nutrition as well as cardio and accessories for hypertrophy will be my own decision, with some input from coach regarding PEDS.

Currently cruising on: test/primo
Will blast during prep (undecided date, need to see bloodwork): test/deca/tren, really enjoyed these compounds together so far w/ tolerable sides.
Will also look into halo or cheque drops because they sound fun & like a nice addition before a meet based on what I’ve read. can tolerate the 2 19 nors together it will make one hell of a meet prep your

Since you jave a coach I won't ask about peaking as he will probably have that all laid out for you

This will be a good experience as you will see if the peak works for you, if it doesn't you can try running an off season stre grh program very hypertrophy based with a strength component, not much PR work, and try a 3 week peak at the end of 12 weeks and experiment to find whe you peak and how performance is how many days out on the peak can tolerate the 2 19 nors together it will make one hell of a meet prep your

Since you jave a coach I won't ask about peaking as he will probably have that all laid out for you

This will be a good experience as you will see if the peak works for you, if it doesn't you can try running an off season stre grh program very hypertrophy based with a strength component, not much PR work, and try a 3 week peak at the end of 12 weeks and experiment to find whe you peak and how performance is how many days out on the peak
I ran the nors together and it honestly felt pretty good for the most part except the insomnia, so hope that will be the case.

I figured peaking will be the part that if I didn’t get someone to help with, I would probably fuck it being as it’s my first time trying the sport but I expect it’s similar to peaking for other comps to some extent in regard to increasing load then tapering training off near the end.

Yeah this is a part I’m really interested in, seeing how I respond to the different training methods/learning to peak for strength will be a big positive. If it doesn’t go super well I’ll definitely give that a try, thanks for the advice! At the moment I really only know how I respond with higher rep ranges w/ gear so that idea already seems like something I could ostensibly do well with if a lot of PR work doesn’t go smoothly.
I ran the nors together and it honestly felt pretty good for the most part except the insomnia, so hope that will be the case.

I figured peaking will be the part that if I didn’t get someone to help with, I would probably fuck it being as it’s my first time trying the sport but I expect it’s similar to peaking for other comps to some extent in regard to increasing load then tapering training off near the end.

Yeah this is a part I’m really interested in, seeing how I respond to the different training methods/learning to peak for strength will be a big positive. If it doesn’t go super well I’ll definitely give that a try, thanks for the advice! At the moment I really only know how I respond with higher rep ranges w/ gear so that idea already seems like something I could ostensibly do well with if a lot of PR work doesn’t go smoothly.
No problem! And in all honesty your off season should be hypertrophy focused just with a strength component 3-5 rep range 80-90% 1rm so chest day do.flat bench and rotate them for other barbell movements floor press, close grip, inclines etc...

Same with the other days

Keep us posted on how everything goes, I'd be curious about how your peak goes and how your coach has it structured
Personally I would just go with Test / NPP or Deca / Dbol for the most part as you can get strong as hell just off these especially with your bodyweight - then add in Tren further down the line if you want to take strength to the next level. Wouldn't bother with Halotestin or Cheque drops till your numbers are much higher - Use Test Base on meet day if it is untested.
Personally I would just go with Test / NPP or Deca / Dbol for the most part as you can get strong as hell just off these especially with your bodyweight - then add in Tren further down the line if you want to take strength to the next level. Wouldn't bother with Halotestin or Cheque drops till your numbers are much higher - Use Test Base on meet day if it is untested.
Thanks for the advice, I’ve got some dbol at home that I haven’t used, may give this a go. And fair enough, I figured I would look into the halo etc since I hear everyone talk about it but if item or worth it at my lvl of strength might as well not waste the money tbh
Started first week of powerlifting program.
Fatigued as fuck from last bodybuilding leg workout, should be fine by Wed’s workout. Hitting the numbers the coach started at was still damned easy, pretty laid back workout in comparison to what I normally get to.

19 weeks til the comp. I figure I will start blasting at 16 weeks out. Need to decide between dbol and tren since I’ve got both at home.

