I’ve been here a while and this is without question the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this august forum. And this place used to allow Naps to post. If you don’t know how any of this works—and man, you really, really do not—you’re always free to just not say anything.

The dosing that caused the drug to be pulled was 3mg/kg/d.

Human equivalent dose (HED) for a mouse is the original dose divided by 12.3. 3/12.3 = .24mg/kg

200lb (90kg) man would need to take 21.95mg per day to meet the standard that was found to be carcinogenic. That’s not quite as much as your math says. You were close though. You were only off by like 11,662x.
I’ve been here a while and this is without question the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this august forum. And this place used to allow Naps to post. If you don’t know how any of this works—and man, you really, really do not—you’re always free to just not say anything.

The dosing that caused the drug to be pulled was 3mg/kg/d.

Human equivalent dose (HED) for a mouse is the original dose divided by 12.3. 3/12.3 = .24mg/kg

200lb (90kg) man would need to take 21.95mg per day to meet the standard that was found to be carcinogenic. That’s not quite as much as your math says. You were close though. You were only off by like 11,662x.
yeah bro its 80mg google the study retard. 3mg? bro the study clearly states 80mg are you mental? close there bud but your dose is about 2645564534x off the actual dosed used in the study. and derek contradicts hiimself of course he says in his video is thousdands times the amount a person would use but then he says some bullshit about it being just a few mgs in an artivel he wrote. derek once again trying to stop guys fomr making gaines.

hahaha bro i was joking you think it would be 256000 mg exaclty? It was a number i pulled out of my ass ha but anyway it was actally 80mg whatever that would be in humans idk but 256000 sounded good so its funny to me you actually took that serious. I have no clue what the dose would be in humans but it aint no 21 mg a day thats for sure. I mean shit if it were that low there woulld be some cases of people getting cancer by now. I know phil takes that shit year round he talks about it on a podcast. idk man i think you should re read the actual study likei just did.
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hey man take that up with derek from MPMD im just saying what he said. and what the study said. where did you see 3mg? the study i read said 80mg .
It was thought to be very high but found it was closer. He's directly from MPMD

"The following equation is used to calculate roughly what that dosage would equate to in humans:

HED (mg / kg = Animal NOAEL mg/kg) × (Weightanimal [kg]/Weighthuman [kg])(1–0.67) [R].

Assuming we have an 80 kg man that we are using for this calculation, we get the following result:

Human Equivalent Dose = (3) × (0.509/80)(1–0.67)

Human Equivalent Dose = (3) x (0.0063625)(0.33)

Human Equivalent Dose = 3 x 0.18845044723

Human Equivalent Dose = 0.5653513417 mg/kg

Human Equivalent Dose For An 80 Kilogram Man = 45.2281073363 mg

Recreationally, the standard dosage is between 10 – 20 mg per day, which is not incredibly far off from the minimum human equivalent dosage to yield accelerated cancer development in the aforementioned rodent model."

It was thought to be very high but found it was closer. He's directly from MPMD

"The following equation is used to calculate roughly what that dosage would equate to in humans:

HED (mg / kg = Animal NOAEL mg/kg) × (Weightanimal [kg]/Weighthuman [kg])(1–0.67) [R].

Assuming we have an 80 kg man that we are using for this calculation, we get the following result:

Human Equivalent Dose = (3) × (0.509/80)(1–0.67)

Human Equivalent Dose = (3) x (0.0063625)(0.33)

Human Equivalent Dose = 3 x 0.18845044723

Human Equivalent Dose = 0.5653513417 mg/kg

Human Equivalent Dose For An 80 Kilogram Man = 45.2281073363 mg

Recreationally, the standard dosage is between 10 – 20 mg per day, which is not incredibly far off from the minimum human equivalent dosage to yield accelerated cancer development in the aforementioned rodent model."

yeah i saw that, if the dose was actually 3mg but it was 80mg group that got cancer not the 3mg group. idk derek says one thing in a vid and then post something differnt in an article. I mean the guy is conservstive as fuck with everything he recommends 250mg cycles for christ sake.
yeah i saw that, if the dose was actually 3mg but it was 80mg group that got cancer not the 3mg group. idk derek says one thing in a vid and then post something differnt in an article. I mean the guy is conservstive as fuck with everything he recommends 250mg cycles for christ sake.
When the studies first came out I believe there was misinformation about them then it was corrected iirc. The rats did take gw for a majority of their life nonstop though. Main reason it's recc to take breaks.
When the studies first came out I believe there was misinformation about them then it was corrected iirc. The rats did take gw for a majority of their life nonstop though. Main reason it's recc to take breaks.
maybe thats why derek changed his facts on it. Idk it makes me think that those studies are not realiable now. oh wow i clicked the link you posted is a completly differnt article he wrote about the primate and human trials he didnt cover any of that in the one i read. and these rats have a really high chance of getting cancerl. yeah fuck that study that would not apply to anyone but one of those cancer rats . Of course they would do that they dont want people to lose weifght they make too much money off of all the diabetics out there. this study was sabatoged imo. shit gives those rats any drug they would develop cancer imo
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That's why I let science guys explain science things. If you're just a gym bro with a different area of expertise, let those with science, medical and research background articulate studies and data. I find they have better and more profound ways to translate it to layman's term.

