Flame On: A DNP Log


New Member
Hey dudes.

This seemed like the best board to post a little DNP log at. Out of all of my research, this board is generally more open to it.

Anyways I'm about 6 days into it as we speak. So I will post to catch up to where I am.

Writing this log in hopes that Noobs seeking DNP information and logs will read and get something else to base their decision on. I know in my experience I think I've read just about every single log there is over the past 2 or 3 months, and not one of them suited my exact situation.

If you feel the need to flame, it's all good. But maybe you might try to understand that what someone is doing to their body is their own business, and maybe, just maybe you don't know the whole story behind their reasons or previous experience.

Let me explain that I do have a lot of experience with exercise and lifting. I know how to eat right (when I want to) and I can for sure lose weight with diet and cardio. Yes, I'm sure everyone in the world can. No need to mention it. Merely documenting my own experience, and providing information for anyone interested.

I don't plan on logging all my meals. But will give a basic outline and perhaps insight on daily change-ups every once in awhile.

I'm just coming off my 4-week PCT from an H-drol run. Gained a little more fat than expected.. But I am now a manlet monster.

Also, in February of last year, I was 196lbs and got down to 165 before starting that cycle. Ended up gaining about 13lbs (with a little fat) and kept most of it.

So, coming off a bulk and trying to cut back down to 162-165 again.

On with the show....


22 Year old male
5'8 178 lbs
~17% Bodyfat

Likes long walks on the beach ... wait wut? haha

Supps using:

Gaspari Myofusion Chocolate (Can't get enough of this stuff best tasting/desirable protein for me)
Maxx Multi
Generic Wild Fish Oil
EC (when I need it.)
Green Tea (When I feel like it)
Superpump 250 for when I don't have the urge to lift but think I should anyway.
CMi Chia Pro

Running D's 250mg crystalline. Also realize that this is not actually 250mg of DNP and closer to 190mg so 200 for the sake of argument.
When I talk about dosage I sometimes I may simply say Caps instead of this dosage to avoid confusion
Knowing that 2 Caps = ~380 that is almost equal to 400mg Powder in my mind.

As we all know, you can't really plan a DNP cycle, only take it day by day and assess your individual tolerance and desirability for sides vs. how you feel.

This being said I "planned" to start running for days 1-4 @ 1 Cap (250mg)

Want to do a 15 day cycle. Although I may extend it. Plan to get to about 162-163 @ ~13% BF or
lower if possible.

Day 1: Actually a Tuesday night. Took 1 cap around 5:30pm and just hung out in my room doing some audio work until I decided to go to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary. A little warm, but that was an expected placebo effect I believe.

Day 2: Again took a cap at 5ish. No warmth to speak about really, but urine is starting to get highlighter yellow. The way it does when I take a multi. Lightens up when I drink more water, but never really gets clear. (Drinking about 3-4L a day) I won't get into details about what I've been eating but after stacking on some muscle, my maintenance has been raised a little to about 2600 and I feel i'm eating around 2000-2100.

Day 3: 1 cap at 5pmish. Nothing out of the ordinary during the day, feel the same as I always do at work. (walking about 12,000 steps a day is enough cardio for me) That night had a live sound gig to work for a friend's band at a real swanky restaurant. Had a $40 plate a of scallops (for free of course) and (1) Guinness. Followed by copious amounts of water. It was a hot place to start with, but I didn't really even sweat or feel overwhelmed by heat.

Day 4: Decide to proceed with 2 caps a day and assess how I feel. Took one at 8am before work. Took another at 5ish. Day off. So i went home to visit my folks for the weekend. Parents are health freaks, so I figured it would be great... but they chose this weekend to fall off the wagon for some reason. Needless to say, I perhaps went about 300cal over my maintenance. Starting to heat up now that I've eaten some junk food (Fish and chips to be exact). Greasy and carby. Made me feel surprisingly good actually.

Day 5: Halloween. You can guess where this is going. Woke up my mother bringing me an A&W teen burger. Wtf. ah well. Did some solid work for the old man. Worked up quite a bit of a sweat. Told my mom I was on DNP and explained what it does. She was cool with it. Dad already knew. (knew about the h-drol too.. how else do you explain a 13lb muscle gain in just 2-3 weeks?). 18 year old teenagers coming to trick or treat without costumes. hahaha get a life dudes, or next year I will camp in the bushes with my paintball gun. Warm night on the Canadian east coast. about 18 C.. weird for this time of year. Slept on the pullout in their basement with the fan on. Same Cap dosage as yesterday.

Day 6:
Holy shit Holy shit. Sweaty McSweatSweat. Must be from all the crazy mini halloween chocolate bars my mom shoved at me last night. Needless to say, today was the first day I really felt the heat. But it still wasn't even THAT bad. Drank a protein shake for breakfast and wore a t-shirt on the hour drive home with the windows down. Another protein shake for lunch.Couple mini chocolate bars. 2 or 3 at 60 cals each. Dinner was Tuna/tiny bit of mayo w/asparagus spears and brocolli in a whole wheat pita. Another protein shake before bed.
Still @ 2 caps. Still sweating up a storm. Spunk is yellow and radioactive. That's fucking cool.
Today was the first day I've had a chance to lift, so I guzzled some Superpump and worked out till I couldn't move. No pump to speak of. Just tired. But feeling good about myself.

