Fuck the USPS...


New Member
Newbie to this site here... So I know y'all have horror stories.

I just tracked a package all the fucking way from China... like a brave little adventurer, gradually making his way to France, then overseas to New York and finally coming into Texas over the course of 4 weeks.

Only to get put in the wrong fucking box by the idiot mailman. For fucks sake, I'd be better off if the damn package was confiscated in Customs. At least I'd get another, even if it took another 4 weeks. I even went by the Post Office to see if it came back, they confirmed by GPS it was scanned and dropped off at the correct location... What a fucking clown. We pay these assholes with our tax money?

Now?? Unless a courteous neighbor actually takes the time to drop it off at my place... $500+ gonzo... bye bye...

EDIT - And I don't have much faith in people. I had a Amazon delivery to a nearby place with a photo. After a couple of days, I looked around and found the place. I printed out the delivery receipt with a picture of their porch and asked them to drop it off. That night, my package was on my porch... lol.

Opened... Fucking slimeballs
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I hate usps. Mother fuckers almost make as much as a surgeon but can’t put mail in a box with a matching address? How fucking hard can it be? A child with a 4th grade education could do that. I’ve resorted to using my girlfriends address because her mailman isn’t illiterate
I feel your pain, they hire incompetent assholes nowadays, and they’re lazy as hell too!

I’ve been to the local post office numerous times to raise hell abt a lazy mail delivery person leaving packages out in the rain, out to be seen and potentially stolen, or taken back to the post office when they could have clearly gotten out and left them on the front porch! What does it tell you when these fucks are subcontracted out to work for Amazon? The post office used to be a good job for ppl but not anymore. Keep hiring these hood-rats and this is exactly what you’re going to get.

I went to the DMV yesterday to do a title transfer and I gladly paid the $20 to expedite it and have it printed off there, fuck trusting the mail!!
I feel your pain, they hire incompetent assholes nowadays, and they’re lazy as hell too!

I’ve been to the local post office numerous times to raise hell abt a lazy mail delivery person leaving packages out in the rain, out to be seen and potentially stolen, or taken back to the post office when they could have clearly gotten out and left them on the front porch! What does it tell you when these fucks are subcontracted out to work for Amazon? The post office used to be a good job for ppl but not anymore. Keep hiring these hood-rats and this is exactly what you’re going to get.

I went to the DMV yesterday to do a title transfer and I gladly paid the $20 to expedite it and have it printed off there, fuck trusting the mail!!
lol... No kidding

I did my vehicle registration online during the covid. My tags never came...

Got pulled over and the Officer said a ton of people didn't get their tags either.

So it was either the DMV or USPS fucking up... or both
Newbie to this site here... So I know y'all have horror stories.

I just tracked a package all the fucking way from China... like a brave little adventurer, gradually making his way to France, then overseas to New York and finally coming into Texas over the course of 4 weeks.

Only to get put in the wrong fucking box by the idiot mailman. For fucks sake, I'd be better off if the damn package was confiscated in Customs. At least I'd get another, even if it took another 4 weeks. I even went by the Post Office to see if it came back, they confirmed by GPS it was scanned and dropped off at the correct location... What a fucking clown. We pay these assholes with our tax money?

Now?? Unless a courteous neighbor actually takes the time to drop it off at my place... $500+ gonzo... bye bye...

EDIT - And I don't have much faith in people. I had a Amazon delivery to a nearby place with a photo. After a couple of days, I looked around and found the place. I printed out the delivery receipt with a picture of their porch and asked them to drop it off. That night, my package was on my porch... lol.

Opened... Fucking slimeballs
It depends where you live.

Where I live my postman is a vet, been at it a long time. He's all business and not a fuck up, he comes from the era when being a postman was a respectable job.

That said the new guys when they fill in that's when things get messed up. That's why when I'm expecting a pack from China I watch my postman make deliveries with binoculars to see if my pack is gonna be delivered by a fuck up.

If you live in a large city with a lot of diversity that's when things get screwed up. I've had USPS lose some very expensive items claiming them as delivered and when I argued with the postmaster there was nothing I could do even though I paid for insurance, he told me to take a hike. Only company I've dealt with that pays for screw ups is UPS.
I hate usps. Mother fuckers almost make as much as a surgeon but can’t put mail in a box with a matching address? How fucking hard can it be? A child with a 4th grade education could do that. I’ve resorted to using my girlfriends address because her mailman isn’t illiterate
I think there is a low level of professionalism and work control. Therefore, such shit comes out in the end.
It depends where you live.

