Freezer experiment

I put 1 test E, 1 tren, and 1 prop in the freezer overnight, the oil was unchanged and sane consistency not cloudy no crystals, do you know who it was? MLG :wank:

Lol fuck mlg. They're still sending me vials trying to get my order right from last year[:o)] I've gotten 6 total for free and over 200 "dbol" caps. Hmmm what to do with all this cloudy, contaminated, floater, uneven filled vials :rolleyes:
Crystal size is mainly a function of cooling rate. Slower cooling produces larger crystals.
Recently received some Bold Cyp and Bold Ace from PEP. They sat outside for 3-4 hours at about 20 degrees before I could get them.

Brought them in, opened right away and there appeared to be what looked like a little slushiness. Upon warming up there was some crystallization. After a few days I heated them up at about 150-175 degrees and the crystals all resorbed.

Can someone tell me whether that can or may have damaged the compound?

I'm assuming that whoever brews it would heat it up to at least that to get it to initially absorb into the oil.