Day 7: (Today)
First time I've weighed myself.
Sweet. That's about 9lbs in 6 1/2 days. Most was water, But I'll take that.
Last night was the only night so far I've had a bit of trouble sleeping. Just turned the fan up to 3 and woke up every few hours to drink some water. Got about 10 hours.
Woke up sweating like yesterday. Took a dose of EC so I'd be good for work. Protein shake, 1 Cap of DNP and my other random supps. Cold shower. Radioactive Piss. It seems no matter how much water I drink it gets progressively darker. I take this as a good sign that 2 caps is a perfect dose for me, and I won't raise the dosage until I feel it's starting to lose it's benefit.
Today's menu is:

Protein Shake
Protein Shake
Tuna w/Asparagus, broccoli and brussell sprouts.
Protein Shake

EC will blunt my hunger. Haven't used stims for awhile. As I'm typing this, I feel like I'm on crack at work. Thank god for this desk fan in between A/V setups.

I'll update again either tonight or tomorrow. Looks like I might try to run longer than 15 days. I feel no real bad sides and am loving the progress in the mirror.

Special thanks to Conciliator. I have learned TONS from reading almost all of your posts over teh intarweb. You're insights are incredibly valuable. And I encourage anyone interested in DNP or the science behind it to check out his posts.

Also a blanket thank you to anyone's log who I have read. and I'm pretty sure I've read them all.
It's experiences pro and con that help people decide if substances are for them.

Any questions.. fire away.

Thanks for reading.
Day 10

I'm going to title this, "Won't be doing that again!"

Last night was weird. Super weird. I felt I was comfortable at 2 caps, so I decided to try 3 to assess my tolerance. I wasn't impatient, but I was in for the night and decided that if anything major were to happen, at least I was at home and could deal with it.

So really, nothing at all happened until 2am. Woke up, drenched in sweat with the covers over me for some reason. KNEW that I needed water. I'm talking primal instinct knew that I needed water. My water jug was empty.
I stand up, disoriented and bolt to the kitchen where I discover my roommate has left the brita filter empty and placed it back in the fridge. - I am enraged.

I stick it under the tap and fill it up, meanwhile I'm feeling my heart pounding in my head for some reason.. It doesn't matter to me at the time, shit, now I've gotta use the bathroom. Ok. in the bathroom waiting for the brita to filter itself, and I start losing my hearing. Starts out slow, I can barely stand, eyes half open.. turn around to the sink to wash up and reach for the q-tips.
Nothing in my ears. that's strange.. why am I going progressively more deaf and what's up with this headache?... Oh well. I need water. screw it.

By the time I got back to the kitchen i poured the water into a 1l bottle and started walking back. The hallway is dark so I can't see, and I am COMPLETELY deaf in both ears. (Hellen Keller styles.) Head is pounding. Walking into walls, doors and a dehumidifier. Making quite the noise. But I am spatially unaware. Shit this is weird.

Get back to my room, chug the water, try to lay down. Totally freaked out as to why my ears feel like they're full of fluid and I can't hear. Stay awake thinking about it for about 15 mins, as my hearing fully comes back.

It was just a major headrush. Not blaming DNP, because I was the idiot that was horizontal for 4 hours then decided to stand up in half a second. Just never felt that weird before.

The rest of the night I kept waking up and couldn't decide if I was Freezing and needed blankets, or the window open and fan on max. It was quite the struggle.

Needless to say, I think 2 caps is enough for me. I was too sweaty, and It totally was not worth it.
Day 11: (Kind of)

Alright, I was going for a 14ish day cycle but I just couldn't handle the sides. I was too lethargic and hot (not really sweating all the time, just red all over). I'm honestly downplaying the horridness of it.
Because it was bad.

Wednesday Night I had to lay on the deck with no shirt on at 11:00 pm at night with the temp at well below 0 Degrees. It still felt like summertime. I had scaled back my dosage to 2, but my body was saying no, so I decided to listen. I also caught a rather nasty bout of flu, coughing and sneezing and such.

Thus I ended my cycle at 10 days. I am not disappointed with this in the least as It appears that I may have lost just about what I wanted to accomplish in 10 days.

It's far too early to tell. Still have 3 or 4lbs of waterweight to come off as well.

There was one major downfall to ending this cycle. I got a rash. A huge rash. A huge total body rash. It's nasty, and I still have it. red dots everywhere, can't really go out in public.

Been pumping myself full of benedryl but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I quite honestly expected this to happen, so I had a bunch on hand anyway. That is really the only bummer.
It is also very itchy.

So. Before waterloss I am sitting at about 167lbs. After waterloss, I expect to be around 163-164.

