First time hcg advice


New Member
So I've been on test and other compound thrown in here and there for about 5 months. I have 10000iu of hcg coming in from reliablerx and was wondering is 1000iu blast ed for ten days sufficient and then just hit the seems nolva and clomid 3 days after last hcg shot. Simple layout.... Effective? Thanks bros
This is a joke, right? You've been here since April with over 300 hundred posts and I can't believe you haven't read any threads on pct. Good luck on your recovery, as you obviously did not do any research or proper planning before launching your cycle. All the info you need is available for your purview.
Your so right greendog... It seems to be about a year, maybe less, makes a complete circle and all the same questions are being asked. Everything you need to know about PCT can be found in those threads.
Airborne huh?
Yes, USMC. Was reading an article , saw the pic and it brought back old memories. Mostly good.
Still jumping. You?
Yes, USMC. Was reading an article , saw the pic and it brought back old memories. Mostly good.
Still jumping. You?
USMC briefly, out in 58. no military jumps. Did some "civilian" jumps back in the 60s... May I ask, how old are the memories?
Semper Fi brothers!
I want to hear more about this concept of throwing other compounds in here and there lol
Wow! You guys are so kool for ignoring and ridiculing someone for just asking questions. That's your Karma my dude!
How bout you get the fuck out of shreddn1 thread if you got nothing good to say! He needs help, not a Bunche of pricks talking bout the fucking marines!! WTF
The sad thing asshole, is all of his questions have been answered many times. If he is too lazy to research the shit he is injecting into his body and at least have a clue of pct protocol. What makes you believe anything anyone tells him will be valid or even if he will take their advice. The smart guys do their own research, then pose questions on the topic.
Am I wrong or what, are you in the same boat, desperately, seeking the mystical answer from members here?
It's the way you went about it, no reason to be dick? Could have said do so more research bro, good luck!
But know you had to belittle him for just a question. It doesn't make you sound smart, it just makes you a more experienced roid head.
Nothing More...
So I've been on test and other compound thrown in here and there for about 5 months. I have 10000iu of hcg coming in from reliablerx and was wondering is 1000iu blast ed for ten days sufficient and then just hit the seems nolva and clomid 3 days after last hcg shot. Simple layout.... Effective? Thanks bros
I want to apologize for the seemingly harsh responses, but if you had posted what you had planned to do for your cycle and your PCT, you would have gotten a lot of good feed back and guidance from some of the more knowledgeable members before you began.
If you think it was harsh, you haven't been here long. It's just really frustrating to see noobs jumping into something that can alter their life forever and not in the positive way. If you or Shredd are offended, too bad. He and maybe you need a shock, to get your shit together! And to further the point, he's been here for while with all of the answers in front of his face. My friend, Kawilt is too kind, but he is wise beyond you. Help comes in many forms, not all that we may like. Your welcome.
I don't speak for Shreddn1, I only speak for myself. No I don't need your advice on anything thank YOU very much!
There's guys like you with an attitude on every forum I have ever been on.
Then there are guys like kawilt that are cool and respectful!
Even though shreddn1 prob didn't do all his research, he could have done a little research and maybe was just looking for a consensus from some experienced vets. No need to throw him under the bus, for a question YOU personally thought was ignorant.
No disrespect greenddog1,
But lighten up...
I don't have an attitude. I gave him the best advice he could get. No disrespect on this end, as well, but I'll echo your own words, " lighten up". At least, he got the right advice.
I don't speak for Shreddn1, I only speak for myself. No I don't need your advice on anything thank YOU very much!
There's guys like you with an attitude on every forum I have ever been on.
Then there are guys like kawilt that are cool and respectful!
Even though shreddn1 prob didn't do all his research, he could have done a little research and maybe was just looking for a consensus from some experienced vets. No need to throw him under the bus, for a question YOU personally thought was ignorant.
No disrespect greenddog1,
But lighten up...

Can YOU seriously lighten up already? I've NEVER seen greenddog really disrespect anyone on this forum this thread included..
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I don't have an attitude. I gave him the best advice he could get. No disrespect on this end, as well, but I'll echo your own words, " lighten up". At least, he got the right advice.
I know man, like I said no disrespect you right! Just don't like to see people attacked, that's all.
I've been told the same by vets in other forums over the years and every forum is different but in a way there the same. Did it help me, YES!
I guess as I have gotten older, I enjoy sharing the knowledge that I do have, with other people. Rather them get it from somebody who experienced, than some noob that's just talking out his ass. Were all still learning!
Sorry to come off with an attitude greenddog1.
All's good. Nothing wrong with a spirited discussion on differences of opinions. In any event, I'm hitting the rack. Good luck to you and appreciation to JB for his support.
Morefhya I appreciate you being cool man, and reason for asking even though I have hundreds of posts is because every FUCKING hcg/pct protocol I see is diff..... assholes. I have done my research and every time someone pm's me with a question whether a newb or whoever I'm humble, helpful and not a bitch like you all hating. No offense taken, you hate me and the thread I created dont fucking respond, are your girlfriends being cunts or life stressing you so you get on here and flame dudes and act like your on the rag hahah. I'm out I'd rather have shriveled nuts than shriveled brains and an ego that's waaaay to big for who I actually am. Lmao