10mg a day on gw improves my lipids. I run during harsh stuff then stop just to make me feel like I'm safe. Im not. But it works in both aspects!
Hey bro, what is GW. i want to improve my LDL/HDLs is that what you are refering to?
There is in fact a staggering amount of evidence. If there wasn’t then it would be an FDA approved treatment for multiple indications already. The fact that this drug—which was shown to aid in weight loss and improve cholesterol—has never been picked up by any pharmaceutical company once it was dumped tells you just how bad it was. There are hundreds of questionable biotech companies out there that will take a shot on a riskier looking drug. None of them touched this stuff. Ask yourself why not one company thought that it was worth exploring what would have been a multibillion dollar a year blockbuster. Either every single one of them is dumb and doesn’t understand the animal models used, OR they all know that this shit is basically rat poison and they’re not interesting in being in the extermination business. There’s a reason the only people who say it’s safe are gym bros and the companies selling it.
Good post, IY
There really isn't that much evidence.

There is no human data suggesting it and in the mice model they used the mice breed they used were specifically genetically prone to all type of cancers.

It's worth considering and caution, but it's far from a smoking gun

There’s no human data because nobody’s going to approve a trial giving people a known carcinogen.
I’ve been here a while and this is without question the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this august forum. And this place used to allow Naps to post. If you don’t know how any of this works—and man, you really, really do not—you’re always free to just not say anything.

The dosing that caused the drug to be pulled was 3mg/kg/d.

Human equivalent dose (HED) for a mouse is the original dose divided by 12.3. 3/12.3 = .24mg/kg

200lb (90kg) man would need to take 21.95mg per day to meet the standard that was found to be carcinogenic. That’s not quite as much as your math says. You were close though. You were only off by like 11,662x.
It always amazes me that people say “don’t worry it’s probably OK”.

Like, there are gullible people out there who will take it and then say “I didn’t expect this cancer, some guy on the internet said it would probably be ok”.
There is in fact a staggering amount of evidence. If there wasn’t then it would be an FDA approved treatment for multiple indications already. The fact that this drug—which was shown to aid in weight loss and improve cholesterol—has never been picked up by any pharmaceutical company once it was dumped tells you just how bad it was. There are hundreds of questionable biotech companies out there that will take a shot on a riskier looking drug. None of them touched this stuff. Ask yourself why not one company thought that it was worth exploring what would have been a multibillion dollar a year blockbuster. Either every single one of them is dumb and doesn’t understand the animal models used, OR they all know that this shit is basically rat poison and they’re not interesting in being in the extermination business. There’s a reason the only people who say it’s safe are gym bros and the companies selling it.
Because statins and generally anti hyperlipidemia drugs are big money makers. Big pharma doesnt want to cure you, thry want to treat you for your rest of your life.

That said, the jury is out there. Everyone can make their choice weighting perosnal risk to reward ratio