I will post back if there are replies. Will post summary of experience in a few days after I weigh myself again.

Sorry, no before and after pics. wasn't THAT big of a change. But I can tell for sure.

Day 11: (Kind of)

Alright, I was going for a 14ish day cycle but I just couldn't handle the sides. I was too lethargic and hot (not really sweating all the time, just red all over). I'm honestly downplaying the horridness of it.
Because it was bad.

Wednesday Night I had to lay on the deck with no shirt on at 11:00 pm at night with the temp at well below 0 Degrees. It still felt like summertime. I had scaled back my dosage to 2, but my body was saying no, so I decided to listen. I also caught a rather nasty bout of flu, coughing and sneezing and such.

Thus I ended my cycle at 10 days. I am not disappointed with this in the least as It appears that I may have lost just about what I wanted to accomplish in 10 days.

It's far too early to tell. Still have 3 or 4lbs of waterweight to come off as well.

There was one major downfall to ending this cycle. I got a rash. A huge rash. A huge total body rash. It's nasty, and I still have it. red dots everywhere, can't really go out in public.

Been pumping myself full of benedryl but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I quite honestly expected this to happen, so I had a bunch on hand anyway. That is really the only bummer.
It is also very itchy.

So. Before waterloss I am sitting at about 167lbs. After waterloss, I expect to be around 163-164.

I will post back if there are replies. Will post summary of experience in a few days after I weigh myself again.

Sorry, no before and after pics. wasn't THAT big of a change. But I can tell for sure.

Sorry to hear of the rash thats sucks man. I have been spared so far. I have just been hot and at night it hasnt been that bad. Sick as it sounds it really hasn't lived up to all the scary stuff I heard about dnp and I'm slightly disappointed I was expecting insane sweating and crap like that . I am still on 2 caps a day (day 8 or 9) I am sticking with this dose. regardless of the lack of sides I am still very careful and not taking this lightly. gstay what was your starting weight? I'm thinking of going maybe 14 to 20 days what do you think? I will say I rubbed one out the other day (girl is out of town :() and my shit was yellow!! Think it'll be alright to dump that in her or will she start sweating? [:o)]
Day 10

I'm going to title this, "Won't be doing that again!"

Last night was weird. Super weird. I felt I was comfortable at 2 caps, so I decided to try 3 to assess my tolerance. I wasn't impatient, but I was in for the night and decided that if anything major were to happen, at least I was at home and could deal with it.

So really, nothing at all happened until 2am. Woke up, drenched in sweat with the covers over me for some reason. KNEW that I needed water. I'm talking primal instinct knew that I needed water. My water jug was empty.
I stand up, disoriented and bolt to the kitchen where I discover my roommate has left the brita filter empty and placed it back in the fridge. - I am enraged.

I stick it under the tap and fill it up, meanwhile I'm feeling my heart pounding in my head for some reason.. It doesn't matter to me at the time, shit, now I've gotta use the bathroom. Ok. in the bathroom waiting for the brita to filter itself, and I start losing my hearing. Starts out slow, I can barely stand, eyes half open.. turn around to the sink to wash up and reach for the q-tips.
Nothing in my ears. that's strange.. why am I going progressively more deaf and what's up with this headache?... Oh well. I need water. screw it.

By the time I got back to the kitchen i poured the water into a 1l bottle and started walking back. The hallway is dark so I can't see, and I am COMPLETELY deaf in both ears. (Hellen Keller styles.) Head is pounding. Walking into walls, doors and a dehumidifier. Making quite the noise. But I am spatially unaware. Shit this is weird.

Get back to my room, chug the water, try to lay down. Totally freaked out as to why my ears feel like they're full of fluid and I can't hear. Stay awake thinking about it for about 15 mins, as my hearing fully comes back.

It was just a major headrush. Not blaming DNP, because I was the idiot that was horizontal for 4 hours then decided to stand up in half a second. Just never felt that weird before.

The rest of the night I kept waking up and couldn't decide if I was Freezing and needed blankets, or the window open and fan on max. It was quite the struggle.

Needless to say, I think 2 caps is enough for me. I was too sweaty, and It totally was not worth it.

Symptoms sound like low blood pressure. I've read Viagra can do the exact same thing, but if your heart was pounding hard, who knows.
Wow I am on day 10 or 11 i forget but i am at 2 caps per day. Last night was horrible. I could not sleep i was very achy and mouth constantly dry. I was drinking water like a champ. Today severe headache and entire body feels like i was beaten up. Hurting all over. absolutely no energy i feel very run down but i can not sleep. anyone experience this before? I did not take my dnp today im afraid to. I feel awful!
That's pretty much what made me discontinue. but I'm very happy with the results and weight is still coming off.

Doing a low dose 20 day cycle starting sometime next week.
How long after stopping taking DNP does the urine return to its normal colour and water retention leave? I stopped mine 6 days ago now and my urine is still bright yellow and I still have loads of water stored on my belly and middle.