Today’s workout:

Warm ups
High bar squat 287lbs 1x10
High bar squat 265lbs 1x10
Paused bench 215 7x4
Paused bench 215 max reps
Paused Conventional deadlift 375lbs 2 second pause 1 inch off the floor

No belt no knee wraps/sleeves

To compare last workout On Saturday
100kg hack 2x20
150kg 2x15
220kg hack squats 1x8
Quad extensions 75kg 3x15
Rest pause from 125kg, drop sets from 125 kg
Leg press high wide 250kg 10 rest pause
Leg press close narrow 250kg 10 rest pause
High bar back squat 130kg 3x10
Overhead press 100kg
Lat raises
Forgot to add also did some hypertrophy work for upper back/biceps including chest supported rows 120kg, close grip pulldowns, 2 variations of bicep curls, pulley rows
Week 1 done
to save some time I’ll just attach images of the Powerlifting exercises I did.

Deadlifts are moving really easy at this point. I thought my weakest part was off the floor, but after some simple changes to how I initiate the pull this part became much easier. I thought have a reasonably good lock out, but apparently locking out is where my technique looks the worst, so I’lol be putting more work into if.

I found out I have to focus much more getting below parallel with low bar squats. front squats high bar feels a lot better with my body type and an upright position and going ATG is much easier.

Coach is helping with bench cues, already changed where I grip the bar, working on driving with legs and what to do with knees so on. Working on changing the cadence of my bench press since I’m used to bench for body building.

Every training session I also am adding in hypertrophy work as well, either HIT sets or 3x15, 2-4x10s.

Calories at 4500 have me maintaining 100kg without a problem. Wasn’t spot on with my diet this week but I figure a couple days eating clean but not home cooked will be less detrimental on cruise than blast & frankly I needed a little break from the constant food monotony.


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Week 1 done
to save some time I’ll just attach images of the Powerlifting exercises I did.

Deadlifts are moving really easy at this point. I thought my weakest part was off the floor, but after some simple changes to how I initiate the pull this part became much easier. I thought have a reasonably good lock out, but apparently locking out is where my technique looks the worst, so I’lol be putting more work into if.

I found out I have to focus much more getting below parallel with low bar squats. front squats high bar feels a lot better with my body type and an upright position and going ATG is much easier.

Coach is helping with bench cues, already changed where I grip the bar, working on driving with legs and what to do with knees so on. Working on changing the cadence of my bench press since I’m used to bench for body building.

Every training session I also am adding in hypertrophy work as well, either HIT sets or 3x15, 2-4x10s.

Calories at 4500 have me maintaining 100kg without a problem. Wasn’t spot on with my diet this week but I figure a couple days eating clean but not home cooked will be less detrimental on cruise than blast & frankly I needed a little break from the constant food monotony.
One thing I saw from instagram that really helped me a lot on bench was when this guy put a weight scale under his butt to show 0.0 lbs. Obviously keep the butt touching the bench the whole time, but it helped me tremendously
Meet was moved to December 17/18, so I’ll have an extra 5/6 days to prepare.

PL Coach recommended tren+ var for strength gains, so I’m going to stick to my previous blasting plan.

I talked to a friend who competes in bodybuilding and he also steered me away from dbol, because of my limited experience I do not want to experiment before the meet when I know how I feel on tren/npp and have a dosing/ancillaries protocol that feel fine, regarding gut health, hunger & sleeping.

I have decreased the calories today on the cruise, since I’m not growing as fast as before while still slowly gaining weight and a bit of fat.

Going for about 3.7k-4k for a week or two to asses how many calories I really need to maintain 101kg while still adding strength.

I’d rather just maintain at 101, since I don’t want to outgrow the weight class when I blast gear and eat aggressively because I’m pretty certain I will get to 110kg when I use the 19nors in a couple weeks.
Diet is working fine at this point, not getting weaker or feeling tired in the gym, but I am not gaining weight (100.9kg in morning before breakfast.) and feel like I a making progress with lifts. Just need to keep 98kg-101kg til month is done & I can increase cals & it’s blasting time. 20g of tren, 20g of NPP should arrive tomorrow, and I’ve got enough AI at home to last the rest of the year. Still not planning on touching caber.