Where I live my postman is a vet, been at it a long time. He's all business and not a fuck up, he comes from the era when being a postman was a respectable job.

That said the new guys when they fill in that's when things get messed up. That's why when I'm expecting a pack from China I watch my postman make deliveries with binoculars to see if my pack is gonna be delivered by a fuck up.

If you live in a large city with a lot of diversity that's when things get screwed up. I've had USPS lose some very expensive items claiming them as delivered and when I argued with the postmaster there was nothing I could do even though I paid for insurance, he told me to take a hike. Only company I've dealt with that pays for screw ups is UPS.
UPS is missing the service. I have a lot of parcels lost and spoiled.
I think there is a low level of professionalism and work control. Therefore, such shit comes out in the end.
What do you mean? The reason usps gets away with barely doing their jobs is because the fucking government keeps bailing them out and because they have a union. Which is basically a “I have no consequences” card to do whatever the fuck you want and avoid being fired.
What do you mean? The reason usps gets away with barely doing their jobs is because the fucking government keeps bailing them out and because they have a union. Which is basically a “I have no consequences” card to do whatever the fuck you want and avoid being fired.
USPS is a chaotic system where at anytime your package can just disappear and there's nothing you can do about it.

If I was in charge of the USPS I would first make sure the digital tracking was set up with digital mailboxes. You couldn't put the wrong mail in the wrong box without it alarming. Actually you could set it up with GPS tracking so your package could never be delivered to the wrong place.

Technology could solve this problem.

I'd also make it against the law for the USPS to ever open a package even with a warrant, doesn't matter if the package is packed to the brim with cocaine leaking out. The postal service would take an oath to tape the hole and make sure those coke heads get their stuff.
Shit management is where it begins, you can’t fix the system if you can’t cut off the head of the dragon. The problem nowadays is the mentality of “it’s better to at least have a screwup than to not have anybody” and more and more business’s are living by that model lately
Shit management is where it begins, you can’t fix the system if you can’t cut off the head of the dragon. The problem nowadays is the mentality of “it’s better to at least have a screwup than to not have anybody” and more and more business’s are living by that model lately
Employees in America were forced to shift from a quality mindset to quantity.

I've seen it myself. Employers these days are very much obsessed with speed and getting the job done as fast as possible even if you end up with a pile of shit.

It boggles my mind after having worked with people on a personal level just how much they resent you if you call out the problems and want to do quality work, they want to get the work done as fast as possible and will become enraged if you state that you'd rather do quality work and take more time to get the job done.

You can't just target one group. You can't target the Unions because there are workers Unions that are set up to maintain quality work and standards. It's a shifting of attitudes and it's hard to find a place where Japanese obsessive levels of quality control are carried out in the States, because we are doing some really low quality work these days and as the quality lowers we accept that things are shoddy.

I can only go back to my childhood and the stuff that was made back in the 80's damn near lasting forever and the stuff made today which might last 3 weeks.
USPS is a chaotic system where at anytime your package can just disappear and there's nothing you can do about it.

If I was in charge of the USPS I would first make sure the digital tracking was set up with digital mailboxes. You couldn't put the wrong mail in the wrong box without it alarming. Actually you could set it up with GPS tracking so your package could never be delivered to the wrong place.

Technology could solve this problem.

I'd also make it against the law for the USPS to ever open a package even with a warrant, doesn't matter if the package is packed to the brim with cocaine leaking out. The postal service would take an oath to tape the hole and make sure those coke heads get their stuff.
They actually have gps on their scanners nowadays but you can bypass the gps function, Also when usps delivers to an apartment complex with a parcel locker mailbox the gps will be no good even if they are using it. The best bet is for usps to hire people with a 4th grade education so they can accurately deliver mail.
What do you mean? The reason usps gets away with barely doing their jobs is because the fucking government keeps bailing them out and because they have a union. Which is basically a “I have no consequences” card to do whatever the fuck you want and avoid being fired.
I mean that the internal management and control of the company does not strive for a quality service.
Shit management is where it begins, you can’t fix the system if you can’t cut off the head of the dragon. The problem nowadays is the mentality of “it’s better to at least have a screwup than to not have anybody” and more and more business’s are living by that model lately
Excellent and true words.