First time anavar use help


New Member
This is my first post on here. I have been working out consistently for a year now and have seen great results i am starting my journey to competing now and I'm looking to start a cycle of Var. I have done research and I believe I should start out around 10 mg. I have access to 25 mg caps and I was wondering if I broke them in half, if this would work for me. I am female 21 years old 5'3, 135 pounds 18% bf. I want to be able to maintain lean muscle mass while I cut fat. Any knowledge or advice is appreciated! Thanks y'all
Hey. Welcome to the board. Is your Anavar pharmacy grade or from a UGL? I ask because as a woman you need to be absolutely sure that it really is var. often anavar is faked for dbol or winny.

Having said that I would start with 5mg only if it's real var and go from there not going above 10. Check out the log done by @smashfit
This is my first post on here. I have been working out consistently for a year now and have seen great results i am starting my journey to competing now and I'm looking to start a cycle of Var. I have done research and I believe I should start out around 10 mg. I have access to 25 mg caps and I was wondering if I broke them in half, if this would work for me. I am female 21 years old 5'3, 135 pounds 18% bf. I want to be able to maintain lean muscle mass while I cut fat. Any knowledge or advice is appreciated! Thanks y'all
I've heard of a lot of women run clen and var seems popular not familiar with cycle length or dosing though
First and foremost it is not easy finding legit Var so be very careful about your selection of labs. Second splitting 25mg caps will provide you inconsistent dosing and too high of an initial dosing IMO. I would look for 10mg tabs if I were you. I am also seeing a trend here lately of young woman wanting to jump on Anavar. Not sure if that is a good thing. Do you do crossfit?
This is my first post on here. I have been working out consistently for a year now and have seen great results i am starting my journey to competing now and I'm looking to start a cycle of Var. I have done research and I believe I should start out around 10 mg. I have access to 25 mg caps and I was wondering if I broke them in half, if this would work for me. I am female 21 years old 5'3, 135 pounds 18% bf. I want to be able to maintain lean muscle mass while I cut fat. Any knowledge or advice is appreciated! Thanks y'all
Welcome BTW.
This is my first post on here. I have been working out consistently for a year now and have seen great results i am starting my journey to competing now and I'm looking to start a cycle of Var. I have done research and I believe I should start out around 10 mg. I have access to 25 mg caps and I was wondering if I broke them in half, if this would work for me. I am female 21 years old 5'3, 135 pounds 18% bf. I want to be able to maintain lean muscle mass while I cut fat. Any knowledge or advice is appreciated! Thanks y'all
At 21, do not risk your health and well being with UGL var. ONLY, ONLY, ONLY consider pharma var, if you're really considering it.

Do you think your personal goals are unattainable with maybe some t3 and clen? I wouldn't touch var with a 10 ft. pole if I was a girl, just my $0.02.
Pharm grade at 25mg in caps? Who is your source cus I don't think so!!! And remember just cus it has pharma in the name doesn't mean is human grade
Pharm grade at 25mg in caps? Who is your source cus I don't think so!!! And remember just cus it has pharma in the name doesn't mean is human grade
Yes, from what I know only Bayer makes var tabs now.

I've never seen caps.

Post pics, I feel like you're confusing some fancy packaging with "pharm grade"
There's no such thing as "pharma grade" in sorry to tell you. That's like "military grade encryption" for you computer nerds... Lol.
Thanks for all y'all's imput. No I don't do crossfit haha but it sounds like I just need to get a lower dosage... and it is pharm grade.

Hey girl! First off, I'm going to have to burst your bubble and let you know that NONE of the Pharmaceutical grade Oaxandrolone comes in "caps". There are about a handful of pharmaceutical companies out there who make Oaxandrolone and they ALL are pressed add to that they ONLY come in 2.5 mg or 5 mg doses...anything that deviates from that is 100% NOT pharmaceutical is 100% UGL (aka underground lab) that being said...I would not take anything in capsule form...for a few reasons.

1) you cannot properly split the dosage in half
2) in my experience caps are more than likely dianabol (or a very high percentage of Dbol/Whinny) <-----just my experience and $0.02

for your first cycle, I would not exceed 5 mg...maybeeeee 10 mg MAX...but I'd still recommend 5 mg first time.

Hope that helps, welcome to Meso! :D
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Hey girl! First off, I'm going to have to burst your bubble and let you know that NONE of the Pharmaceutical grade Oaxandrolone comes in "caps". There are about a handful of pharmaceutical companies out there who make Oaxandrolone and they ALL are pressed add to that they ONLY come in 2.5 mg or 5 mg doses...anything that deviates from that is 100% NOT pharmaceutical is 100% UGL (aka underground lab) that being said...I would not take anything in capsule form...for a few reasons.

1) you cannot properly split the dosage in half
2) in my experience is is more than likely dianabol (or a very high percentage of Dbol/Whinny) <-----just my experience and $0.02

for your first cycle, I would not exceed 5 mg...maybeeeee 10 mg MAX...but I'd still recommend 5 mg first time.

Hope that helps, welcome to Meso! :D
Smash, your points are very valid here. Also, risk vs. reward as a 21 year old female just don't favor UGL "var"