First tren and test cycle

hey guys looking at doing my first tren and test cycle and would appreciate any advice if my pct looks good for what I am running.
Age :21
Height :6"3
Weight :274pounds
Body fat: 13%
Tren A1-10wks 300mg
Test E1-12wks 500mg
Hcg 3-13wks 500mg
Clomid start 14wks 40/40/30/20
Most of the veterans here will probably say you're too young. As for the pct you should add Nolva in at 40/40/20/20. And do Clomid at 50/50/50/50.

I don't see an AI listed either, do you have Aromasin or Arimidex?
Most of the veterans here will probably say you're too young. As for the pct you should add Nolva in at 40/40/20/20. And do Clomid at 50/50/50/50.

I don't see an AI listed either, do you have Aromasin or Arimidex?
Most of the veterans here will probably say you're too young. As for the pct you should add Nolva in at 40/40/20/20. And do Clomid at 50/50/50/50.

I don't see an AI listed either, do you have Aromasin or Arimidex?
thanks Jav
With the armidex when should I start that and what dosage thanks for the help.
An AI is used to stop the aromitisation of testosterone to estrogen. High estrogen in men comes with unwanted health risks and side effects. I highly recommend doing some reading on it.

Start it the day of your first injection. Most common dosage is .5mg every day. However, only bloodwork will accurately determine what your dose should be. If you notice joint pain, loss of libido, and low energy/lethargy, those are symptoms of low estrogen. Back off the dose to .25mg ED or EOD. Just gotta figure out what works best for you.

That's about all the advice I can offer. I've never ran Tren or researched it. Hopefully a more experienced member can advise you. Is this your first cycle?
Is this your FIRST Cycle of tren and test


Your first cycle? Your virgin cycle? (You know pop the cherry) (first penetration)
Did you start pct 14 days after last injection on your first cycle?

I felt right at 21 days...... But listening to the educated say 30-35 days for E to be low enough for recovery
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Fixing to do my first tren run as well.......

Tren is hard core--- most only run 6-8 weeks 12 at a max line (for health anyways)

You'll want that AI in check cuz tren can have some nasty booby sides if E2 is not controlled....

Have fun
One more thing.. the doses I mentioned above were for Arimidex. If you're taking aromasin for an AI the doses will be different. I can't remember off the top of my head, but a simple search will tell ya. Have fun!

You should post a cycle log ;)
G2Ready hey mate I did do a pct it was clomid and nolva for about 5wks and having another 9wks off for recovery I have been doing quite a bit of research still going to keep looking for more information but just wanting to know from another person does my pct look good or what else should I be chucking in it would appreciate any help full advice thanks in advance
One more thing.. the doses I mentioned above were for Arimidex. If you're taking aromasin for an AI the doses will be different. I can't remember off the top of my head, but a simple search will tell ya. Have fun!

You should post a cycle log ;)
Jav thanks again mate hahaha might hafe to still another 7wks till I start need to do a lot more reading up to do though before I start
G2Ready hey mate I did do a pct it was clomid and nolva for about 5wks and having another 9wks off for recovery I have been doing quite a bit of research still going to keep looking for more information but just wanting to know from another person does my pct look good or what else should I be chucking in it would appreciate any help full advice thanks in advance

Yeah, everybody's different ---- so how you tolerated pct last time feeling/dosage/ and length.... Seemed to work so go with your gut, and stop looking for a cookie cutter routine..... Grab a AI, do some blood work, slowly up the dose of tren and pin that shit
Fixing to do my first tren run as well.......

Tren is hard core--- most only run 6-8 weeks 12 at a max line (for health anyways)

You'll want that AI in check cuz tren can have some nasty booby sides if E2 is not controlled....

Have fun

Tren is a 19 nor drug like deca meaning is does not aromatize to estrogen, prolactin is the issue and you would need caber, the AI is for testosterone. Trenbolone Acetate - Steroids Profile
That's why I said tren has bad sides if e2 is not controlled........

Prolactin is caused when e2 is left high, from the test e he is also running......

So essentially he can control e2 with AI, and not even have to worry about caber

Hints why a lot of guys go low test high tren

Edit: in fact unless you had known problems, or milk coming out of your nipples I don't see what the use in caber is........ Control e2 control milk coming out of your nipples

To easy
Hey mate I have been doing some more research just wondering if this cycle looks better going to be running the test abit lower
Armidex .5mg every day till till last pin
Test e 1-12wks 375mg
Tren A 1-10wks 200mg
Hcg 3-13wks 500mg
Nolva 40/40/30/30/20
Clomid 40/40/30/30/20
Thanks in advance
That's why I said tren has bad sides if e2 is not controlled........

Prolactin is caused when e2 is left high, from the test e he is also running......

So essentially he can control e2 with AI, and not even have to worry about caber
Gotcha, makes sense