I had hurt a muscle in my upper back/rear delt & have been treating it with 500 micro-grams of BPC most days. Today was the first day I could hit DDL work sets without straps and feel confident I wasn’t going to further aggravate my injury or tear my muscle further. Before I would warm up pulling overhand and use straps for work.

Deadlifts are moving really nice without belt recently. A couple weeks ago I wouldn’t even try these weights without a belt, and they are still feeling light. I’m excited to see where my deadlift goes, doing it several times a week without a belt.

Hit 183.2kg x8 today, started initial 3 reps hook grip, then switched to mixed grip so that I could blast the set out faster, without needing to readjust my fingers. Despite using straps for a minute my grip is stronger than before. Feeling totally confident in my mixed grip, next sets I will start and close out the set with a hook grip so I can practice holding the pull at lock out with the hooks and get confident pulling hook with speed.

Squats and bench still making progress this week. Had a weird sort of strain under my leg where my hamstring and glute connect and it’s slowly getting better. Still feels tight as hell at the bottom of the squat Coach corrected my form for low bar. I was squatting mid-bar and it was causing me to pitch forward a bit and have some insecurity at the bottom of the squat. Moved the bar down my back a bit, and must stretch to place hands closer to the body when doing low bars.

Bench is still where I struggle the most. Hitting reps to close the week out 115kgs. My AMRAPs after work sets at 100Kg improved though, I’m doing a lot more reps total per bench workout than I was while blasting.

This weeks micro cycle attached, gonna knock out tomorrow. Hypertrophy accessories for week not listed.


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This week kept bodyweight between 98-100kg. At 98 kg I felt like CNS/muscles were getting fatigued way more, so I readjusted carbs, going from 100g raw white rice to 125g per meal.

Next week will be first deload I’ve done in a year. Woll brew more Tren Ace and Test Prop on a rest day, then its time to blast after the deload. Will ask PL coach to take this into consideration while doing micro-cycle programming.

All exercises were still no belt.
Deadlifts this week did banded deadlifts at about 185kg x5, RPE 6/7 bands at lockout added between 20-30kg.
Beltless 211.6kg (465lbs) x4 RPE7
Pulling hook to warm up & mixed for working sets

Bulgarian squats Monday and Wednesday and then Low bar 183.2kg (405lbs) x1 followed by 155kgx8
Low bar feels like there is a lot of space between these singles and a 1RM. 183 is moving hell of a lot easier than the last time I went up to 200kg.

Bench press sets 102.5kg 7x4, 1x11 RPE 9 no spotter on monday
Wednesday at 110kg 8x3 then AMRAP
Friday 115.6 9x2 and 1x5 RPE 8 (no spotter)

Through the week also did hypertrophy accessories and no Gi-BJJ. Was absolutely dead after lifting and sparring. Had some crazy rhomboid pain from muscles being too tight that hurt when I would breathe in. Rest day yesterday I slept probably about 14 or 15 hours.

Tomorrow will do accessories and am looking forward to a well deserved deload.
Discussed blast with my coach, he’s excited to see how far we can push the lifts & I made it clear that I will push the food and (IMO the stack is pushing the PEDS) so we’re gonna push the training too.

After deload we will do a mock meet, each month to see how sub-maximal heavy singles are moving. I’m excited to throw the belt on and try to rip a heavy one since it’s been a while with no belt stuff. I’ll go to the powerlifting gym and use the calibrated plates & competition deadlift bar for that. Up to 180kg so far on the squat I have felt no stress on my lower back, which is what usually makes my PR attempts tough so I’m looking forward to seeing what I can get on the bar.
Going into lockdown again...
I don’t have enough weight at home for heavy singles on squat or even sets of 8 with deadlift anymore since I only have about 180kg total...
I need to order 50 more kg plates asap.
I will not be able to pull some heavy singles this Friday then.
Really upset by this. But at least I can still train with what I have at home.
Blast started today.

M/W/F/Sun test+ tren
Tues/Thurs/Sat test+ NPP
5iu HGH ED

I have enough in my home gym to do powerlifting training, I just prefer gym environment, but whatever.

Diet has been updated to 4,500 calories. Last time I got to about 102kg/225lbs before stalling with these calories, so I will hit 102kg and then go to 5,000 calories and reevaluate after one week.