Like they say, stay in your lane.
That's why I let science guys explain science things. If you're just a gym bro with a different area of expertise, let those with science, medical and research background articulate studies and data. I find they have better and more profound ways to translate it to layman's term.

Like they say, stay in your lane.
true, i guess im just giving my opinon on the matter. guys dont take what i said as fact, its sinply my opinon.
hey man take that up with derek from MPMD im just saying what he said. and what the study said. where did you see 3mg? the study i read said 80mg .
Don’t repeat things said by people who have made money selling the drug that they say is safe. Derek pushed that shit—among other things—for years and he has a financial and moral incentive to pretend like what he did wasn’t dangerous. He is not a trustworthy source of information when it comes to certain things.
Don’t repeat things said by people who have made money selling the drug that they say is safe. Derek pushed that shit—among other things—for years and he has a financial and moral incentive to pretend like what he did wasn’t dangerous. He is not a trustworthy source of information when it comes to certain things.
well we can agree on this, thats for sure.
Try 80-100ng of Tren per week. You really don’t need all that much. Unless you’re a fat useless cunt who goes to the gym and focuses more on your music playlist than actually lifting anything in a consistent sense. I got wonderful gains on 175mg a week, and I went mad. I got great gains on 125mg a week and I still went mad. I also got an absolutely phenomenal recomp effect at the end of a test/deca blast using 80mg TrenE a week. But I also went mad.

Only an asshole would dive right Into Tren, you’ll give us all a bad name.
Try 80-100ng of Tren per week. You really don’t need all that much. Unless you’re a fat useless cunt who goes to the gym and focuses more on your music playlist than actually lifting anything in a consistent sense. I got wonderful gains on 175mg a week, and I went mad. I got great gains on 125mg a week and I still went mad. I also got an absolutely phenomenal recomp effect at the end of a test/deca blast using 80mg TrenE a week. But I also went mad.

Only an asshole would dive right Into Tren, you’ll give us all a bad name.
bro i went mad too from tren. theres evidence now (at least thats what good said) that it can cause you to become phsycotic.. I can say that this is true actually. The manin thing I notice is serve delustional paranoia, I always think everyone is out to get me and that theyre lying to me and my girl is cheating on me with the fat neighbor guy and then confront him and the guy at the store who looked at me wrong ill say "you got a problem with me man" 'Huh" and there just standing there dumbfounded and shaking thinking this fucking dude is nuts.. yeah it can get pretty bad, I was on 700mg tho hahah whats scary about tren is you truly belive that these are actually happening. and then when you off tren your thinking man i cant believe i actually thought that.. weird. I agree with Oml go easy with tren go easy.
why not 400 then? why not 500? why not 600? why not 1gram of of tren a day?
Try 80-100ng of Tren per week. You really don’t need all that much. Unless you’re a fat useless cunt who goes to the gym and focuses more on your music playlist than actually lifting anything in a consistent sense. I got wonderful gains on 175mg a week, and I went mad. I got great gains on 125mg a week and I still went mad. I also got an absolutely phenomenal recomp effect at the end of a test/deca blast using 80mg TrenE a week. But I also went mad.

Only an asshole would dive right Into Tren, you’ll give us all a bad name.
bro i went mad too from tren. theres evidence now (at least thats what good said) that it can cause you to become phsycotic.. I can say that this is true actually. The manin thing I notice is serve delustional paranoia, I always think everyone is out to get me and that theyre lying to me and my girl is cheating on me with the fat neighbor guy and then confront him and the guy at the store who looked at me wrong ill say "you got a problem with me man" 'Huh" and there just standing there dumbfounded and shaking thinking this fucking dude is nuts.. yeah it can get pretty bad, I was on 700mg tho hahah whats scary about tren is you truly belive that these are actually happening. and then when you off tren your thinking man i cant believe i actually thought that.. weird. I agree with Oml go easy with tren go easy.

1400mg here, pussies

P.S. I can't scratch my neck anymore
Well we all know that you’re utterly retarded, so your opinion and thoughts mean less than nothing around here.
hey man i like lsdpowerlifter cuz he does all the shit i want to do but dont, like frontload 5 grams of tren or whatever it was. Hes still alive so i know if i wanted to fontload 5 grams of tren i could do that and it would not kill me. Hes one of us he just does crazy shit haha im curiose tho.. Does he actually take lsd and go do powerlifting meets?
1400mg here, pussies

P.S. I can't scratch my neck anymore
jesus youre up to 1400mg now? Dude check your closet you might have someone tied up in there haha bro thats a lot of tren you should read my post about is making you psycotic there is new evidence of this backed by real scientists and i can say its true.
recently started tren also started at 300mg aswell. at this dose negative sides have been over exaggerated for sure. I think this stuff will only make u a huge fag if u already were one or if you have an evil soul. only negative effect ive experienced is acid reflux so prilosec omeprazole on hand. Also some insomnia but if you're training hard it wont matter
Hey bro, not to be an alarmist, but I have been around for a while (like 30 years in BB and AAS), make sure that heartburn isn't your actual heart. I had a close family member die of a heart attack and for months he complained of heartburn. Yes he was an AAS user and yes it was his heart. There was an autopsy that showed he had a 90% blockage and that a minor blood clot killed him. If he had been checked when he had heartburn, he would be here today.