I had to look, now I cant help myself....
WARNING: This writing is going to be the most convoluted attempt at a technical interpretation of data you have ever seen me produce. But if you are hesitant to lend me any credence I will point out one thing first. THiS DATA PROVES EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING - THAT SERUM COUNTS MEAN NOTHING OF ACTUAL VOLUMES OF TESTOSTERONE PROCESSED.. And to what, who knows. I am vindicated....
I am not expert or doc either. I AM,,,, ANEC-MAN...................
And their resulting "P" was greater than %5 to possibly achieve the supraphysiological TT levels of 1800-2499 NG/DL?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee, so whats the P on a normal range.....[

)] OK, 77%... Still says nothing about actual metatabolism. This speak volumes about my hypothesis of NUMBER COUNTS PROCESSES going on as incalculable... 10-70mgs a day... WTF... Either a shitload is getting wiped off ineffected, or a shitload is being processed unaccounted... I think the truth is somewhere in there.....
Bear with me as I jump around this read with my BAZOOKA>.. But you could really just blindfold yourself and throw darts to pick this one...
I pursued the company info and determined this is the group to trademark the incorporation of oxycodone as Percocet?!?!!? and other forms of transdermally applied oxycodone.....
I was impressed in many ways. MOSTLY SHOCKED AT THE WHOLE THING...
FIRST. I have to say that the pharmacological prescribing info was written like a steroid abusing idiot had a wet dream and wrote it down upon waking........

I was barking the other day about the fact that I find it so interesting the limited amount of information provided about testosterone metabism that is available from companies like UpJohn, who produce testosterone Depot.... So finally I see a company has provided further infor. Like elimination. I found it interesting that they described the path as 90% kidney / urine which explains the stong smell I used to get when pissing on withing 24-48 hours of dosing TRT heavy side. STILL They failed to identify unmetabolized Testosterone exit pathways, and what proportions, and what they come out as.... I do notice that they address DEPOT testosteroe here... HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT APPLY AT ALL!?!?!?! I am starting to think esterfied testosterone distributes on a MASSIVE SCALE throughout the body into fat. Because for this company to actually denote the urine metabolism derivative,
it proves all that much more, that it is more likely to process immediately with no ester attached to it, and makes me wonder IF ANY AT ALL CAN ESCAPE WITHOUT BEING FIRST METABOLIZED...!?!?! For them to state that here would indicate that a lot of users report the smell of the excretion. So hen does this help to conclude that esterfied testosterone gets deposited throughout the body into fat!?!? I wonder.
So lets take a closet look at the prescribing info here.
1. Note the application with the pump apparatus. I find it amusing that they list dosing protocol based on serum feedbacks as a "zero in approach". The whole notion of associating a pump with specifics of implied accuracy if so fucked... At least creams are accurately dosed at the application point.... However, I am guessing they have some delivery method to get through the skin that is quicker and more conclusive (first thoughts to change)...
1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE FORTESTA is an androgen indicated for replacement therapy in males for conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone: Primary hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) – testicular failure due to conditions such as cryptorchidism, bilateral torsion, orchitis, vanishing testis syndrome, orchiectomy, Klinefelter’s syndrome, chemotherapy, or toxic damage from alcohol, heavy metals. These men usually have low serum testosterone concentrations and gonadotropins (Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)) above the normal range. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) – idiopathic gonadotropin or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) deficiency or pituitary-hypothalamic injury from tumors, trauma, or radiation. These men have low serum testosterone concentrations but have gonadotropins in the normal or low range.
Look at that English grammar, syntax, and use of for a conglomeration of words that looks like a retard wrote it.!!! Confusing, run-on, vaguely borderline incorrect. Why cant they just say PRIMARY, the nuts dont work due to injury, so the brain puts out high levels of LH/FSH attempting to kick em up not knowing they are hurt... Or secondly, Secondary, the brain is injured and not putting out enough LH...? (Except of course better put). You get the point. Its like the guy that wrote it did not even really understand the concepts. THIS MAY BE A FIRST IN HISTORY TO MAKE THIS ATTEMPT.... Amazing... Further to see it described and knowing what the intention was, almost demonstrates an attempt at discrediting the entrie validity of Testosterone as a drug therapy.... Just unbelievable... They get specific with potential causes, and then act like invitees to "fools night out".... Is this a waking subvert or what....
And what about the dosing reginmen?!?!? 40mgs a day. WTF?? I am now thinking their delivery is SHIT. Note how they openly discuss not to handle children and women with spray areas. They are the first to acknowledge this, but now I know why!!! Sweet Hesus... With effective rates that low.. OR ARE THEY? Again we are taking serum counts and HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IS USED.
FURTHER, as they discuss elimination through urine as an acid, they stil can't qauntify how this relates to volume processed, only proportions could be attained this way... THey give data I dont quite understand, and dont bother to elaborate. So 6% is fecal unconjugated, but does metabolism yield exponetial returns on eliminated molecules perhaps, and in which directions?
Jumping Forward, look at the chart describing the steady state concentrations on day 90. DO ALL CHARTS LOOK LIKE THIS BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER REALLY TRYIED TO DECIPHER ONE... So on Day 90, (23=N) of the total (149(N)) patients
were dosing at 70 MGS A DAY!!.. AND of that 23 patients, the had an AVERAGE Blood Count of 415 ng/dl with a Maximum blood count of 724ng/dl withing the 24 period of the last day, and prior to the dose.... Look at the standard deviations of 136 & 313 for that column.. Thats about 33 - 45% in relation to Ng/dl measured. Now see how the standard deviations (How close other measurements were) of the lower daily dosings and note they are all higher. It makes sense and it doesn't.. For the middle dosing range to achieve the highest TT values AND highest deviations at the same time EVEN (as compared to 70mg group)
could only state that the 70 mg/day group are fucking idiots.. OR DOES IT SAY NOTHING AS WE STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHO BURNED HOW MUCH OF WHAT>...

