First time homebrew, question


New Member
Hello, have a question about the filtering but will go over my process of the brew.

25 grams of sustanon, 98% purity tested
55.5 ML of GSO, unrefined, coldpressed, filtered
20ml BB
2 ml BA

Turned hotplate to 160-170f, added 20ml of BB and 25 grams of sust, let brew for about a two hours while stirring. It remained crystal clear, decided to add GSO..
Again let it brew for a two hours or more while stirring casually with my glass stick, monitored temp which peaked to 180f. Turned off hotplate and let it cool for a few hours, checked tempature which was room temp of 65F no cloudy swirls or crystals. Turned hotplate on and brought the brew to 150f and added my BA and let it sit for about 30 minutes while stirring it, turned off my hotplate and let it cool slightly and got my 60 cc syringe with my whatman pvdf cap, using a 18g needle I sucked up the beautiful oil till 45 ml and began filling vials switching from whatman cap to fill vials and the 18g to draw from the beaker, I drew slightly back on the plunger to remove the whatman cap so I didn't have a mess and switch to the 18g to refill the syringe. I noticed either what I thought was gel pull slightly into the syringe, confused I check the vial and nothing crashed and everything was perfect I finished filling everything, the gel was actually just filter particles or gunk from the filtration.

I never applied to much pressure to rip the filter with the caulking gun, and the whole filling process took longer than a hour as I didn't want to apply to much pressure to the syringe and filter with the caulk gun and filtered the oil at or below 100f..

My question is, was that gunk normal from the filter when I back drawed on the whatman cap slightly?

The vials are all still clear and beautiful with no particules in them, is everything good to go?
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It sounds like you did everything right , I personally dont heat my brews up that much though but thats just me.
I also leave mine to site for a few days before filtering incase it does crash and I need to adjust the mix.
Aside from that you got it right and some gunk in the filter is normal, well done.
It sounds like the gunk all stayed in the syringe? If that’s correct, youre good. It sounds like you just back-drew and pulled crap off of the filter. If that shit ended up in your vial you’d have to start over.
It sounds like the gunk all stayed in the syringe? If that’s correct, youre good. It sounds like you just back-drew and pulled crap off of the filter. If that shit ended up in your vial you’d have to start over.
Correct, but at first I thought it was crashing so it made me panic lol.. Also wanted to make sure if I did back-draw everything was still good because to be honest this was my first batch and you learn through others and your own failures.. Might be some golden rule of don't back-draw the syringe with the whatman cap filter on or something, so I was just checking. Nothing went into the vials besides oil. Next batch I'm going to just cover it and let it sit out for the whole day vs 2-3 hours.. But I followed a set recipe besides calulating for displacement of raw and then brewed everything longer than I should of just to be safe, then added BA last to avoid it being cooked out.. Vials are still clear and worst case i'd have to just refilter and toss the sterile vials. I was just unsure how much gunk could build up on the filter, and i've read some people cooking their whatman filter from to much heat. But I brewed at 150-180F at max.. 150F with just raw and BB, then 180 when I put the GSO into it, let it cool for afew to see if it would crash then reheated to 150F add BA let it drop to 100F and filtered.
Did it look like the gunk left behind was more then 2% of the total volume of the test you started with? If it was then i would think you started with less then 98% purity.
Did it look like the gunk left behind was more then 2% of the total volume of the test you started with? If it was then i would think you started with less then 98% purity.
Now that you mentioned it, it was about %2 of the total raw I used from the 25 grams, the exact amount could be off but I sent it for testing before using it so I'm not just going off what the supplier said. My only concern was it looked like filter particles or maybe fine particles of fabric the oil mixed with it, gaving it a gel like apperance but after examining it you could tell it was oil mixed with extremely small fibers.. But considering I filtered Unrefined GSO Oil from medlab/BB/BA/Raw through a whatman you could call it gunk. Plus I assume the whatman filter would endure some damage from the process of filtering so it could of maybe been the filter with gunk.. But a whatman filter should easily be able to filter 100mls before needing to be replaced with another, correct? I just didn't know if a slight back-draw might damage the filter to not filter correctly. I just need to man up and pin myself, hell if I trust a UGL why not trust my own process, I was as sterile as I could be and followed all the common practices to remain clean in the process. Also the whatman filter was rated at 200C before heat degrading effects which I was no where near that amount of heat, filtered at 100F.. Lesson learned though, create a mess don't back-draw the plunger with the whatman attached.
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