First Timer


New Member
I have lined up right now liquid dbol, test e, and deca, this is my first cycle so completely dumfounded on the amount of information, one guy saying one way, one guy saying another,one person saying try and see how it works? I don't want to risk gyno, or any other problems.

I have read many different cycle plans, not sure what any one might recommend , I hear recommended 12 weeks, 1-4 Dbol (30-60mg) a day, weeks 1-12 Test E , pin 2x a week 600 ml split in half. Now I get lost I believe its 3 weeks after las pin to start pct? also Should I throw in HCG, heard around 500 to 1000iu a day (when does this start)? Before or after the pct?

Also an AI (which is taken while on cycle) is this necessary? Arimidex (or any other suggestions)
HCG = Incorporated with the PCT, before or after, in unison? (How to tell if your HCG is legit)
Still get confused to this day, do you run clomid and nolva simultaneously?

If I posted this in the wrong section, I apologize, any and all info is helpful, have the gear just not the pct, and excited to dive in.

Im 25 years old
198 lbs
Around 20 body fat (guesstemate)

Lifting two years seriously, diet clean, not the cleanest, but its being perfected!
Cycle looks good , but you definitely want to get your pct supply together BEFORE you start your cycle
Yes you want to use an AI with your cycle especially since gyno is a concern.
And yes you run clomid and nolva simultaneously after your cycle!
But before you start I suggest you do a LOT more research so you have a good grasp on pct, the pct section has all the info you seek. Good luck!!
I'd do a bit more research on everything you are gonna be injecting and drinking. To me sounds like too many compounds and too little experience using AAS. Just run test e 500 or 600 a week if you must. Hcg during cycle 250x2 a week and 3rd week after last pin start clomid of nolva whichever you have. Arimidex on hand to control estrogen if gyno flares up.
The decca was just something I could get my hands on at the time, that will be saved for a later, date , when I have more knowledge, so lets say I do run the stack mentioned above, dbol and test e, Im now hearing of running cloud as an AI during cycle? Also besides fish oil, multivitamin, taking Himalaya Liver support, and glucosamine now, any other suggestions?

Some people say run both climid , and nolva what would be the benefits of running both at the same time?

Or just running one, and an AI during
No immediate benefit except some people react to each compound differently. Examples someone on clomid might have a ton of unbearable side effects like mood swings, decreased libido and so forth while if they took nolva they wouldn't react the same way. The oopposite holds true as well. Nolva work sweet for me and helps get my boys quickly working.
So it looks like Im ordering Arimidex for my AI, Clomid, Nolva, and HCG, anyone help a beginner out setting up exactly what that protocol should look like (or roughly) i.e. 0.25 Ai EOD ,
Nolva ?mg/?mg/mg?/mg?
Clomid ?mg/?mg/mg?/mg?

And Im hearing waiting for the last two weeks of the the cycle to to do the HCG?
Or Im running it all the way through?

Think I almost got this all lined up.

thanks for patience
I ran test, eq, tren and dbol recently. I'm not saying to do this though. I would run the dbol in the front with the test. See if this works for you. If you are good with this, rock it and gain bro!!!
I ran test, eq, tren and dbol recently. I'm not saying to do this though. I would run the dbol in the front with the test. See if this works for you. If you are good with this, rock it and gain bro!!!
How'd you like the EQ and tren stack? I've never run EQ but am considering throwing some in my next cycle.
How'd you like the EQ and tren stack? I've never run EQ but am considering throwing some in my next cycle.
I was really digging it all. The tren was amazing. The eq was great. I've grown and gotten a lot stronger. I added 80 lbs to bench and much weight to everything else. I hit 305 the other day for 1. I was barely hitting 225 when I started. Yeah, it was a great run. Ive dropped everything but the test. Finishing up my anadrol and added deca. Run the eq for 20 weeks
Op tons of knowledgeable peeps here... You must do your part. No one will spoon feed you just because you ask. You need to bring responsability and some educated base knowledge that shows you have done your part. Only then we will tweak it to the best of our ability. This is a different board.
Clomid @ 75/50/50/50
Nolva @ 40/20/20/20

This information would have been pretty easy to find for yourself, though.
Also, as far as your AIs go... you really have three options. The two second generation AIs (Letro, Arimidex) which are stronger and much harsher on your lipids, or the one third generation AI, Exemestane. Exemestane is also far more expensive than the former two I mentioned, but it does have some nice perks over Letro and Arimidex. The first being, as I previously mentioned, it's much more forgiving on your lipids, which will already be taking a beating depending on your cycle... The second advantage is that it's a suicidal inhibitor of the aromatase enzyme. In layman's terms, when Exemestane binds to an aromatase enzyme, it renders it permanently disabled. This is unlike the second generation AIs, in which after ceasing the administration of the drug the previously bound up aromatase enzymes will be essentially reactived, thus allowing faster production of estrogen. With a suicidal inhibitor, your body has to create more aromatase enzymes to increase estrogen production after you stop administering the drug, thus resulting in a more gradual rise in estrogen levels.

Exemestane is pretty cool, but it's benefits do not outweigh it's current cost at this point in time, IMO. Arimidex is the easiest to dial in your dose with, and it's much more cost efficient.