Frozen steroids


So I had an unfortunate mishap of drugs being exposed to cold winter temperatures. I have some liquid Aromisin and it would seem that it has now crystallized in the vial (I have a bunch of white particles floating about). Is it shot? Or can I just stick the vial in some boiling water?
So I had an unfortunate mishap of drugs being exposed to cold winter temperatures. I have some liquid Aromisin and it would seem that it has now crystallized in the vial (I have a bunch of white particles floating about). Is it shot? Or can I just stick the vial in some boiling water?

Try a double boiler, and use low temperature, it'll probably re-dissolve well before boiling.
Oils generally get cloudy when left out in the cold, and it should be OK once gently warmed up and any separated hormone should go back into solution.
So I had an unfortunate mishap of drugs being exposed to cold winter temperatures. I have some liquid Aromisin and it would seem that it has now crystallized in the vial (I have a bunch of white particles floating about). Is it shot? Or can I just stick the vial in some boiling water?
I have had gear freeze and it was still good.
I've got some gear that I keep in the freezer. Why not. Tne is going to crash anyway why not le1513375545344642598627.jpg t it crash all the way
So I had an unfortunate mishap of drugs being exposed to cold winter temperatures. I have some liquid Aromisin and it would seem that it has now crystallized in the vial (I have a bunch of white particles floating about). Is it shot? Or can I just stick the vial in some boiling water?
Prolly just Asin falling out of suspension
I don't think it decomposed itself.

I've only had this happen once and fixed it by wrapping it up in a heating pad for awhile.

I've also heard of people using a hair dryer to fix it but I never tried it personally.
1 A hair dryer is a good idea, I must admit.

2 Where are the free escorts courtesy of Naps gear?
Prolly just Asin falling out of suspension
I don't think it decomposed itself.

1 A hair dryer is a good idea, I must admit.

2 Where are the free escorts courtesy of Naps gear?

Probably should have added that if you buy the hair dryer from Naps its guaranteed to work.