Fluctuating low t4 with normal tsh


New Member
My ft4 fluctuates and is mostly at the lower side and never more than 12pg/ml.
I’m not on anything at the moment, but will take hgh. Last time I checked my ft4 was 8,4pg/ml. Tsh was normal, doctor said no antibodies.

How much Levothyroxine should I take if I plan injecting 5iu of hgh everyday. I would start with 25mcg, but don’t plan going past 50mcg.

Also I don’t know if it matters, but my doctor said it could be that my ft4 is high in the morning and drops after that, but in my opinion they should be always in range, even at evening. I have some symptoms like extremely cold hands and feet, feeling fatigued.

I also have type 1 diabetes and celiac, but I don’t know if it has something in common.
How is your free t3?
If that is in range then you shouldn’t worry imo.
Take t4 when your tsh is getting high on hgh to bring it to normal range
From experience, I have run 50-100mcg of t4 on rhgh, AI's recommendation is 50mcg - 150mcg the dose depends on goals. For fatloss and metabolic enhancement, the someone should lean more towards 100-150mcg.