From weight-loss surgery to weight-loss meds


New Member
I've been lurking for a while, doing a lot of research and learning a lot.

I had duodenal switch surgery in 2001 and lost 150 pounds super quickly. I got down to 150 and I'd kept it off (give or take fluctuating 10 pounds here and there) until the pandemic hit -- I was working from home, I had two kids doing school online, and I ate and ate. I'm also a female who turned 47 last year, and more weight gain has followed.

I've tried keto with success, only to gain it back. I'm at 177 pounds now and I'm currently injecting semaglutide but am getting antsy that compounding will be banned, so I'm looking into purchasing my own peptides. I also want to switch to tirzepatide if I can. Yes, I am one of those who have jumped on the peptides bandwagon, but want to ensure that I learn enough to make wise decisions before I jump into the DIY route.
I've been lurking for a while, doing a lot of research and learning a lot.

I had duodenal switch surgery in 2001 and lost 150 pounds super quickly. I got down to 150 and I'd kept it off (give or take fluctuating 10 pounds here and there) until the pandemic hit -- I was working from home, I had two kids doing school online, and I ate and ate. I'm also a female who turned 47 last year, and more weight gain has followed.

I've tried keto with success, only to gain it back. I'm at 177 pounds now and I'm currently injecting semaglutide but am getting antsy that compounding will be banned, so I'm looking into purchasing my own peptides. I also want to switch to tirzepatide if I can. Yes, I am one of those who have jumped on the peptides bandwagon, but want to ensure that I learn enough to make wise decisions before I jump into the DIY route.
There's a massive glp agonist thread, along with plenty of sources in the underground selling tested semaglutide and tirzepatide. As long as you invest some time reading, you shouldn't have a problem finding out everything you want to know.

These compounding pharmacies charge a lot from what I hear compared to ugl sources. Anyway, welcome and hope you stick around. Recommend you use the New Posts button to find the most actively manned threads. The glp thread stays pretty active daily.
welcome! Take a look at the GLP thread. I’ve lost a total of 120 pounds and am now maintaining my goal weight. I did sema for a while and then switched to tirze. It was a huge success. It’s definitely cheaper to buy it here than through those compounding pharmacies. And I don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon.
welcome! Take a look at the GLP thread. I’ve lost a total of 120 pounds and am now maintaining my goal weight. I did sema for a while and then switched to tirze. It was a huge success. It’s definitely cheaper to buy it here than through those compounding pharmacies. And I don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon.
Thank you! Congrats on your weight loss; that is amazing! I have been trying to keep up wth the GLP thread -- lots of good info there. The only benefit of getting the meds through the compounding pharmacies, for me anyway, is that I can use my FSA account to pay. I'm just going to have to suck it up and pay out of pocket.