Fruit, Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, Etc.


New Member
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to ask what your experience with consuming fruit has been. I like to add a banana to my shake with some berries. The main topic I am looking to get into is why bodybuilders tend to not add fruit to their diet.

The answer seems to be that rice and potatoes and starches are turned into glucose which can be fully used as muscle glycogen whereas fructose cannot. And is instead used for fueling other parts of the body and mind. Since fruit is usually more fructose than glucose, if not all fructose, bodybuilders tend to avoid fruit altogether. Sometimes like the plague.

Is this really something that is going to make a huge difference? I mean like a banana and a cup of berries in my smoothie? If in a calorie surplus is all of that fructose really going to be turned to fat? In a deficit, is it not going to help preserve muscle in the same way that glucose does? If I don't eat fruit will I see a big difference if everything else about my diet seems to be correct? Also, when insulin is high, is this fructose going to be shoved into fat cells and not the muscles and if so how much? Maybe some fructose has its place as well?