And perhaps they burn through a lot more faster and their blood levels stay lower because of.. WHO FUCKING KNOWS BECAUSE THERE HAVE BEEN NO OTHER MEASURES OF THE IMPORTANT FACTORS THAT ARE INCALCULABLE...
THe chart does speak volumes in the fact that all dosing regiments had about the same average & Max blood concentrations throughout the day, yet some put on more and some put on less.... Further the deviation remaining the same thoughout different number of folks dosing at the whole specturm of MGs says alot when you consider the previous sentence. IF you look at this chart from my perspective of DEMAND BASED Production and usage, you can see that the VARIANCE IN EFFECT is not related to the drug, BUT THE INDIVIDUAL.... So how does a 20mg/day patient have the same measured Serim TT counts as the 70 mgs/day patient. Have I said it yet,,,, DEMAND BASED USAGE. THIS SAYS EXACTLY THAT MOUNTAINS OF TESTOSTERONE ARE PROCESSED
WITH NO UNIT COUNTER APPLYING. How in the hell could someone putting on 20mgs/day have the same blood counts as someone putting on 70mgs/day.!?!? Well, they cant be all that stupid as to not be able to hit the target with a spay pump.. THEY ARE USING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AMOUNTS.
AND VARYING BY THE BUSHELL....... THis data can only prove that SERUM COUNT MEANS JACK SHIT.....

And acutally, I would have liked to see how much remained on the skin at the end of 24 hours in the different dosing groups, thus, can the body only take what it wants at that level too....
NOTE SHBG Changed in none. Of course at it is a fine tune tweek already stressed by the current situation prior to application. THEY WERE PROBABLE ALL 20-40 if primary, or 10-12 if secondary. Secondary being the widely molested term today where the "Low-T" male falls. NOTICE THEY DID NOT MENTION HIM IN THEIR LIST OF CAUSES....
Notice they only credit 40% of TT to be regulated by SHBG, and 48% by Albumin. Is that correct.?? I think I need to learn more about loosely bound. Could that simply be a stage where the SHBG is partially released (or the reverse- prior to that), and one state is more in flux and EITHER READY TO GO OR GET PISSED OUT.
Kinda the "on-deck" portion of bound TT???? I wonder...
So a question comming to mind is: IF secondary hypogonadism is the brains failure to send signal, and primary is the failure of the testicles to produce. Then dont we have a chicken or egg quandry in many cases. How do you determine if the brain did not cause the testicles to shut down and shrivel up when they are so vague about effective LH numbers not to mention there appear to be an effective curve with regard to the rate of return at as the number decrease (returns remain adequate till below 1, moreso IMO). Plus I am thinking differnt testicles produce different volumes per unit of LH depending on the model of testicle [

Fuckit I am done for now. This was definitely groundbreaking publication as far as I know. I have not seen anything like it published for a SynT application. Am I in the dark ages??